America's Road To Fame

Chapter 358: There is hope

After completing Apple and Tesla\'s stake in Siri, William Chen arrived in Los Angeles.

Now that it has entered May, the offshore account has completed the closing of the short position on the gold futures contract, opened the position with the backhand, and started to go bullish.

The Atlanta Management Committee also issued an announcement, saying that after further exploration of the gold mine, experts revised the reserves of the Atlanta gold mine, and the more reliable reserves are 3 million ounces. This value is only the initial 2000 ounces. One-seventh of the 10,000-ounce reserve rumored.

Of course, with this news, and the European debt crisis has begun to affect countries such as Italy and Spain, and even Iceland has declared national bankruptcy, the international purchase price has started a V-shaped reversal after reaching a low of $1,272 per ounce. , returned to prices above $1,400 an ounce in less than a week.

William Chen has returned to the Malibu villa in Los Angeles at this time, and Nozomi Sasaki\'s due date will soon be due, so William Chen will be here with her during this time.

This time, thanks to William Chen\'s early arrival, Nozomi Sasaki had a reaction on May 25. William Chen\'s second child, also the second daughter, came to this world about a week earlier than the expected date of delivery.

Indeed, compared with Chen Yiran, the first daughter of William Chen, the second daughter of Nozomi Sasaki, Chen Xiran, seems to have more characteristics of the East. After all, the two parents add up, and the blood of the East is more.

Chen Xiran\'s English name, Sasaki Nozomi named her Aurora, aurorachen, the name of the goddess of dawn in Greek mythology.

After Chen Xiran was born, William Chen has revised part of the family trust - a Caitlin Foundation, and his two daughters have become one of the heirs of this family trust.

And on Nozomi Sasaki’s side, William Chen bought two branch buildings of Japan’s Panasonic Corporation in Tokyo’s Minato District for $100 million, and changed the name of the building owner to Nozomi Sasaki.

These two office buildings will be temporarily entrusted to a specialized real estate brokerage company for external rental, and all rents will be used as Sasaki Nozomi\'s private income.

And William Chen has already invested in topcoat, her performing arts firm, in the name of Nozomi Sasaki. She currently holds 30% of the firm\'s shares and is one of the major shareholders.

Therefore, Nozomi Sasaki now has a stable and high income, and can already live according to her own ideas very freely. If she encounters a script she likes, she can go to the next drama appointment. At other times, she does not have to force herself to receive announcements for the company .

During this time, in California, in addition to accompanying Nozomi Sasaki, Chen William hired the top coaching team in America to train him in swimming.

Chen William\'s [Experience Amplification Ring (Intermediate)] has been used for the remaining 60 hours. Of course, the effect is also very obvious. His professional swimming postures include breaststroke, butterfly, backstroke, and freestyle. Four mainstream swimming The posture has been mastered very standard.

And Chen William\'s achievements also surprised the coaching team. His best results in training all broke the current world record, which made the coaching team think that Chen William was on some kind of drug... It\'s just that the most professional drug test conducted later denied this idea, and who is William Chen? He is a super rich man with a net worth of billions. How could he be the same as those ordinary athletes in the United States, who would not hesitate to take drugs for performance.

Think about it, this is impossible.

Therefore, his coaching team was even more excited about Chen William\'s achievements. With his current achievements, once he participates in international swimming events, or even the Olympic Games, as long as he performs normally according to the current training, it will be enough to shock the world!

As swimming coaches, they originally thought that the super rich Niu Yunsha was just playing tickets, but at that time they felt that hiring their team was a bit overkill.

But rich people, as one of the most well-known super-rich, since the other party wants to find the top coaching team and the compensation is so generous, they naturally have no objection.

As a result, Chen Xiran\'s results now gave them a huge surprise. Imagine, as a coach, if you can get a lot of money and train swimmers who have the strength to become world champions, this is not what they dream of. yes?

It\'s just that now, they can only hold back Chen Xiran\'s strength and can\'t disclose it to the outside world, because when they initially accepted the job, everyone signed a detailed confidentiality clause. Before the official competition, they were not allowed to. Disclose any training situation of Niu Yunsha to the outside world.

However, although they endured this situation very hard, they didn\'t have to endure it for too long.

When Chen Xiran left Tran Island before May, Palusha stayed there. She accepted a new job, which is to help Tran Island negotiate with the International Olympic Committee and FINA, hoping Tran Island can participate in these two international organizations.

Because only by participating in these two organizations, can Niu Yunsha be able to participate in the Olympic Games and other international swimming events in the name of Tran Island, otherwise he can only participate in the name of an individual or a member of the Atlanta Olympic Committee come to participate.

However, the part of this movement is that since 1996, the International Olympic Committee has stopped allowing non-sovereign countries to join.

Just like the teams of Huaguo participating in the Olympic Games, including the Huaguo National Team, the Huaguo Bay Team and the Huaguo hk Team, but also a general administrative region, Huaguo Liandao has never participated in the Olympic Games, because Liandao did not participate in the Olympic Games before. Joined the International Olympic Committee, and after the return of Liandao, I hoped to join the International Olympic Committee, but encountered new regulations that the Olympic Committee has not allowed non-sovereign countries to join, so it has been negotiated by the Chinese side, and still no agreement result.

As for Wanwan and hk, it was because they had joined the Olympic Committee before 1996. After the return of hk, they only need to change their names to Huaguo hk.

However, the situation of Tran Island is different from that of Huaguo Lian Island, because Oli was a member of the International Olympic Committee before, so Palusha represented Tran Island and negotiated with the International Olympic Committee for the purpose of Tran Island The island inherited Ollie\'s place in the International Olympic Committee, but the name was changed to Tran Island, and the nature was changed to the region.

It’s just that although this makes sense, what the IOC also needs to consider is that if Tran Island is allowed to join in this form, what kind of benefits can they gain, because it is reasonable to join in this way, but the premise is That is, if the participation of Tran Island in the Olympic Games can bring an increase in the visibility and influence of the International Olympic Committee, then it makes sense to do so.

If it\'s just a ticket for a super rich, just to go to the Olympics, then for them, it doesn\'t make much sense.

Therefore, now Palusha is still in communication with the International Olympic Committee, and the final result may still need Niu Yunsha to speak with her achievements.

As for FINA, they don\'t have any rules that a sovereign state must join, but the problem is, Oli is a member of the International Olympic Committee, but not a member of FINA.

All previous Olympic events this country has participated in, all in weightlifting

Uh, it seems that I can understand the figure of Ollie National before.

Therefore, if you join Niuyunsha Island has no inheritance quota and needs to rejoin, then FINA also has similar concerns as the International Olympic Committee. It is hoped that Niuyunsha Island, such a private territory that does not have many residents, is only for the personal eccentricity of the super rich Chen Xiran.

Therefore, the answer given by FINA is to allow Chen Xiran to participate in international events in a private capacity, and then if he can achieve good results, then Tran Island will be considered to join FINA.

Their so-called good results, at least need to meet the Olympic standard a standard. The standards for participating in the Olympic Games are divided into a standard and b standard, which will be announced in the year before the Olympic Games.

According to FINA regulations, each team participating in the Olympic Games, each Olympic Committee individual event can register a maximum of 2 athletes, and 2 people can participate in the competition.

These 2 people must all meet the Olympic participation standards (a standard); if one person is registered to participate, the athlete must reach the FINA Olympic Trials results (b standard).