America's Road To Fame

Chapter 346: Siri Smart Speaker

In this world, because the subprime mortgage crisis has been delayed for two years, it needs more recovery period, so Groupon may have a longer good time for group buying.

But the loneliness of the group buying model is difficult to avoid after all.

Therefore, William Chen has been prepared for a long time. Depending on the situation, he will make a band on Groupon.

His plan is to wait until Groupon goes public and start selling his stocks while the company\'s market value is high when the company is in the midst of the group buying model.

Then, when the group buying model passes, Groupon\'s business shrinks, and its market value plummets, it will absorb stocks at a low price and try to adjust the company to the direction of local services, and then it will be able to usher in the takeaway. If the transformation is successful , then Groupon can become the "Meituan" of the United States, which is also very valuable for investment.

Therefore, since William Chen has this plan, there is no need to hold too high a proportion of Groupon\'s stock, otherwise, if it is sold at a high level, the impact on the stock price will be too great.

As for the stocks held by Zoom, we will see the situation when the time comes. If the stocks of our own Meta investment company are cleared, and Groupon\'s stock price is still relatively high, then it is not impossible to sell some of them.

Thinking about this, it\'s better to give Groupon\'s founding team a favor this time, and not participate in the next financing. By the way, watch how the founder behaves, and if it\'s too difficult to collaborate, it\'s time to kick him out of the company after Groupon\'s slump.

Now the companies owned by William Chen include investment companies, related banks, and extended entertainment media and Internet industries. It can be said that it already has the scale of a consortium.

Then, after that, it is necessary to start to establish his investment style. As a consortium, he can mainly pursue economic interests when investing, that is, the so-called financial investment; he can also pursue control over related industries, that is, to control the invested companies, at least he needs to have a certain right to speak. .

Now William Chen\'s investment is to make some decisions about this, and to get the corresponding rights for those investment project meetings related to his core industries.

In addition, some important industries will also implement such a strategy. Only in some companies that are not related to his evil industries will he focus on financial investment.

After all, he has passed the initial stage of wealth accumulation at this time, and his total wealth has reached an extremely amazing level.

It\'s just that a lot of wealth has been placed in offshore funds and investment companies in various ways by him, and it will not be placed under the sun as clearly as before.

Then what he needs to seek next is himself, influence and control over many important industries.

Of course, it does not mean that he needs to hold so many shares like a subsidiary of Meta Group, because it is indeed in the environment of the United States, where you have too many shares and do not share profits with others, then it must be difficult Development, this is something he has deeply felt during this period of time.

Regarding these, Bill Gates and others have told William Chen many times, but at that time, the development of these companies was good, so William Chen still maintained a state of full control, but until now, these companies When the development momentum of the company has gradually weakened, Chen William began to feel that without allies, it has become more and more difficult to promote.

Because the other party does not hold shares and cannot obtain benefits through the development of your company, why should they help you? Even when your track has been seen to have great potential, even many companies will try to Invest in supporting your competitors and try to get a piece of the pie.

On February 15th, William Chen came to Silicon Valley. The R&D center of Meta Technology has completed the commercial version of Meta Cloud. On this day, it went public in a low-key manner.

At present, Meta Technology has established more than 10 large data centers around the world, and plans to continue to build data centers for the configuration of Meta cloud in the future.

Initially, Meta Cloud was mainly to provide cloud services for Meta Technology\'s products, including it and it, as well as Zoom and Lu Peng Ai\'s investment in spotify, Kugou, Netflix and other streaming media platforms.

The improvement process can be accelerated, and the intelligent voice speaker product proposed by Lu Peng Ai and Siri Company before has the possibility of realization.

In fact, it didn\'t take long for the experimental version of the Siri smart speaker to be produced, but this experimental version is a bit huge compared to the smart speakers that Chen William had seen in his previous life. After all, the chips in this time period and other There is still some gap between the technical level and a few years later.

However, this experimental version, which is mainly to complete the functions of smart speakers, will definitely be different when the official version is finalized.

In fact, the realization of the main functions of smart speakers is not simple. It is considered that many computers in Internet cafes have no local hard disks, and are directly fetched from the server. The local components of smart speakers do not need to be so complete, generally only need Perform sound recognition and output, and then connect to the Meta cloud. All computing, searching, and retrieving related data are performed on the Meta cloud. The local smart speaker only needs to receive the results from the Meta cloud and transmit them by voice. Just give it to the user.

Originally, Siri\'s voice recognition and intelligent voice output technology came from Nuance, and William Chen had the idea of ​​acquiring this company, but in the end he chose to hold a part of Nuance\'s shares because of the low cost performance. Then poach people to let Siri catch up in smart voice technology. Up to now, this task has been basically completed. The team of Nuance and Siri has been rounded up, and all of them have joined Siri and become the foundation of Siri\'s intelligent voice department. After more than a year of research, Siri\'s intelligent voice technology, although it can\'t be said to reach the level of Nuance\'s, is very close.

Speaking of this experimental version of the Siri smart speaker, the core component is the main control chip made by technicians after modifying a mobile phone chip. The function of this chip is to integrate the functions of the speaker to complete the preliminary calculation. , and control the various functions of the smart speaker, it can be said to be the "brain" of the smart speaker.

If mass-produced, Siri will cooperate with corresponding chip manufacturing companies, such as "Texas Instruments" or "MediaTek", to produce dedicated main control chips for smart speakers.

The technical content of the components included next is not so high, including Bluetooth module, WiFi module, microphone module, speaker module, etc. If necessary, the control module of the LED light array can be Let the smart speaker Do a lot of effects with lights

However, these are all issues that need to be considered in the later stage. The main goal at present is to adjust and experiment. After completing the more mature experimental version of the smart speaker, we will advance to the official version of the market. This process is still simple, including every The selection of individual parts, the coordinated control after forming the whole, and the selection of the foundry.

All these William Chen can be done by professional people. He is only responsible for giving suggestions on the functions that smart speakers need to have based on his experience of using smart speakers in his previous life.

Of course, not all features will be included, but at least they will be developed. Because of some modules, because of the gap of two or three years, the current cost is not suitable to be added to the smart speaker, otherwise the cost of the entire speaker will be too expensive.

Another important task is the product design of smart speakers. The experimental version is really ugly, and it is very large, almost the size of some current computer speakers, which is not acceptable.

When the smart speaker product was initially launched, the positioning would not become the price of cabbage as it did after the entry of various giants. Now smart speakers are still epoch-making products, so they must reflect the style and give customers the feeling that Apple\'s products are special, simple but not complicated, the products are full of details, and the whole gives a high-level aesthetic feeling

To this end, Lu Pengai hired a designer from Hermès Group to participate in the appearance design of this smart speaker. The goal is to be small and beautiful. On the basis of controlling the current technology and cost within a certain range, try to accomplish this as much as possible. Target.

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