America's Road To Fame

Chapter 343: As expected of my daughter

, the fastest update of the latest chapter of the road to fame and fortune in the United States!

On January 30, Ivanta was pushed into the delivery room on this day. After a few hours, William Chen finally got the good news while waiting anxiously. She gave birth successfully and the mother and daughter were safe.

Yes, Ivanta gave birth to a daughter for William Chen. The newly born baby was carried out by the nurse. William Chen saw that her skin was still a little wrinkled, but it could be seen from the outline that her daughter inherited him. And Ivanta\'s excellent genes, big eyes look very cute.

Especially when Chen William hugged his daughter carefully, she immediately became quiet from crying and looked at Chen William curiously, which made Chen William feel a wonderful sense of blood connection.

When Ivanta was pushed from the delivery room to the presidential ward of New York\'s top private maternity willingness, William Chen looked at Ivanta, who was still a little weak, grabbed her hand, kissed her, and at the same time She looked at their daughter on the cot next to them together.

Ivanta\'s face was full of happiness:

"She\'s beautiful, dear, like a princess."

"Yes, she will be as beautiful and good as you are."

So many people who followed Ivanta on Twitter saw her Twitter update a photo on the same day, it was a baby\'s little foot, with the text:

"Welcome to this world with all my love, my little princess."

Immediately, it didn\'t take long for this tweet to become the hottest post of the day, and countless people left messages below, wishing Ivanta and William Chen\'s child was born.

Even the next day, the news made the headlines of many newspapers.

For example, the Wall Street Journal wrote:

"Just yesterday, William Chen, the youngest super-rich in the world, had his own heir. His wife Ivanta gave birth to a daughter for him, and this little angel who has just come to the world, may Will become the heir to his huge business empire, this must be one of the luckiest God\'s darlings this year..."

Chen William took a Chinese name for his first child, Chen Yiran, which naturally had the name of Ivanta in it. And Ivanta gave her daughter an English name, a


After Ivanta recovered a little, she took her daughter Anna back to the Long Island Manor. She and her daughter will be carefully cared for by a postpartum recovery and babysitting team of more than 10 people.


On this day, William Chen returned to his villa on the Upper East Side alone.

Entering the study and opening a drawer of the desk, William Chen found a USB flash drive, and on the USB flash drive, "さとし" was written...

Just last night, William Chen saw an email in his mailbox from Frey Sears, the strange person he had seen in Central Park in New York more than a year ago.

In this email, there is no meaningful content, only a strange and seemingly garbled character.

Just when Chen William was guessing the meaning, he suddenly thought of the USB flash drive that the person once gave him, so he went back to this villa in the Upper East Side and found it in the study.

Chen William shook his head. Ever since he got the USB flash drive, he just put it in the drawer of the study when he came back. He really hadn\'t seen anything in it. He only remembered that Frey told himself at the time that it was him. An encrypted applet made, perhaps the answer to these garbled codes is in it.

Sure enough, when William Chen inserted the USB flash drive into the computer and opened it, there was a program inside. After opening the program, an input box appeared.

After copying the string of garbled characters in the email into the input box, click OK.

The interface changed, and a string of 51 characters was displayed. Looking at the string, William Chen had a vague guess. He opened the browser, downloaded a bitc wallet from the Internet, and then chose to import the private key. option, copy this 51-bit character into it.

Sure enough, the wallet identification was successful. Chen William opened the wallet imported by the 51-character private key, and saw that the balance inside was 7 digits before the decimal point starting with 1...

After completely deleting the wallet, Chen William let out a sigh of relief. Sure enough, his guess was correct, and, as in the legend, that person had already dug up seven-digit bitcoins.

And the reason why he gave all these bits to himself, thinking that when he saw him before, was more than a year ago, and his health was not optimistic at that time, then maybe in this world, it is like the previous life. , that person will eventually disappear in front of the world out of thin air...

And for him, what was the purpose of this move? Chen William couldn\'t guess the real situation, maybe it was just a commemoration of the day we discussed together at first?

Besides, there are still a lot of variables. If Chen William didn\'t care at all at the time, he got the USB flash drive and didn\'t take care of it, throw it away, or lost it, then this email, for Chen William, only It\'s just a piece of gibberish.

But if Chen William\'s identity is actually preserved in this USB flash drive, at least he proves that he is still somewhat interested in what he said. Perhaps this is the reason why that person made this choice?

Or, in his opinion, Chen William is the person most likely to realize his ideal in reality?

Shaking his head, Chen William no longer thought about it. He copied the string of characters in the email to the USB flash drive, turned off the computer, looked at the USB flash drive in his hand, hesitated for a moment, and put the USB flash drive in his pocket. , walked out of the villa and returned to Long Island Manor.

When he got out of the car, William Chen looked up at the night sky. Perhaps, at this moment, that person had disappeared from this world, but not many people cared about it.

It may still be many years before anyone realizes what happened on this day.

After Chen William walked into the house, he saw that in the living room, Ivanta was teasing their daughter Anna by the cot, while Anna stared at the drum in Ivanta\'s hand with a smile, and stretched out her flesh. The little hands of meat, want to grab it.

Walking closer, Chen William looked at his woman, reached out and took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, shaking it in front of her:

"Baby, do you want this?"

Who knew that Anna took a look at the USB flash drive in William Chen\'s hand and ignored it, still wanting to grab the drum in Ivanta\'s hand.

Seeing this scene, William Chen laughed.

Haha, as expected of my daughter, tens of billions of dollars are not in my eyes.


February 2, 2011 The company successfully launched a communications satellite Siren 1 for South Pacific (sp) Telecom using a Falcon 9 rocket from Vandenberg Air Force Base on the Central Coast of California, USA No.

The Siren No. 1 communication satellite of sp telecommunications company, together with the customization and launch of the satellite, cost a total of 60 million US dollars. This is also the first communication satellite of sp telecommunications company, which will provide satellites for the surrounding area of ​​Atlanta Island phone service.

Of course, the mobile phones used in ordinary times generally do not use communication satellites, but they are only used in special circumstances. The mobile phone only needs to establish more base stations to cover the scope of the application. SP Communications also cooperates with the Huawei Company of Huaguo to establish a mobile communication base station covering the whole island on Atlanta Island.

At present, the mobile phone signal coverage of the construction area has been basically completed, and within the next two months, the full coverage of the mobile phone signal of Atlanta and the Hemi Islands will be completed.

Of course, since the name is South Pacific Telecom, naturally it will not be satisfied with doing business in Atlanta. The follow-up goal of sp Telecom is to first expand its business in Machus Island, and then advance to Papua New Guinea. At present, sp Telecom has obtained a telecommunications business license in Papua New Guinea.