America's Road To Fame

Chapter 335: not cold

When the Atlan landed at HK Airport, William Chen first arrived at the temporary office of the South Pacific Industrial Investment Company.

Nearby, Li Ying rented most of a hotel to temporarily house these girls from Ukraine.

In fact, when they first came here, although they were told that they were hired by William Chen\'s Atlanta Island to work there, these girls felt a little apprehensive when they came to a foreign country. After all, many people are the first Leaving my hometown once, and Ukraine, where it is located in Eastern Europe, is one of the main sources of underground human trafficking in the West, and even has related plots in many Hollywood movies.

Many Western rich people and politicians are talking about "freedom", "human rights", and support for Ukraine. See how someone named Epstein was "suicided" in prison in order to keep some big people...

Therefore, even if it is Li Ying who has an Asian face and has all formal procedures, these girls will inevitably have concerns in this regard, but the treatment given is really good. After a formal job, the income is higher than that in Ukraine. It is several times higher in China, and even in the training stage, the subsidy is more than the salary of domestic work, so these girls still signed up for this recruitment and became the first batch of lucky ones to be admitted.

However, even after coming to HK, they were still somewhat worried. It was not until they saw William Chen speak to them that they were shortened, and everyone finally felt at ease and became more energetic. Dedicated to learning, full of yearning for the future.

Because Chen William himself said that he will first select the top 20 girls from the group of over 100 girls and join them in the subordinate institutions of the Atlanta Management Committee. As the official institution of Atlanta Island, it is equivalent to Have an "iron rice bowl".

As far as they know, even the lowest-paid clerical positions in these management committee positions earn more than $3,000 a month, which is nearly ten times more than their current domestic income. How can this not make them excited? Unusual.

Of course, this group of girls, because they have already been screened above the threshold, generally have received university education, and their grades are considered excellent, so those jobs are fully competent after simple training.

Chen William came here this time to take a look at these girls. In addition to these things, he came to HK and accepted the invitation of Yang Shucheng, the owner of Yinghuang Entertainment.

You must know that "Extreme Game" became a global hit in the morning after it was broadcast on Netflix, but it made Boss Yang particularly interested. This series not only increased users for Netflix, but also gained more broadcast revenue. , and the related peripheral products of the series are also selling globally.

According to statistics, after the broadcast of the drama, the search volume for peripheral products such as clothing and props in the drama, including Amazon, Zoom, Taobao, Jingdong and other e-commerce companies around the world, has exploded.

Huace Films and Netflix, which have been prepared for this and authorized the official peripheral manufacturers in advance, have made enough profits.

What makes Boss Yang the most envious is that the actors who participated in this drama, not to mention the protagonists such as Fan Bingbing, Quan Zhixian, Sasaki Nozomi, etc., are already well-known all over the world, and Hollywood projects frequently invite them, even if It is some of the supporting roles who do not have a heavy role in it, and they have also jumped up and have more opportunities for development.

Therefore, this time Yang Shucheng invited Chen William, and he also wanted to test whether he could cooperate with Netflix like Huace Film and Television. Even if you can\'t get such good conditions as Huace Film and Television, a direct affiliate of the Future Group, it is a good thing to have the opportunity to participate and introduce some of your own artists by the way.

Moreover, in order to catch up with Chen William, they could even give away their own ace, Bai Bing, who had spent a lot of effort in the past few days. You know, when Yang Shucheng wanted to let Bai Bing join the "Myth" TV series of Big Brother Cheng, because Bai Bing looked like Jin Xishan, Big Brother Cheng was also very moved for her at that time.

But in the end, Yang Shucheng relied on his own face to save Bai Bing from his eldest brother Cheng, or he cooperated with him with the "true temperament" of his eldest brother Cheng, and the actress he liked did not have a strong background. How can you be alone.

Now, in order to please Chen William, Yang Shucheng not only gave away the trump card in his hand, but after Chen William brought it up, he even reluctantly tore up Bai Bing\'s contract and made her a freelancer, although she seemed arrogant at the time, But Yang Shucheng\'s heart is not bleeding.

It\'s just that after all, she has experienced strong winds and waves. She understands that many times there is a choice, and there is a choice. Therefore, for better development in the future, temporary sacrifices are necessary.

Now is the time to see if your hard work will pay off.

Of course, in his current capacity as William Chen, he doesn\'t really have the time to spend a lot of time with Yang Shucheng and these people. It\'s a good thing to be able to take some time to meet him. In HK, he can really make him Those who go to admire their faces and talk for a while are nothing more than the patriarchs of those top families.

Otherwise, take a look, if Yang Shucheng asked Li Chaoren to sit at the night show, would the other party go?

It\'s just that William Chen gave him a bright attitude, which has already made Yang Shucheng very satisfied. William Chen said that in the next second season of "Extreme Games", Yinghuang Entertainment can participate and give them 10% of the Investment share, you can also introduce your own actors to join it, but the premise is to be approved by director Wen Ziren.

In addition, the episodes produced by Yinghuang Entertainment, after being reviewed by Netflix and meeting the requirements, are allowed to be put on the Netflix streaming platform and broadcast to global users.

For Yinghuang Entertainment, this is what they are looking forward to the most, because don’t watch Hong Kong dramas that are on the decline, but in the world, they have been influenced by kung fu movies, especially Bruce Lee, Big Brother Cheng and others have a lot of fans, not only In Southeast Asia, even in Europe and the United States, there are many fans of kung fu movies, so the audience for Hong Kong movies is actually there, but the problem is that it is difficult to push their episodes to these audiences.

Therefore, the Netflix streaming platform is of great significance to them.

Of course, as for the issue of cooperation with Hollywood that he is concerned about, this depends on their cooperation with Netflix. After all, MGM has been acquired by Netflix in the 20th century, and it depends on whether they can impress Haas. Tins.

After all, since the 20th Century MGM Pictures is already a subsidiary of Netflix and the boss, William Chen, will naturally not easily go over Hastings and leapfrog to interfere, and Yinghuang has not yet let him the extent to which it does so.

After seeing Li Ying again, she reported to Chen William about the recent situation, including the cooperation with Huarun Group in Yanjing, and they have already started to go to Marus Island. settlements, and construction of the cement plant has begun.

In addition, those small projects that have been tendered before have already selected the winning companies. They will send personnel to Atlanta Island within the time limit to start the construction of related projects.

At the end, after hesitating slightly, Li Ying said to Chen William, "Boss, there is one more thing."


Seeing that Li Ying didn\'t seem to want to say but was extremely reluctant to say it, he opened his mouth and said:

"My friend, Zhou Fan, didn\'t I say before that her husband also participated in our bidding. This time they also won two projects. I have seen it specifically, and it is true that the conditions for the bidding are to give the best. We will also have strict supervision in the follow-up..."

"Well, I believe you in all of this. As I said, this matter does not avoid relatives, as long as it is done according to the rules."

"Actually, she said she wanted to thank you. After knowing that you came to HK, she had already bought a plane ticket and wanted to treat you to dinner. Thank you in person. I told her that it was unnecessary. I just wanted to ask. Shouldn\'t I just refuse?"

Uh, Zhou Fan? Is she really just wanting to treat herself to dinner? I\'m afraid it\'s not certain what she\'s eating... Isn\'t it the last time that she knew the taste of the marrow, got sick and had a fever, and wanted to give her a few injections by herself?

Thinking of this, Chen William recalled the scene of that day and said to Li Ying:

"Forget it, after all, it\'s your friend. Since she\'s here soon, it won\'t hurt her heart. I\'ll take the time to meet and make it clear to her. Doing the project well is more important than anything else!! "

Chen William\'s expression is very righteous.

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