America's Road To Fame

Chapter 32: 12 hours of study a day

In this way, Chen William immediately lent all the quota, a total of 3.15 billion. In addition to the $435 million in his bank account, he took out $400 million, and a total of $3.55 billion was transferred into the securities account, ready to be handed over to Jos for operation.

The current gold price is still above $950 per ounce. Shorting at this position will still have more than 35% profit from the lowest point of the gold price.

When Joss knew that he was going to operate such a large amount of funds for shorting, he couldn\'t help but be excited. After all, he had never used such a large amount of funds to operate. This feeling of being invincible in the capital market is the most Fascinating. Of course, at the same time, the pressure to bear will also multiply, but looking at Jos\'s appearance, it doesn\'t seem to be affected too much.

And William Chen\'s requirements for Jos are also very simple, short as possible at a high position, and do not allow the use of high leverage.

Because he knows through the eyes of the future that before May 1 next year, the international gold price will stand at a historically high price of US$1,400 per ounce, and the current gold price is above US$950 per ounce. Therefore, based on this calculation, 1.5 times leverage is used. It\'s the limit.

He only knows that price now, and the trend is not clear. Therefore, since there is a temporary amount of blessing, there is no need to take risks. Therefore, for safety, he only allows Jos to use 1x leverage at most.

Then, in mid-August, the international gold price fell to a low point to close the position. However, with such a large amount of funds, it is also necessary to be very careful when opening a position. Therefore, Jos needs time and patience to minimize the impact on the gold price before opening a position.

But these are all about Joss. To be honest, it was the first time that he invested so much capital, and Chen William was not so calm. If something went wrong, he would return to the pre-liberation overnight. This is also a good opportunity to exercise his mood, and Chen William can only comfort himself like this.

After finishing the arrangement for this investment, what William Chen needs to consider now is the movie "Magic Mike" that he won in the last lottery, should he film it? He needs to make a decision.

Chen William took the time to rest after studying at noon to select the movie "Magic Mike" in the inventory of Future Bank, and watched it completely. Not to mention, watching this movie through the interface of the future bank, the effect is better than the movie viewing experience in the cinema.

After watching this movie, William Chen found that "Magic Mike" is not exactly the kind of movie he imagined that was made purely for selling meat.

The whole movie really describes the part of the dance boy\'s performance in detail, no more than 20 minutes. The other parts mainly describe the mental journey of several characters in it, choosing between a normal life and the profession of a dancer.

After careful consideration, William decided to make this movie. After all, the investment for the film was not large, only $7 million. Moreover, it has achieved a box office of 167 million worldwide, and the return on investment ratio is too high.

He is now working hard to change the public\'s negative view of himself, and the biggest flaw of his predecessor was those prodigal behaviors, especially when he invested money in film production without any good results, and lost hundreds of millions of dollars.

If this movie can really have such a high input-output ratio as introduced, then this result can still reverse some people\'s views on him, at least it proves that he can make a blockbuster movie.

In this case, if William Chen decides to start the film, he still needs to use the resources of his previous Hollywood studio.

Before, the film company founded by William Chen\'s predecessor invested a lot of money in it, but most of them joined as investors. The scale of the film company was not large, and it was more similar to investing in films. and exist.

And in the memory of William Chen\'s predecessor, he didn\'t know much about the specific situation of the film company, because Tom was helping him with these tedious things before. And he was only responsible for finding projects and investing money to join them. It was precisely because of his predecessor\'s bad vision that all the movies he invested in lost money and lost several hundred million in assets.

Chen William is also speechless about this. What kind of curse does his predecessor carry, that is, sticking all the movie projects on the wall, closing his eyes and throwing darts to decide, is far more reliable than his own choice.

"Film company? Is there any need for that film company to care?" Tom said that subconsciously when he received a call from William Chen, and then he asked in a vigilant tone: "William, don\'t you want to ask again? Are you going to invest in movies? If that\'s the case, I won\'t agree."

William Chen thought that Uncle Tom would have opinions on him investing in movies again, but he didn\'t expect him to be so vigilant.

"Uncle Tom, I have such an idea, but don\'t worry, this time I\'m going to make it myself, and it\'s a small-budget movie, with a total investment of around $5 million."

Hearing that the movie cost only 5 million, Tom was relieved. Such an investment amount can really only be said to be a low-cost movie. After all, those big productions are often hundreds of millions of dollars, or even hundreds of millions of dollars.

If it is a truck driver, he can pay you how much money. However, he was still a little worried, afraid that once William Chen started investing in movies, he would not be able to stop.

Just like before, the reason why he lost so much in investing in movies was that he foolishly invested in two big productions that were abandoned by the Big Six, and as a result, the box office crashed and he lost his underwear.

"You can make a movie if you want, but you have to promise me that it\'s only once, and then go to school well." In the end, Tom still couldn\'t bear to reject William Chen, so he said.

"Okay, Uncle Tom, I can assure you that if this movie doesn\'t perform well, then I will give up investing in movies completely, and I will never think about it again."

William Chen firmly assured Tom. In other words, if you don’t invest in movies, you will buy a movie company in the future, such as the Big Six. This is not a breach of promise.

"Your film company doesn\'t have any employees anymore, and it was originally a tool for you to invest in movies, and it has no production capacity at all. Since you returned to New York, even the employees have almost gone, and now there are only three or five Personally, the company is still operating. Originally, I planned to close the company. Originally, its biggest function is to invest in movies for you, and it is not very different from the leather bag company." Tom began to Chen Chen William groaned.

Er, just such a broken company made William Chen\'s predecessor lose hundreds of millions of dollars? His predecessor was really outrageous. Chen William was also a little speechless about what his predecessor did, and he turned to ask:

"Then I need to make a movie now, and I don\'t need many staff, but I always need some basic drama staff, as well as actors and directors."

"These are also very easy. If you are willing to spend a little more money, go directly to the three major economic companies of William Morris, Creative Artists and International Innovation. They can be responsible for packing the actors and production staff for you, directly to you. There is no problem with putting together a complete crew, all you need is to take the money and provide a script."

Tom reluctantly introduced Chen William. Like Chen William\'s predecessor, when investing in movies, they always contacted the project and paid for it directly. He has never thought about making a movie by himself, which is very cumbersome in his opinion, so in Tom\'s view, it is not too surprising that William Chen can ask such a question.

But even so, they are people who have been in Hollywood for a few years and have invested in many street movies. Now they don\'t understand it, which is still very outrageous. But what made him a little relieved was that Chen William finally stopped spending money to be a shopkeeper this time, and was also preparing to make a movie by himself, which could be regarded as a small consolation.

Script, oh right, I don\'t have a script yet. Chen William finally realized this after listening to Tom\'s words at this time. After all, he only has such a movie in the inventory of the future bank. Don\'t say that this movie can\'t be released to others, but it can be released. You show people a movie, and then tell me to shoot it exactly the same. Come out, I\'m afraid I\'m not sick.

But what made William Chen a headache was that he had never written a script at all, and if he tried to restore the original film as much as possible, it would be best to provide a complete director\'s split script, but he didn\'t know any of that.

At this moment, Chen William suddenly remembered, UU reading www.uukanshu. Doesn\'t com have an [Experience Amplification Ring]? It can make him learn skills faster, so can it be used to learn these?

Thinking that I can draw the movie "Magic Mike" this time, and maybe I can draw other film and television works in the future. If I want to restore those works, then these skills are really necessary, so I use the [Experience Amplifier] Ring] to learn these two skills, it can be regarded as the best use.

Thinking of this, William Chen said to Tom: "Well, Uncle Tom, at present I have only conceived a complete story, and I still need to write the script, so I hope to learn how to write the script. Can you help me find someone? Come to teach me, I need a script writing teacher, and a teacher who is good at directing and splitting scripts. It is best to find the top one. It doesn\'t take long, each can teach me three days. Compensation is not an issue, I just want the best."

Chen William thought about it, his booster ring can be used for 36 hours, and he adds another 6 hours of study time every day, and it should be almost the same if he spends 6 days to learn these two skills.

And now, whether it is the New York Observer or the Meta Investment Company, he has already assigned tasks, and there is still no effect in the short term. As for Nielsen\'s contact with Twitter, for the time being, he only needs to communicate with him, and it won\'t take too much time.

Now he spends 3 hours in the morning and afternoon each day to follow Erica\'s remedial economics course, which is 6 hours of study a day. If he adds 6 hours of study in a short period of time, 12 hours a day should be able to He can handle it, but it only takes six days. Just stick to it. Anyway, he sleeps 6 hours a day is enough.