America's Road To Fame

Chapter 308: Live

The latest website: "This is the case at present, the software has been able to be launched, and what needs to be done after that is to continue to optimize, mainly to use the video compression and caching technology of streaming media, and strive to ensure the clarity on the premise of occupying the least mobile phone memory. and bandwidth."

Leaving Los Angeles, William Chen continued to come to Silicon Valley. He is now at the headquarters of Meta Technology. Sundar Pichai is showing him a project that the company has incubated internally under William Chen\'s proposal.

This software, called Live, implements a function that was very common in his previous life, that is, live webcasting.

Even now, the first live broadcast platform has appeared in the United States, but it is still only on the PC side. After all, the development of software cannot be separated from the replacement of hardware.

If you want to use a mobile phone to watch or broadcast live, the first problem you need to face is the speed of the mobile network.

It is still in the 3G era, and the speed of the mobile network cannot support the relatively clear live broadcast of the mobile phone network. That is, in countries and regions with relatively complete broadband facilities, it is possible to use the camera of the computer to broadcast the live broadcast and use the PC to watch it.

However, it is very soon. Starting from the third quarter of this year, mobile operators in the United States have begun to build 4G networks. Therefore, the 4G era will soon come, and it will also make it possible to live broadcast on mobile phones.

Chen William will naturally not wait for the popularization of 4G network all the time before entering this field. At least for now, starting the live broadcast industry from the PC side is also a good choice.

And this industry is very important to William Chen\'s future plans, so he has benefited from Sundar, CEO of Meta Technology, and started to incubate this project.

At this time, the project has finally matured and can begin to be introduced to the market. Now it can only be broadcast live through computer equipment at most. Mobile APPs have been developed, but due to the lack of mobile networks, that is, smart phones are in It can only be used when China Unicom is connected to WiFi. The stuttering situation in the case of 3G network is still relatively obvious, unless a slightly lower resolution is selected.

This software is named Live, and it is also the first Internet project incubated by Meta Technology. It will be promoted on Twitter and Reddit, and when users use these applications, if their friends are broadcasting live or watching a live broadcast, they will You can choose to display the current state, and other people can directly click on the other party\'s state to open the associated Live program and enter the other party\'s live broadcast room.

"You also need to contact Meta Entertainment and Media for this software, especially Valve game company, their Steam game platform can be combined with Live, where to promote this live broadcast software, and contact well-known gamers on Twitter and invite them Use Live to stream."

"In addition, find someone to study, and enable the props function in Live. Users can purchase props in Live through PayPal to reward the anchors, and we will divide the anchors according to different props. Well, the share in the early promotion period The ratio can be appropriately tilted towards the anchor, as long as we don’t owe anything.”

Chen William will choose some tricks of the live broadcast platform in the future, choose the ones that can be used now, and explain Sundar, such as ranking the anchors, recommending more resources for the popular ones, and potential anchors can sign directly, Give a favorable share contract...

In short, the biggest purpose is to make the live broadcast platform Live as soon as possible to get the biggest promotion and attract more anchors and users.

Now the mobile phone live broadcast conditions are still almost, so the main live broadcast categories, one is game live broadcast, the other is talent live broadcast, and the live broadcast of pure beauty and handsome guy.

Of course, the related resources of Meta Group and Future Group can also be used, such as the live broadcast promotion of film companies, the online interviews of media groups, the singer promotion of music companies, and even the Manchester United club. Fans communicate, and they have too many resources to do this anyway.

Chen William finished talking to Sundar, waited for him to understand, and then answered some of his questions.

At this moment, his eyes glanced at a computer screen next to him, and suddenly froze for a moment.


Sundar noticed his expression and asked in confusion.

"Oh, it\'s fine." William Chen\'s expression quickly returned to normal. He pointed to a software interface running on the screen and asked, "What is that, is it also developed by our company?"

"This." Sundar looked in the direction of William Chen and said with a smile: "This seems to be a new thing that has appeared recently, what is it called BitC, but it doesn\'t make any sense, it\'s just a little thing, some programmers are fine. Just open and dig this BitC, just think that concept is very interesting.”


After arranging the release of Live, William Chen first returned to his villa in Silicon Valley. He was still thinking about the interface of the software he had seen from Sundar. He had never used that software in his previous life. , but because of interest, I saw that early interface in some popular science articles.

Now, he is no longer as unprofessional about computers and the Internet as he was in his previous life. When he returned to his study, he turned on the computer and searched for information about this BitC.

Soon, he saw an article published on the Internet in May of this year, the name was-


The author of this article is Satoshi Nakamoto, and William Chen\'s eyes are on the name Satoshi, which is a Japanese transliteration, and translated into Japanese, it is さとし.

He had seen these Japanese letters on a USB flash drive, and he had hoped to find an encryption expert, so he had met a strange person under the introduction of David Jones, who was in Chen When William left, he gave him a USB flash drive, and that USB flash drive was placed in the study of his villa in the Upper East Side of New York.

Chen William continued to search and found the BitC program. By looking up the historical block information, he finally saw that the first block, the Genesis block, was generated on July 5 this year.

There is only one coinbase transaction in this block, which contains a sentence, which is a news headline:

TIME Magazine 05/JUL/2009 Eurogroup Chairman and Luxembourg Prime Minister Juncker announced: Eurozone member states agreed to provide Greece with a three-year rescue loan of 110 billion euros.

Seeing this, William Chen let out a sigh of relief. He closed all the web pages, and couldn\'t help but open his mailbox and found the contact record with Frey Hills. The last email was from him last year. Sent October 12th:

"Sorry, Mr. William, I have a last resort and can\'t accept your offer. Of course, it\'s a pleasure to interview you, I don\'t have a mobile phone, so if you\'re interested, you can be in the middle tomorrow morning at about ten o\'clock I\'ll be waiting for you on the bench at the statue by the lake in the south of the park. Good luck."

After that, apart from a confirmed reply from Chen William, there was no more letter from him.

William Chen held the mouse, clicked Send, and after entering "Hello, Mr. Frey...", he stopped, and finally deleted the typed letters and closed the mailbox.

He shook his head, what can he say at this moment? Ask him if he is Mr. SatoshiNakamoto who created BitC? Or discuss BitC with him? Or tell him how BitC will succeed in the future?

When he thinks of the physical condition that Frey Hills once told it seems that everything has no great meaning, not to mention that in this world, he can really Is it guaranteed that this BitC will still develop like the previous life?

Even if this is the case, he said this now, it seems to be consoling a person who has not much life left.

William Chen seemed to have returned to the Central Park that day, the breeze was blowing, the lake was rippling with faint ripples, and his conversation with Frey Hills was still in his ears.

What I once thought would not appear again, it appears again, and it seems that it still has some relationship with me. Is all this a coincidence, or the will of God, or the inevitability of the development of things?

William Chen was also unsure.

On that day, when William Chen left Central Park, he just regarded this day as a small strange situation in his life, but many things, when he thought about it again one day in the future, had already been foreshadowed.