America's Road To Fame

Chapter 306: South 10 letter asterisk

Although Abu was noncommittal about Chen William\'s invitation to invest in Atlanta, he still expressed his support for Chen William.

That is, he took the initiative to propose it. Recently, he has not been able to use the "Eclipse". If Chen William needs it, he can use it first.

After all, he knew that Atlanta was an island country, and it would be much more convenient for William Chen to have such a super yacht.

William Chen had seen the "Eclipse" that Dasha had brought over at the dock in New York before, and was deeply impressed by it. It was precisely because of this that he came up with the idea of ​​ordering a super yacht.

Abu would not be so enthusiastic about investing in Atlanta. He can understand that, after all, no matter how you look at it, the current Atlanta Island does not have much development potential. But since he took the initiative to lend himself the "Eclipse", then William Chen was disrespectful.

As he said before, now he does not resist others\' help to him, because he himself has the ability to give back, but through this kind of help, he can make the other party willing to continue to help him later.

And he really needs a super yacht like "Eclipse", because he knows that in less than a month, that thing will happen, so for him, this yacht can make him very comfortable It is convenient to deal with many things around Atlanta.

In this way, when he and Ivanta took the Gulfstream G550 to leave London for Paris, the Eclipse also set sail and went to Atlanta to wait.

Of course, since she came to France, first of all Erica will also represent the Republic of Atlanta and meet with the head of France.

Up to now, this round-the-world tour of the Republic of Atlanta represented by Erica to take over the government has also attracted the attention of some people, and it seems that in the countries they have passed through, there are also good results.

However, some people call this trip around the world a "money-throwing trip". If you count his previous investments and future deals together, the countries that William Chen visited this time really made him " He spent a lot of money, but whether it was really worth it, only he knew in his heart.

In terms of diplomacy, France has always pursued independent diplomacy, advocated multilateralism, and hoped to promote the integration of the European Union. They paid more attention to the relationship with Arabs in the Middle East. In the South Pacific, where the Republic of Atlanta is located, France does not have many interests involved. , so for the visit of the Republic of Atlanta, they are more concerned about Chen William\'s investment in France.

Therefore, regarding the Republic of Atlanta, the French side\'s speeches are more official, because they seem to have such a small island in the South Pacific that it is difficult to find on the map, and the Republic of Palu, which usually has no sense of presence on the world stage. Changes are not very interesting. If the other party is not behind Chen William who has invested more in France, maybe they are not interested in wasting these time talking about these official words.

Compared with this, they are more concerned about the current sovereign debt crisis within the EU. Although the rescue of Greece has been completed, some other weaker countries in the euro zone have been affected a lot, such as Spain, Portugal, Ireland and other countries have experienced significant economic decline.

The reason why the debt crisis in Europe is so widespread this time is mainly because, as the global manufacturing industry gradually shifts to emerging market countries, the manufacturing industry in the euro area gradually loses its market in the process of globalization, and non-high-tech products At a price disadvantage, the market is constantly being squeezed.

Since it is difficult to improve the level of technology in the short term, and the currency value must remain stable, countries that cannot occupy the market with high-tech products cannot enjoy the benefits of devaluation.

Therefore, if countries with technological advantages such as Germany and France can provide more technologically advanced products in the competition with emerging countries to maintain their market share, then countries such as Greece, Ireland, Spain, Countries such as Portugal do not have many products with technological advantages, and ordinary products lag behind in the competition with emerging countries due to cost reasons. If we want to maintain high internal welfare, we can only borrow.

Another point is that the euro area is not a country in the true sense, but is composed of many countries. Therefore, when countries issue bonds, they are more likely to be lucky, and inflation pressure can be diluted by other euro area countries. Therefore, For the formulation of economic policies, there is no need to have as many restrictions as the use of national currencies, and it is necessary to be careful.

When all countries think this way, the ultimate consequence is that high debt becomes the way that euro area countries that do not have technical advantages and have been robbed of the market invariably choose, and their respective crises are more likely to be in the entire euro area. Internal transmission, because when a country breaks out, it affects the public\'s pessimism about the euro.

Therefore, grasping France\'s concerns about the European debt crisis, William Chen proposed that his Southern Cross Holdings and the Atlas National Sovereign Fund-Atlan Fund will increase investment in Europe in the future. favored by the French side.

They actively expressed their expectation that the Republic of Atlanta will play more roles on the world stage in the future, and will also deepen the friendly relations and bilateral trade with Atlanta.

In the eyes of France, the Republic of Atlanta is actually nothing more than a private enterprise of William Chen in a national skin, so in this case, one can expect something from their investment.

Next, William Chen saw the Airbus A380 parked there waiting at the airport.

Before William Chen\'s arrival, the plane had already finished the painting of the fuselage. On the tail of the plane, the flag of the Republic of Atlanta was sprayed. The arc is used as a decoration, and the letters of "Southern Cross" are sprayed, which looks very atmospheric.

The A380 is eight stories high, and people standing under the plane can deeply feel its huge size.

Airbus staff introduced Chen William to the interior of the world\'s largest private plane. The plane is divided into three layers. The bottom layer is the cargo warehouse, where goods can be placed. It is also a parking lot. On this floor, there is a parking area. Up to 5 large-sized extended cars can be parked, so in the future, William Chen can transport his convoy to all parts of the world through this "Southern Cross", and after getting off the plane, he can directly take the convoy to leave.

There is an escalator on the lower floor to go up to the second floor, and an elevator for 8 people to reach the exclusive private area on the top floor. The elevator can be unlocked by setting a password or fingerprint.

On the second floor, there is a waiting room for bodyguards and entourages to rest, a small theater, a small bar with a dance floor and a restaurant, as well as an office area for the accompanying team to work. After adjustment, a seat dedicated to William Chen is in the center, and there are two rows of sofas on both sides, where discussions and decisions can be made.

The uppermost floor is Chen William\'s private area, including a master bedroom with an extra-large luxury bed, and a second The master bedroom is also connected to a luxurious bath that can accommodate 5 people at the same time and a spa room. The second bedroom also has a separate bathroom.

There is also a private office on this level, as well as a private recreation room, as well as a viewing room. In this viewing house, the floor and walls are made up of huge screens, and you can sit on the rug in the middle and enjoy the view outside the plane during the flight through the hyper-real display of the screen.

The interior of this A380 is not only well-equipped, but also blessed with the latest technology, showing a sense of the future everywhere. In addition, by the designers of Hermès Group, the layout and decoration are not only luxurious, but also can feel the style of originality.

After Chen William bought the Republic of Palu, because of the change of identity, he was also able to contact the French side and upgraded the anti-missile system of the entire plane. Now the anti-missile system installed on his plane is the same as that of the French President\'s special plane. level, which also led to some internal adjustments, and the price of the entire aircraft rose to more than 400 million US dollars.

After the visit, William Chen and Ivanta were very satisfied and really felt that it was worth the money.

Compared with his Gulfstream G550 and A380, it is completely the gap between apartment houses and large villas.