America's Road To Fame

Chapter 305: Raise the price tag

Since the Queen mentioned the Manchester United club, Chen William stayed in London with Ivanta for two days and went directly to Manchester after seeing some famous sights.

After the World Cup in South Africa, the Premier League has started again on August 14.

William Chen and Ivanta, at Old Trafford, watched Manchester United\'s game against Liverpool.

Came back here a few months later and found that the changes were still great. The stadium has been added with a large LCD screen, which is more modern.

The turf of the stadium has also been replaced, and the stands on the north side have been refurbished. At present, Old Trafford can accommodate more than 80,000 people watching the game together.

Before the start of the game, the camera on the big screen showed William Chen and Ivanta sitting in the VIP box. With the reminder of David Gill beside them, the two discovered this situation and faced the fans in the audience through the screen. wave.

Immediately, the audience, especially the Manchester United fans in red jerseys, cheered loudly. In the box, their shouts of "William", "William" and even "King!" could be heard...

Many female fans were even more excited, and they frequently blew kisses in the direction of Chen William.

Seeing this scene, David Gill next to William Chen was still very touched. After he took over, the Manchester United club has changed too much.

For example, in the current scene, the fans\' heartfelt support and support for the team owner has never been seen during the Glazer family.

The biggest difference between the current Manchester United team and the previous players is that after William Chen recommended it to Ferguson, after investigation, he brought Suarez to the Premier League from Ajax in the Netherlands at a price of 25 million euros.

In the previous game, Suarez performed well and has already scored two goals.

After the start of the game, Liverpool\'s offensive was very fierce, and finally in the first half, they scored a goal, Manchester United fell behind at their home.

However, the fans on the field were not discouraged, and from time to time there would be chorus singing to encourage the team.

Chen William also grabbed Ivanta\'s hand and watched the game quietly with a smile on his face.

In the second half, at the beginning, Suarez made a great contribution. After receiving a long pass, he dribbled the ball into the penalty area, lobbed the goal, and tied the score.

Next, after more than ten minutes, he passed his teammates to score again and overtook the score.

In the end, the score of 2 to 1 persisted until the end of the game, Manchester United defeated Liverpool at home.

For this game, Chen William is still quite satisfied, and the CEO of Manchester United Brand Management Company, Terry Doyle, also came to Manchester and accompanied Chen William to watch the game together.

After the game, Terry Doyle introduced to William Chen his ideas for the commercialization of the Manchester United brand.

The first is the brand image. At the beginning of this season, Manchester United\'s clothing, including the home and away team uniforms, as well as the usual training uniforms, have been torn apart and tried to cooperate with Hermès, and their designers specially designed clothing for the Manchester United team.

Their goal is to make Manchester United\'s clothing the most beautiful and fashionable in the world, and to win the eyes of neutral fans.

The second is that from now on, the Manchester United club will release a team theme song every season, and will cooperate with popular singers, and players will also appear in the film, and even sing some passages.

The third,…

In short, it is to promote the image of the club and the players, increase the commercial value of the players, and build a smoother communication channel with fans around the world.

And they plan to make an Asian tour of Manchester United after this season, and they will visit major countries in Asia for commercial promotion.

For what he said, Chen William felt good and would let them do it. After all, these senior management of Manchester United brand management company are all hired with high salaries. He only needs to see the final result. If he fails to meet the requirements, he will be replaced. With such high treatment, he is not afraid of not being able to find them. Really capable people.

Knowing that William Chen and Ivanta came to England, Abu and his wife Dasha invited both William and Ivanta to a banquet at their mansion in London.

Dasha and Deng Wendi have a very good relationship, and they have known Ivanta for a long time, and their relationship is relatively close.

After she saw Ivanta, she pulled her to ask how she felt after having a child, and the two sat together and whispered.

Abu, on the other hand, talked to William Chen about the planes and super yachts he had ordered before.

Chen William had previously ordered an A380 from Airbus in France, which was an order from someone else, and he has been notified that the aircraft can be delivered. This time when he comes to Europe, Chen William will also stop by in France. handover.

The interior design of the A380 was commissioned by the designers of the Hermès Group by William Chen. At that time, he was very satisfied with the design drawings. It was luxurious and not vulgar, so he was very much looking forward to seeing the real thing.

As for the super yacht built in the German shipyard, which is also the shipyard built by Abu\'s Eclipse, the future will have to wait for half a year. I am afraid that when the future is completed and delivered, Ivanta\'s Children have been born.

"I\'ve also heard that the A380 is quite big. After waiting for your plane to come out, I\'d like to see it. If I like it, I\'m going to buy a modified one."

Speaking of this, Abu is very interested. It can be seen from here that he really likes these big toys.

Don\'t look at Abramovich\'s announced assets that seem to be just over $10 billion, and his ranking in Forbes is not high. However, with his spending so much, many people suspect that his actual assets are much higher than what has been announced. At this time, facing him, Chen William felt the same way.

"Actually I envy you, William, it\'s a very interesting idea that you can buy a country as you want, but I\'m afraid it\'s difficult to do so."

"Then you can also have the opportunity to visit me. I welcome you to invest. Even if it is not now, there may be opportunities in the future."

William Chen also understands Abu\'s thoughts. Yes, William Chen has an advantage that he does not have, that is, William Chen has a deep relationship in the United States, and now, the United States is the only superpower and has a great global voice.

Therefore, Chen William can buy a small country at will, but Abu cannot do the same thing, because even a small country like Palu, who has no sense of existence, is almost a small country like a village. Once Abu dares to buy it, Then he will be immediately protested by neighboring countries to stop his behavior.

The reason is that he was born in Russia and is outside the mainstream of the West, so no matter what he does, he will face more resistance. This is why he chose to develop in Europe instead of the United States, and he also wanted to break into the upper class here by investing in the Premier League.

It is also the main reason why he has shown goodwill to Chen William many times.

But William Chen understands that in the end, his actions will not be very effective, and they will still be excluded from Europe.

However, if he is willing to invest in Atlanta in the future, William Chen would still welcome him. After all, although Abu\'s influence in Europe and America has always been limited, he still has some energy in Eastern Europe and Russia.

There is a word called sunk cost, which means that you pay a certain cost for a thing or a person, then you will most likely be able to pay back for this part of the cost and continue to invest. UU reading

There is another saying that the **** decides the head, and your interests will affect your opinion.

Like if you took out a loan to buy a few houses, would you want the government to crack down on house prices? If you haven\'t bought a house yet, will you raise your hands in favor of the government to crack down on real estate speculation and make house prices fall?

In the same way, where your assets are, you will look forward to getting better and better there.

If Abu had a lot of investments in the Atlan Kingdom, he would definitely hope that the Atlan Kingdom would develop better.

If the Drey family\'s interests in the kingdom of Atlan are greater, then they are even willing to sacrifice the interests of the United States to achieve Atlan.

If you want Bill Gates to join the action against William Chen, then you need to at least take out more than $500 million in interests that he has put into the Tianshu Fund in order for him to consider it.

Therefore, what William Chen did before was to bind the interests of some people to himself. Even if he could not guarantee that they would not target him, he successfully raised the price they needed to target him, and he put himself in a position more secure location.

Morality and law cannot completely prevent others from being malicious to you, even if you are a recognized "good person", only interests can do it.

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