America's Road To Fame

Chapter 30: The Oprah Show

Another point is that Gared never imagined that William Chen really cares about his so-called vanity, because what he described in his words was that after they controlled Building 666, through development and operation, William Chen held shares. Those value-added things are really not in his eyes. So how could William Chen agree to give up the controlling stake and hand over Building 666 to the Kushner Group.

In the eyes of the Kushner Group, William Chen is their prey; in the eyes of William Chen, the Kushner at this time is not the prey. The two of them looked at each other and each had their own ideas. This conversation was destined to not reach a unified opinion. William Chen believes that Gared will never give up, and the two will have the next meeting and conversation.

When Gared left, William Chen checked the time, and he was going to take part in Oprah\'s interview. Before leaving, he saw that Jos was still in the company. When he saw Chen William, Jos came over and said, "Mr. William, all of us have agreed to join your company. We will call you Boss in the future."

"Welcome to join, Jos, you won\'t regret this decision, trust me. Everyone take a good rest today. From tomorrow, we will have a new operation."

After confirming this matter, William Chen\'s mood improved a lot. Today, Tom drove over to pick him up, and after getting into Tom\'s Chevrolet SUV, he heard Tom say: "This time Oprah takes your interview very seriously, and specially brought a team over and rented a studio in New York to record you. It\'s not far from here, she just called and said she\'ll be ready right away."

"Gared talked to me just now, or I could come down earlier."

"It\'s okay, it\'s still early." Tom said casually, suddenly realizing something and asking, "Is it Gared Kushner? What did he say to you again?"

"You know, they bought the shares of Building No. 666 from the Andal Trust Fund. They asked me today to ask me to buy the shares in my hands. I will definitely not agree."

Hearing Chen William say this, Tom felt relieved a little, but he heard Chen William continue: "But that guy didn\'t give up, and proposed another plan, and he was going to inject 3 billion US dollars into the shares of Kushner Group to promote the reconstruction of the building. To build the building to 1,400 feet. I think their intention is to get a controlling stake in the building by injecting capital.”

"Your father had a similar idea before his death. After all, Building 666 has been built for more than half a century. With such a good location, if the space can be expanded, it will greatly increase the income and become a landmark building on Fifth Avenue." Tom said with reminiscence in his eyes.

"I know this, so I won\'t agree to the Kushner Group\'s plan. Don\'t worry, Uncle Tom, I will personally make this building a landmark in New York."

Hearing this, Tom nodded and said, "If there is such a day, your parents will be proud of you in heaven, William."

The Oprah Show is very popular in the United States. There will be celebrity interviews. Oprah will sit with each other and have a chat. Because of her affinity, many people will speak candidly about their thoughts or life.

After Tom introduced Oprah to William Chen, her first words were: "I\'m afraid William needs no introduction. Who in America would forget such a handsome face."

"Thank you for your compliment, Ms. Oprah. I also think that Uncle Tom\'s introduction is a bit redundant. After all, there are many people who don\'t know me, but I am afraid that even those people will be very excited to see Ms. Oprah in person. ."

Oprah looked quite happy with William Chen\'s compliment. She is a middle-aged black woman with a plump figure, and her words are indeed like a spring breeze, which is indeed well-deserved.

After that, Oprah briefly told William Chen about the process of the show. There were audiences at the Oprah Show interview. After Oprah finished the opening speech, William Chen would be invited to the stage. The two people Individuals sit side-to-side and begin a conversation.

This interview was not rehearsed in advance, but when Tom was communicating, he would delineate the general topic of the conversation with her. However, William Chen knew that there would definitely be some random questions to ask. At that time, his ability to change randomly would need to be tested.

When Oprah entered the studio to open, and William Chen was waiting in the waiting room beside him, a camera was also filming him. At this time, he stood in the waiting room and tried his best to stabilize his emotions, although his predecessor Having experienced all kinds of big scenes, I have always been accustomed to living under the spotlight, not to mention an interview that needs to be faced with audiences across the United States.

But the current soul of William Chen is the first time to record this kind of show. It must be a lie to say that he is not nervous. He can only try his best to regulate his emotions now.

When the director came to inform, William Chen knew it was time for him to play. He walked into the studio from one side, and immediately saw that the lights were bright, and the audience was full. He could even hear Oprah\'s voice from the field before he came on stage:

"Let\'s welcome today\'s guest. William Chen, who became popular at a young age with his unparalleled handsome face, has recently transformed himself into the youngest newspaper executive."

Just like that, William Chen came on stage accompanied by the roaring applause from the audience, with a few harsh whistles in between. This kind of scene is really embarrassing.

But at this time, William Chen didn\'t have time to make any other expressions. He walked onto the stage as calmly as possible, waved to the audience under the stage, and saw Oprah walking to his side and said to him, "Welcome to you. On the Oprah show today, William, let\'s sit first."

"I am also very happy to be here. I am a loyal audience of Oprah\'s show. I am very excited to be here today." William Chen said the scene and sat on the sofa with Oprah.

"I feel like you\'re a little reserved and nervous today. It\'s not like you, William. To be honest, I\'ve seen you on TV many times. At that time, I couldn\'t help but think, this handsome young man is really born. Celebrities, you are so free at any time." Seeing to realize that William Chen was a little nervous, Oprah made a joke first.

"Oh, then I guess the reports you read won\'t have anything good to say." William Chen shrugged and said, his words made the audience burst into laughter, and when he saw Oprah, he also smiled. William Chen continued:

"But to be honest, I\'m really nervous today. After all, you know, I haven\'t faced the camera for a long time. I\'ve been living a life similar to a monk during this time, so it\'s inevitable that I\'m a little uncomfortable."

"Speaking of this, I believe that many viewers at the scene and in front of the TV will be curious. It seems that apart from the occasional report in the tabloids and the big news a while ago, we haven\'t seen William Chen on TV for a long time, and there is no new news from you. Reports of the movie have come out, so can you tell me, what have you been doing recently?" Oprah followed William Chen\'s words and opened the topic.

"I have been in New York recently, and my life is fairly regular. I run in the morning, then go to work or study in the company, and then go home to exercise and sleep in the evening. I feel great about a life similar to many office workers."

"Maybe many people heard what William Chen said. Like me, their first reaction was: Oh? Is this the William Chen I know? To be honest, it was the first time I saw the news of your morning run in the newspaper. , I also made a bet with my friends that this guy can last a few days. I didn\'t expect that almost a month later, you are still running in the morning. Although it is a bit bad to say, but I do have to tell you, William, you cost me ten Dollar."

Oprah\'s words caused a burst of laughter again, and William Chen smiled and shrugged, "Then I\'m sorry, but I hope you don\'t make the same mistake again."

"Yes, after this lesson, I\'ve gotten rid of the habit of betting with others." Oprah raised his eyebrows and said, "I\'m curious to hear that you mentioned in your conversation just now that you are Study, can you talk about what you are studying? Is it about acting?"

"Oh, Oprah, I\'m afraid I\'ll disappoint you. The biggest gain I\'ve gotten from acting is probably realizing the fact that I don\'t have acting talent. Although it\'s a bit late, for many audiences in America, It\'s not too late, is it?"

William Chen\'s self-deprecating remarks once again made the audience burst into laughter. He shook his head and said, "Guys, at least save me some face, okay?"

“Actually, I was taking a course in economics recently. Many people may not know that my undergraduate major at UCLA is business administration. Now, if there is no accident, I will enter NYU in the fall, Studying a master\'s degree in economics. So again, to remind the audience, you can rest assured that most of my time in the future should be in New York, and Hollywood should be less."

After saying this, he looked at Oprah and said, "Dear Ms. Oprah, if you can look a little disappointed at this time, I\'m afraid I will feel better."

"Okay, I\'ll try." Oprah said with a smile, and then she suddenly made a disappointed expression, which only seemed a little exaggerated. Then he said: "William, I really tried, although it was a little difficult for me."

Then, Oprah faced the audience, spread her hands and said: "I now doubt whether the person in front of me is the real William Chen. Who would have thought that one day, someone would say to you: William will insist on running every morning, and Still doing homework and getting ready for a master\'s in economics at NYU. Omg! Can you believe it? The thing I\'m most curious about, William, we can all see that you\'ve changed a lot now from before. , this change can even be said to be disruptive. So, what prompted you to make this change?”

"If there is a reason for this, I am afraid that all of this stems from my previous accident. Many people may know that when I was at a party in Hollywood more than a month ago, I suddenly fainted. Of course, the reason I won\'t hide it, because I drank a bit too much at the time..."

Seeing Oprah\'s half-smile expression, William Chen deliberately collapsed, spread his hands and said, "Okay, it\'s a lot, I can\'t remember how much I drank at that time. At that time, I was even caught by I was admitted to the critical ward, the closest I\'ve ever been to death. Really, no exaggeration. My agent, Uncle Tom even signed the critical illness notice for me at that time and did Okay, I might never wake up. Luckily that time, I survived. Since then, I have reflected on my past. The feeling is indescribable, and I said to myself: William, it\'s time to do It\'s changed."