America's Road To Fame

Chapter 297: roger's real purpose

"Burke class?"

Roger was surprised by William\'s words:

"What are you kidding? It\'s not about money, the Burke class is the current main battleship, and it won\'t sell it for any amount of money.

"Uh, even if you don\'t buy a new and improved model, is the earliest model not enough?"

"That\'s for sure, by now you can hear about the sale of other types of ships, when did you hear about the sale of the Burke class..

According to Roger\'s explanation, Chen William realized that the most important thing about the Burke-class destroyer is the Aegis system on it. This is the housekeeping skill of the United States now, and it is impossible to sell it casually.

At present, even Japan and South Korea are building their own destroyers based on this destroyer under the authorization of the United States, and a certain island wants to buy a Burke-class destroyer, but it was not allowed, but bought them a Kidd-class destroyer. .

"And your little broken island doesn\'t need the Burke-class warships that are the main force in the United States at all, and even if they are sold to you, they will be boycotted by the countries next to you.

Roger was also a little convinced, but he also knew that William Chen didn\'t know much about the Navy\'s ships, so there would be the idea of ​​buying a Burke-class destroyer when he opened his mouth. He explained:

"Besides, the Burke-class destroyer needs almost 340 crew members even for the original I and II, if it is the later upgraded version, it needs 380 members. And it doesn\'t make much sense for your small island now, why not Buy a Perry-class frigate with a crew of 215, much cheaper, and enough for you."

"This is the purpose of your visit this time, to promote this Perry-class frigate?"

"My cousin, I\'m here to help you, don\'t look at me with the eyes that I will have any interest in it, I\'m not bad for this money now

Chen William understood what he meant. His cousin was originally a small rich man. In addition to the $2 million he invested in Fund No. 3, he returned more than 20 million. The investment in the two "Hangover" films was only the first. The first part was paid back and made a lot of money, and the income of the second part was completely useless.

"This time it\'s a win-win situation. You really wronged me. In fact, they didn\'t want to sell it to you, because if I did it to you, it wouldn\'t have made their price too high. They originally wanted to sell it to you first. Contact the bigwigs on the island. If you sell it to them, you can sell it for nearly 100 million US dollars. If you buy it, you can only sell it for 50 million US dollars. This is still through my relationship with the Navy, and I promised to buy another one. Some people who just pulled the weapon...

It turned out that the U.S. Navy plans to retire all Perry-class frigates as soon as possible and replace them with new ones, so it will gradually sell or retire the Perry-class frigates that are still under construction. Roger originally planned to come to Palu\'s side to help Chen William form an army, and he brought people from the army together through a relationship.

"$50 million? The Perry class didn\'t cost that much when it was built, right, and it took 20 or 30 years to sell it at a higher price than a new ship?"

"Isn\'t that the way arms sales are originally? You have to think about it, this is still a half-discounted price. If those people from Green Island, the price will be twice as high. Besides, your strategic position for the United States is not that high. It is important, and the country has not yet been established, otherwise this kind of ship will be given away, and the price of cabbage will always be certain."

Hehe, William Chen said that he didn\'t want to have such an important strategic position, because that kind of thing is all in the early stage. He just wants to have a good relationship with the United States.

"But even a Perry-class frigate needs more than 200 people to be fully staffed. Where can I find so many qualified crew members? It has to be a captain."

While talking, William Chen looked at Roger and said, "Don\'t talk about yourself, you are not from the Marine Corps, I don\'t believe you can be a captain."

Hearing William Chen say this, Roger said with dissatisfaction: "It\'s just a Perry class, what\'s the problem with the captain. It\'s just that I don\'t like doing it, unless you allow me to bring a few models to the ship.

"But don\'t worry, you must know that every year you are discharged from the navy, for any reason, anyone has it, and you can get it all together for you, whether it\'s as a mercenary, or let them naturalize directly, there is no problem, as long as the money In place, easy to do!\'

"Are those people reliable?"

Burke-level asked with some doubts. After all, it would be fine if he retired abnormally. If he caused trouble, then he didn\'t want to recruit that kind of person.

"With me here, it is absolutely reliable. In fact, it is not as scary as you think. Some fleets have to be stationed in overseas bases. There are always many people who want to be transferred back to be closer to their families, but because of the limited number of places, they finally choose to retire. As long as these people are allowed to bring their families over when the time comes, and after all, you\'re close to Australia, so much better than going to Africa or where to serve."

Since this is the case, I originally planned to think about it first, but what Roger said made sense. Battleships are not like anything else. Even marines have to go through a period of training, not to mention the technical arms of warships. The people who come are all retired soldiers who have served in warships, but different ship types also require a period of adaptation.

And according to Roger, for this kind of military purchase, it is best to directly buy hot ships, that is, warships that have not yet been retired, and directly hand over them; instead of buying those that are temporarily sealed after they are retired.

It\'s like the big head of Green Island, and there are many warships that have been sealed up during military purchases. If you buy a sealed warship, after you buy and pay, do you want to overhaul it when it is reactivated? In this way, the other party will notify you that the power system of the warship is faulty and needs to be repaired and replaced, let alone now, pay

You said to drive to your shipyard to repair it yourself? Sorry, the conditions in your place do not meet the requirements.

Therefore, after the big bosses on that island have been cheated a lot, they have also been cheated out of experience.

If you want to buy a warship, you must give priority to buying a hot ship, and never buy a warship that has been sealed. Otherwise, even if you know that you will be stabbed, it will be helpless, and you should pay the protection fee.

"There are two good active-duty Perry-class frigates now, USS Garry and USS Taylor, both of which were commissioned in 1984. In fact, USS Garry is in better condition, and some of the crew on this ship will also be retired. You can receive it together and join our navy.\'

Well, I was launched in 1984, and I am older than myself.... But then again, this is the best warship I can buy now, and it can also deepen my relationship with the other party by the way.

But speaking of this, Burke suddenly looked at Roger and said:

"No, Kos, you must have other purposes.


"Although you said just now that you wanted to help me buy warships, it\'s obvious that you\'re not really interested in the navy. I know you, and you can tell from your attitude. Tell me, why are you so enthusiastic? Want to come to me?"

Burke watched Roger, waiting for his answer.

"Uh, William, to be honest, you know the show I did, you gave me the idea at the time."

"Sneak tracking?"

" This show is quite boring, but you know, variety shows, there will always be some backstage control in it, and the twists and turns of the plot can attract the audience more... So although I was quite boring in this show, it wasn\'t enough fun. You know, the ones I found, although they all worked in the intelligence, danger, and police departments, are not completely in the show. play

"So you don\'t have fun in variety shows, it\'s like trying in reality?"

Berkeley rolled a glance at Roger and said angrily: "p**K, why don\'t you join the CIA or the FBI directly, it will be more exciting, I am just a small island country here, but it is not what you imagined. So many 007 plots."

"William, it\'s not like you don\'t know, I was born in the Dre family, and I was destined to be excluded and vigilant in many places in William Chen, including the intelligence department."

This is indeed the case. Even if someone like Roger has a deep political family background, even if he joins Chen William\'s intelligence agency, he will not have the chance to get a high-ranking position, because no one wants to see the former so-called "Shadow". There is a possibility that Edgar Hoover, the leader of the investigation chief, will reappear.