America's Road To Fame

Chapter 290: notebook

William Chen was not in a hurry to bid first, because the advantage he had over others was that he knew that not only would Palu not be submerged by sea water within twenty years, but after the volcanic eruption in the eyes of the future, it was On the contrary, the island area will expand tenfold.

Therefore, he is willing to let those other people get frustrated on Palu\'s side, and let Palu recognize their true value, so as not to ask for a price.

As for whether there will be people who don\'t care about profits, but just want to do other things in the name of this "country"? Certainly yes.

But William Chen is not too worried about this, because the purchase of Palu is not just a matter of the Republic of Palu. That kind of organization must first face Australia and the United States, which have a strong presence in this area. They will not allow certain organizations to easily put on the skin of a "state" in this way and do things that will threaten them.

At this time, William Chen has decided that Wen Ziren will direct the series "Extreme Games".

Before, William Chen contacted both Huang Donghe and Wen Ziren through Huace Film and Television. Huang Zhonghe was very interested in this drama after reading the script, but now he is busy with the filming of "The Furnace". If After taking over "Extreme Game", it will take at least two more months, and time is still very important to Chen William.

At first, when he saw the invitation from Huaguo\'s film and television company, Wen Ziren was not very interested. After all, his current career is in Hollywood, and he prefers movies.

However, after reading the script of "Extreme Game", Wen Ziren was a little shaken, and after learning that although the producer of this series is Huace Film and Television, in fact, this company has a great relationship with Meta Group. And after the partners of "Extreme Games" and Netflix, he also decided to give it a try.

And the script says that the screenwriter is William Chen!

Wen Ziren naturally understood what this meant, so after receiving the invitation, he rushed to New York to meet William Chen for a detailed discussion.

After this conversation, William Chen decided that Wen Ziren would be the director to shoot "Extreme Games".

Although Wen Ziren\'s previous works were all horror films, during the conversation, William Chen still found that he had his own unique views on this drama, and the humanity he hoped to show was also what William Chen expected to show.

If you have seen Wen Ziren\'s "The Chainsaw", I am afraid that you will be deeply impressed by the last scene.

At the last moment, the "corpse" who had been lying in the secret room stood up. It turned out that it was the real manipulator behind the scenes. He had been pretending to be the "corpse" and watched the whole process up close.

When I first saw this scene, I couldn\'t help but feel my scalp tingling. This unexpected reversal often appears in Wen Ziren\'s horror movies.

Therefore, William Chen is still quite looking forward to what kind of work "Extreme Game" can be shot in the hands of Wen Ziren. Now that the director of this drama has been confirmed, we can start the preliminary preparations. The three heroines in the drama will come from China, Japan and South Korea respectively. They have been identified as Fan Yongshui, Sasaki Nozomi and Quan Zhixian. Three, and two male protagonists have yet to be determined.

At the same time, a total of 500 desperate civilians set in the script, for the ultimate reward of 50 million US dollars, participated in this death game. The place where the game takes place is on a small island near Asia, which was originally created by William Chen based on Palu.

Therefore, after the preparations are completed, the crew will first go to Palu to shoot the outdoor scenes in this drama, and the rest of the main indoor scenes will be carried out in the set up.

The entire "Extreme Game" is expected to have 12 episodes, with a total investment of up to 250 million Chinese yuan, with an average of more than 20 million Chinese yuan per episode, and the funds are still very sufficient.

After William Chen and Ivanta\'s wedding, he naturally needed to find an opportunity to appease Paris.

However, after the wedding, Ivanta lived in William Chen\'s manor on Long Island. Since then, Paris has not been to the manor again.

After accompanying Ivanta for a while this time, William Chen finally found a chance to come to Los Angeles and spend time with Paris in his villa on Malibu Beach.

Well, of course Nikki and Ember

William Chen discovered it before, and sure enough, Ember was as rumored in her previous life... When Paris was with her at first, she whispered to William Chen that she always felt that Ember was a little weird, that they were together At times, Ember always made her feel a little uncomfortable.

But at this time, the relationship between the two of them has become much closer. The two of them are sitting on the sofa together while reading fashion magazines and discussing something in a low voice.

Chen William received a call from Erica. She and the team had already gone to Palu to report the local situation to Chen William. This time, Erica\'s team has added many experts in international relations and geopolitics. They will first investigate the current attitude of the Palu government and the people, and then choose an opportunity to contact each other.

After the two had finished talking, William Chen hung up the phone, and saw Nikki appear in front of her. She stood at the door of the study, secretly looking at Paris and Ember in the living room, and then turned to William Chen. With a gesture, he motioned for him to follow him out.

Seeing this scene, Chen William couldn\'t help but feel a little puzzled, but seeing Niki\'s mysterious expression, Chen William followed her upstairs to the bedroom.

"What\'s the matter? Nikki."

Hearing Chen William\'s question, Nikki made a silent gesture to him, then walked to the bed, opened Paris\'s handbag, took out a notepad from it, and handed it to Chen William.


Chen William looked at her puzzled, but heard her whisper: "Look at it, this is what my sister wrote after your wedding and I accidentally saw it."

Hearing what he said, Chen William became a little curious. He opened the notepad and saw that it was written in slightly scribbled handwriting:

"I\'m getting married on a bigger island, twice the size of Lanai!"

"At least **** planes are required to perform and write my name in the sky!"

Uh, it can be seen that the place where **** was originally written was 10, but it was crossed out and changed to 15.

“All wedding flowers must be pink!”

"And pink diamonds, I\'m bigger than Ivanta\'s!"

Chen William looked like this, with a black line on his head, and realized that he was in trouble. No wonder he secretly paid attention to Paris\'s expression during the wedding, but he saw that she looked calm, and even looked at the whole wedding process. Seriously

He now understands the eldest\'s mental activity at that time.

It\'s so hard for her to remember so clearly.

"Haha, William, you\'re having a headache." Nikki was still gloating beside her.

"Crack" sound, well, it feels good.

"Ah, why are you hitting me?" Nikki almost jumped up, covered her back, and said, "I took the risk to show you this secret, you should reward me."

However, Chen William didn\'t really care about Paris\'s Originally he was with Paris earlier and now married Ivanta first, and it was normal for her to complain.

And these are not things that William Chen can\'t do, as long as she is happy.

William Chen looked at Nikki with a smile and said, "Reward? What reward do you want?"

Nikki rolled her eyes, her face was slightly red, showing a coquettish expression, and her voice began to become a little whimper:

"Brother-in-law, your secretary Nikki hasn\'t served you alone for a long time.

William Chen sat by the bed and looked at Nikki at this time. She was wearing a red short-sleeved shirt and a pleated skirt, with long black stockings underneath. Below the skirt were lace, lace and skirt. There was a touch of white skin in between.

"But my secretary doesn\'t seem to be so good at work."

"I\'m good, boss, you can punish me if I don\'t get the job done."

As Nikki spoke, she supported the dresser beside the bed with her hands and bowed down.