America's Road To Fame

Chapter 281: good and bad

For the praise of these so-called musical geniuses, William Chen naturally knows the moisture in them and doesn\'t take it too seriously.

But there is one thing that makes him more entangled, so this is the circle, if nothing else, there is a lot of stuff in the clothes pocket.

Inside, there are notes and napkins, which are written with a pen or lipstick, a phone number, an address, the room number of this hotel, and even the room card that was secretly stuffed to him.

As for his tangled point, these all represent the enthusiasm of female singers of his own company for him. Faced with these feelings, it seems that which one to choose and reject the other will hurt many people\'s hearts.

Hey, the boss is not so easy to do. I also hope that they will work hard to help the development of EMI Asia. Why do you have to choose? Wouldn\'t it be good for everyone to be with Hemeimei?

If she failed to live up to the wishes of which singer in the world, she was discouraged and transferred to another company, wouldn\'t that be EMI Asia\'s loss?

So, William Chen took out a room card from it, and carefully pasted a pink sticker on it to let him remember

It\'s not for anything else, it\'s just that William Chen has not tried this kind of sweet girl from Wanwan, especially when they talk, they are soft and waxy, and they are quite heart-warming.

After all, the two sides of the strait are relatives, and Chen William did not have the opportunity to make much contribution to the peaceful reunification of the motherland in his previous life. Although he has become an international friend now, his ability is still obligatory.

As the door rang, the beautiful woman in the room felt her heart beating violently. When she turned her head to look at the door expectantly, she saw two big foreigners who entered the door, one with dark skin and one with black skin. White, very zzzq.

Just under her surprised and puzzled eyes, the two looked around the room, carefully inspected several places, then turned around and nodded to Chen William who was standing at the door.

Only then did the beauty understand what happened just now. There was no way out. After all, it was an unfamiliar space. William Chen must first let the bodyguards ensure safety.

Although the probability of occurrence is very low, there should be not many people who dare to play tricks on him, or those who are not sober. But everything can\'t be said absolutely. If you really encounter someone who takes a candid photo of him and turns to Mi Rabbit himself, even if it won\'t have much impact on him, it\'s still annoying.

"Don\'t be nervous, they\'re just routine."

After the bodyguard left, William Chen walked up to the beauty and said to her with a smile.

"It scared me, at first I thought I met a bad guy

"You\'re right, because I\'m a bad guy, worse than the big bad wolf today

Chen William reached out and raised Wang Xinling\'s chin, with a charming smirk on his face, and said so.

"I don\'t believe it, you are obviously a good person, how can you be bad?"

"You\'ll soon find out

Wang Xinling has a sweet appearance and is dressed in a cute style, a pink princess dress.

But it is precisely this that makes it easier for people to have the idea of ​​conquest.

Pulling her into his arms and kissing for a while, William Chen came to the window of the room with her.

Standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, Chen William put his hand on her shoulder and pressed down. Wang Xinling knelt down on the carpet.

William Chen opened the curtains and looked at the night in Yangcheng outside, the lights were gorgeous.

What happened last night was just an insignificant episode for Chen William, and I believe the other party would think the same.

After Ivanta accepted Chen William\'s opinion and agreed to the purchase price of Yangcheng International Financial Center, the acquisition negotiation suddenly accelerated. TC Business Management Company has finalized the acquisition contract with Yuexiu Group and entered the final handover procedure.

Li Ying will stay here and work with Ivanta\'s TC business management company team to complete the targeted purchase of 1.5 billion corporate bonds by Meta Group.

William Chen, along with Ivanta and his party, took the Gulfstream G550 back to New York.

On June 24, after the outbreak of the sovereign debt crisis, Greece said it had once again sent a request for help to the European Union and euro zone countries.

It is quite embarrassing to see the current situation in Greece. In fact, in the 1990s, the happiness index of Greek life reached an all-time high, and they had the most enviable social welfare in the world. Most of them People don\'t even need to work, they only need to hand over the money to the bank or investment bank, and they can get a lot of interest income, which is enough to ensure their food and clothing.

So, in Greece at that time, there were almost no other industries except real estate, tourism and catering, and shipping, because they didn\'t seem to need other industries either.

The Greeks at that time were immersed in this kind of relaxed and leisurely life, and did not think about why it would be so easy to make money when they went to the country and down to their own personalities, and even without work, they could live what most people in most countries envied. Life.

The reason is that the Greek government at that time, in order to ensure the approval rate, gave its citizens social benefits that were completely inconsistent with the wealth of the national treasury. Their elections were completely deformed. The people only looked at who could give them better welfare policies, and did not care about others, including the country. financial sustainability

Therefore, there is no strong industry to support profligacy, and the end result is an empty treasury and a large fiscal deficit.

In 2002, the Greek government looked at the debts that were about to come due, and was very anxious, lest they would be kicked out of the European Union and the Eurozone, and the situation would worsen if they were given their own strength, so they found the Wall Street giant Goldman Sachs. , to find a way to tide over the difficulties.

The solution that Goldman Sachs came up with is to use the financial derivatives of "cross currency swaps", which can replace debt issued in euros with debts denominated in dollars or yen in a short period of time, so that Greece\'s liabilities can perfectly avoid the euro zone. The rules are whitewashed as off-balance sheet business.

And Goldman Sachs used Greece\'s redacted financial statements to publicize on Wall Street, helping it borrow billions of dollars so that Greek authorities could continue to maintain public spending.

In this way, although Greece has safely resolved the crisis of being kicked out of the European Union and the euro zone, in fact, their debt has not decreased, but has continued to increase.

And things went way more than that.

In 2006, Goldman Sachs executives came to Athens to sell one of the most popular wealth management products to officials from the Greek central bank and the Ministry of Finance, called "subprime bonds," which not only yielded high yields, but also had real estate in the United States. As collateral, it is very safe and reliable.

As a result, the Greek officials, such as the treasure, not only emptied their wealth, but also borrowed billions of dollars from Wall Street through Goldman Sachs, and took nearly 10 billion dollars of American subordinated bonds.

Therefore, with the "help" of Goldman Sachs, in the next two or three years, Greece\'s investment in CDS bonds made their financial statements look better and better, so they continued to borrow money for additional investment.

As for the Greek people, they continued to play music and dance, and continued to live a happy life with high welfare.

But the good times did not last long. Last year, the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States broke out. The subprime bonds in the hands of Greece became a pile of waste paper, and they could only continue to borrow money from Wall Street.

But at this time, Wall Street is already in dire straits, and the American financial system is in a state of depletion of liquidity. How can there be any money to lend to them?

Even the creditors led by Goldman Sachs hope that the Greek government will pay back the money to tide over the difficulties. At this time, the Greek government owed Wall Street tens of billions of dollars with principal and When the Greek sovereign debt crisis broke out on June 5, the ratio of Greek debt to GDP was as high as 124.9%, reaching 124.9%. In 2002, the IMF introduced the "national bankruptcy" standard, that is, a country\'s external assets are less than its external liabilities, that is, it has reached the status of insolvency; or a country\'s sovereign debt is greater than its GDP.

This was the first time the Greek government made a request for assistance to the EU, but it was eventually rejected because the EU was bound by two legal provisions:

One is that the EU constitution prohibits the ECB from reaching out to member states when the euro\'s very existence is not jeopardized.

Second, the IMF Agreement prohibits the EU from using fiscal policy to help its member countries eliminate deficits.

As the impact of Greece\'s sovereign debt crisis continues to expand, the loss of foreign capital in their country has caused a vicious circle. By the end of June, the ratio of Greece\'s debt to GDP reached 142.8%!

The deterioration of their financial situation is far beyond the imagination of the EU. The EU has confirmed the fact that if they do not act at this time, then Greece will only end up going bankrupt and causing social collapse, which will have a great negative impact on the euro. .