America's Road To Fame

Chapter 279: shock the world

Fall in love with, the road to fame and fortune in America

Yangcheng International Finance Center covers an area of ​​31,000 square meters, with a total construction area of ​​456,000 square meters, of which the main tower is 449.2 meters high, plus the helipad, including 103 floors above ground and 4 floors underground.

Interestingly, in 2003, Yangcheng planned to build the Twin Towers by the Pearl River, with two skyscrapers as the main building.

The first to start construction is the Yangcheng International Financial Center, which is the West Tower of the Twin Towers.

The project that Hengda Group and Ivanta Family Group were planning to cooperate with was the east tower of the Twin Towers.

It\'s just that the East Tower was finally won by the Chow Tai Fu Group of HK. Currently, the construction there is the future tallest building in Yangcheng - Yangcheng Chow Tai Fu Financial Center.

Construction of this skyscraper just started last year, and it will take a few years to complete. Therefore, the target of Ivanta\'s acquisition is placed on the Yangcheng International Financial Center.

After Chen William arrived in Yangcheng, he saw Ivanta immediately.

In order to take care of Ivanta, before she came to Yangcheng, when she was still in the United States, Chen William sent someone to buy the most famous villa in Yangcheng, which is also the most famous villa in China - the Louwang of Dayi Villa, costing more than 300 million Chinese currency.

At this time, Ivanta and her accompanying medical team and life assistants all lived in this villa.

"How are you feeling lately, dear?"

William Chen came to the villa at this time, held Ivanta\'s hand, and asked softly.

"It\'s not bad, but the pregnancy reaction was a little bigger some time ago, but it has returned to normal now."

Ivanta put her head on William Chen\'s shoulder sweetly and said.

"Then pay more attention, don\'t work too hard, just leave those things to your subordinates, and you\'ll be responsible for controlling the results."

"I know, things are going relatively smoothly now."

Through Ivanta\'s remarks, Chen William realized that compared to the time when he acquired the World Financial Center and China World Trade Center Phase III, the acquisition of Yangcheng International Financial Center this time was indeed relatively smooth.

Because unlike the previous two skyscrapers, Yangcheng International Financial Center belongs to Yuexiu Group. This is a state-owned enterprise under the Yangcheng State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, involving infrastructure, trust, real estate, banking and other industries.

And Yangcheng International Financial Center has just been completed and delivered this year. The value of this building is also relatively easy to evaluate. With the support of Yangcheng, the negotiation with Yuexiu Group will not be so complicated, and it will mainly allow them to have satisfactory profits. That\'s it.

According to the evaluation of a third-party company, the valuation of Yangcheng International Financial Center is around 10 billion Chinese dollars. Therefore, after confirming that tc asset management company will acquire it in US dollars, the other party gave a price of 1.5 billion US dollars. , is still relatively recognized, but she believes that there is still room for lower prices.

It is true that Yangcheng International Financial Center is similar to the World Financial Center in terms of geographical location or the floor and height of the building, so it is normal for the price to be close.

Therefore, after knowing these circumstances, William Chen suggested that Ivanta should buy the building at a price of 1.5 billion US dollars without lowering the price.

Ivanta may not know much about Huaxia\'s situation, and it is inconvenient for her subordinates to speak directly if they see her insisting on continuing to lower prices. But Chen William understands that since the other party is a state-owned enterprise and the price given is fair, there is no need to lower the price like other foreign or private enterprises, because this involves a problem of state-owned assets, so instead of continuing to lower the price, It is better to settle the transaction at this price, which is also beneficial to both parties for Yangcheng.

Originally, Ivanta felt that the price was not bad. Now, after listening to Chen William\'s analysis, he also agreed with his idea. He was ready to notify his subordinates tomorrow, and the deal was made at this price, and he bought Yangcheng for 1.5 billion US dollars. international Finance Center.

The 1.5 billion US dollars will be injected by the meta group in the form of the purchase of convertible bonds of tc commercial management company. After this targeted purchase, meta group will hold a total of US$2.5 billion in convertible bonds of tc commercial management company and become the largest creditor of tc commercial management company.

In the next time, William Chen was mainly to accompany Ivanta, because their wedding date was approaching. Because Ivanta is already pregnant, she must have a wedding before her figure is too obvious, so that she will be more beautiful in a wedding dress.

Therefore, their wedding date has been set, and it will be held on July 10. There are still about 20 days before the wedding, and the invitations for the guests of both parties have already begun to be sent out.

Next, as people posted invitations to the wedding of William Chen and Ivanta on various social media, the news immediately occupied the headlines of all the world\'s media.

Because this news is really shocking, although there have been gossip news before, but most people are still skeptical. There is no other reason, it is because Chen William is too young, he will be less than 22 years old. , and as a number of super rich people, no one would believe that he would get married so early.

In addition, there is really too much to report about William Chen\'s wedding, just the accompanying gift with the wedding invitation, already makes people feel inhuman.

From the photos of William Chen\'s wedding invitation posted on the Internet, we can see that the invitation is placed in a 30cm square exquisite box. The first floor of the joint venture is a delicate invitation. The lace of the invitation is decorated with pure gold lines. , all fonts, are written in ink containing gold dust.

The second layer of the box is the accompanying gift, including a 15cm long custom-made limited edition from Tiffany & Co. - a strictly scaled down model of Tesla\'s upcoming sterling silver model; Ivanta\'s personal The brand\'s diamond bracelet; a 5-ounce limited edition gold coin for Manchester United to commemorate William Chen\'s wedding; and finally, a limited-edition handbag specially designed by Hermès for William Chen\'s wedding.

What makes everyone envious, apart from the expensive value of these gifts, is that all the gifts are privately sold, only limited editions for William Chen\'s wedding!

These are all things that money can\'t buy, and they are very memorable.

This invitation gift box reflects Chen William\'s status as a super rich man, because what it represents is part of Chen William and Ivanta\'s industries, which cannot be imitated by ordinary people.

The media also paid attention to the location of William Chen and Ivanta\'s It has been revealed that it is located in Lanai Island, Hawaii, where Bill Gates\' wedding was held.

However, all the reporters who went to want to visit were all turned away. They were told that this place has been booked by William Chen for the next month, and any tourists and strangers will not be allowed to visit. At present, a security force owned by the Drey family has been stationed on the island. From now on, it will be used to ensure the safety of the island within a month. Every day, helicopters will patrol the island from time to time.

From a distance, it can be seen with a telescope that somewhere on the island seems to be making arrangements for the wedding, but soon, they are expelled by the security patrol boat.

Although the whole picture cannot be seen clearly, the media speculate that there is no doubt that this wedding is destined to become this year, or even the most grand wedding of the century in recent years.

A reporter took a different approach and tried to seize the opportunity to ask Ivanta\'s father about the wedding, hoping to find some clues from this big-mouthed business celebrity, but he also said helplessly to the reporter:

"Wedding? Yes, I know, it\'s definitely a big wedding that will be remembered for a lifetime, but I\'m also kept in the dark about the specifics. I asked my daughter and she said that as long as I show up on time that day Okay, you know, I\'ll never go against her word."

"So what do you think of Miss Ivanta\'s wedding?"

"There is no doubt that William is a lucky boy because he is able to marry the most beautiful girl in the world. Of course, I have to admit that he is also good enough to be worthy of my daughter. From him, I could see the shadows of my youth, he was very close to me."