America's Road To Fame

Chapter 27: repay the loan

Er, it turned out to be a movie, which is something William Chen didn\'t expect. However, he had heard of the movie "Magic Mike" in his previous life, but as a straight man, he didn\'t feel at all about such a movie about a dancer that seemed to sell meat.

It\'s just that many women seem to like this movie very much. After reading the introduction, the box office of this movie is also good. The cost is 7 million US dollars, and the global box office is 167 million. The return rate is more than 20 times. It can be said that it is a small cost and a big profit.

It\'s just that he also knows that the global box office is 167 million, and the producer can only share a part of it. How much can be divided depends on the actual situation.

Because the United States is different from the situation in China, unlike the domestic box office share in China, which is a fixed ratio, the box office share of the American producers is divided according to the time of the show. In general, the longer the film is shown, the longer , the higher the cinema chain’s share will be, which will help high-quality film cinema chains be willing to extend the screening, because the further back they go, the higher their share of the box office.

And not to mention that there is still a share of the distributor, so it is normal for the producer to get 35-40% of the final domestic box office, and sometimes even less.

As for the overseas box office, it is necessary to see the agreement with overseas countries. Some will be bought out directly, and some will be divided, but the overseas share will be even lower, because there are partners who have to share money with the theater chain, after all It is in the opponent\'s home court, and it is definitely impossible to get the big head.

Now William Chen has not decided whether to make this work or not. If you want to make this movie, it\'s actually very simple. You can find the complete video in the [Magic Mike] in this inventory. William Chen can completely shoot the movie according to this movie video, and I believe that the finished product will also get a similar box office. However, William Chen had not seen this movie in his previous life, and he was going to make a decision after watching this movie.

William Chen put this matter aside for the time being, he sent a message from Ivanta, and the two agreed on a time for a morning run together, so he put on his sportswear and went out.

"William, I heard Gared say that he has acquired 40% of the shares of Building 666. Is this true?"

Ivanta first asked this question after the meeting. As for Ivanta to know about this, William Chen is not surprised at all. After all, this may be the thing that Jared is most proud of recently, and it is impossible for him not to show off in front of Ivanta.

"Yes, I did get a call from the trust fund that bought my 666 shares in the first place, knowing that Garred was going to buy their stake with a $2 billion overall valuation of the building. Now it seems that Garred is smart , he made the move to buy the "New York Observer", more of it seems to be trying to raise the price for me, so that I can consume funds and be unable to snipe his purchase of the building shares." William Chen said with a smile.

"You don\'t seem to care that much about this matter, William." When I heard the news, Ivanta was still a little worried about Chen William\'s state, but now it seems that he has not been greatly affected. .

"Because to be honest, Ivanta, I\'m not optimistic about Gared\'s deal. If it were me, I wouldn\'t choose to buy a property at this time."

Chen William\'s words were very unexpected to Ivanta. She looked at him in surprise and asked, "What do you mean?"

"This topic is a bit long, let\'s run first, Ivanta." At this time, they had already walked into Central Park, and William Chen said to Ivanta with a calm expression. At this time, Ivanta could only temporarily put the doubt in her mind and run with him first.

When the two finished running and started to walk back, Ivanta finally couldn\'t help the doubts in her heart and asked aloud, "William, what did you mean just now?"

"Haha, Ivanta, you can\'t hold your breath a bit." After Chen William finished speaking, seeing Ivanta looking at him with anger, he continued:

"It\'s very simple, because I\'m not optimistic about the real estate market in the past two years. Yes, in the past few years, the real estate market has been very hot, and house prices are also rising, so more and more people are starting to invest in real estate, continue to It has pushed up housing prices. But you should understand that this situation is difficult to continue forever, there is no permanent rise in the market, and when everyone thinks it will continue to rise, a crisis is brewing.”

"Yes, William, since two or three years ago, there have been voices of this kind of bearish market in the market, but in fact, this kind of worry has proved to be self-inflicted, and the real estate is still booming, even if there is a bubble. Existence, which is likely to be benign, will be dissipated as the economy develops.”

Ivanta still doesn\'t quite believe Chen William\'s alarmist words. After all, their Troup family is also mainly engaged in the real estate industry, and they know a lot about these situations.

In this regard, William Chen does not need to explain too much to her. Just like himself, if there is no confirmation from the eyes of the future, he would not dare to say that he truly believes that the subprime mortgage crisis will break out. Even if he has such experience and memory in his previous life, it is easy to make an accurate prediction in hindsight. It is very difficult. It needs to be stripped and have a strong insight.

So William Chen just shrugged and didn\'t say much to her. Talking to her now and planting a seed in Ivanta\'s heart is enough, and he is not ready to really convince her that the subprime mortgage crisis will break out to avoid too many variables.

Today is July 29th. After the morning, Joss has completed the task of clearing the stock. The result is better than he expected, because the stock market is still hot. After the liquidation, the stocks held by Chen William were sold. After deducting capital gains tax, he had more than $600 million left in his account.

This time, the stock market investment did not rely on the reminder of the Eye of the Future. William Chen obtained a profit of more than 100 million US dollars. Although it is far less than the income of those confirmed news, William Chen is still very satisfied with this.

"I\'ll make a payment to your account right away. This cooperation is very pleasant, Joss." William Chen shook hands with Joss and said.

"We are also very honored to serve you, Mr. William. If you still need it, you can contact us." Joss is also very satisfied with this cooperation. They can be said to have a good income from this cooperation.

"I have a proposal, Jos, I want to hire your team, not this short-term hire, but to make you the trading team of my investment company. I will give you a base salary of $500,000 a year, each team member The basic annual salary of 200,000 US dollars, and then according to the income of each trade, there will be corresponding bonuses. I wonder what you think?"

After this cooperation, William Chen was quite satisfied with Jos\'s team. His Meta investment company is still an empty shell, and he hopes to have his own trading team. Jos\'s team is more suitable for now.

If you can talk about their income, on the one hand, the operation of each investment can be made more stable, and there is no need to temporarily break in every time; the most important thing is to become an employee of William Chen, which can also give him more trust in the team. , to make his investment more convenient and confidential, so that it will not be leaked.

Moreover, the salary offered by William Chen to the Joss team is already considered a good income on Wall Street. Don\'t look at their team\'s monthly employment fee of 200,000, and there are bonuses.

However, as an independent trading team, it does not mean that you can find an employer for 12 months a year. It is often hungry and full, so the income is not stable. On average, it may not be able to meet the basic requirements given by him. Salary, not to mention every time they trade, they can get bonuses based on their earnings. In Chen William\'s situation, the bonuses they can get will definitely be several times their annual salary.

Jos was still a little moved by the offer given by William Chen. He said, "Mr. William, thank you for your affirmation, but I need to discuss it with the team, okay?"

"Of course, but I will invest again soon, so I hope to get your reply before tomorrow morning, okay?"

"no problem."

Chen William had previously borrowed US$100 million from Future Bank, so after the funds arrived, he first made the repayment. Every time the quota is exhausted and then repaid, the bank will adjust the quota according to Chen William\'s investment in the future. This time William Chen\'s loan amount was adjusted to 150 million.

At present, he still does not know the specific basis for this adjustment. After Chen William\'s future bank partner is Paris, the initial amount is 50 million. After the first loan and investment, the amount is adjusted to 100 million. ; this time adjusted to 150 million.

Since he has experienced too few quota adjustments, he is not sure whether it is under normal circumstances, as long as he meets the standard, he will increase by 50 million each time; or the first investment has performed well, so the quota is directly Doubled, and this time the investment was mediocre, so it only increased by 50%.

These still need to be summed up after he adjusts the amount several times in the future, but he is still satisfied with the amount of 150 million US dollars. After all, it is an interest-free and unlimited loan. As long as the bound partner does not give him a backstab, All is well said.

Before, William Chen\'s personal account had more than 25 million US dollars in funds, but after the acquisition of the "New York Observer", plus the injection of 5 million into the newspaper, as well as daily expenses, there are still more than 9 million US dollars left. He then paid Jos\'s team\'s hiring costs and a 3 million bonus, leaving less than $6 million.

But now there are more than 500 million US dollars left in the account, and his funds have been greatly enriched, with 506 million US dollars. This series of figures really makes people feel happy.

"Uncle Tom, my funds have arrived. You can notify the Bank of New York and prepare to repay their loans. The mortgage loan and the $50 million loan for Building 666 due this month can start to be debited from my account. ."

Not bad for the past two days. William Chen notified Tom to immediately repay the two loans from the Bank of New York, so that his property would be released from the mortgage, and his total loan amount on Building 666 would be reduced to about 650 million.

"That\'s great, William. I\'ll let them know right away. Actually, I\'d rather make a trip to tell them in person. I really want to see the expressions on their faces when they hear the news." Tom\'s tone could already tell what he was doing at this time. The mood is very good, and William Chen can already imagine the smile on his face.