America's Road To Fame

Chapter 264: engagement ceremony

Originally, Rick Walton\'s engagement ceremony had been planned for a long time, but because of some delays in Delphine\'s family, it was delayed until the beginning of June.

But this is what Ivanta wanted, and she just took this opportunity to refer to their engagement ceremony.

The engagement ceremony of the two was held on Nick Island in the Caribbean Sea. After all, it was the princess of the largest luxury goods group in the world, the LVMH group, and Delphine\'s engagement ceremony. Many of the women who attended were from the fashion industry. Many well-known designers and models, who wear clothing from top brands such as LVMH Group, PRADA, Chanel, Jixian Lanka, etc., turn the wedding scene into a fashion show of competition.

However, in this ceremony, apart from the bride and groom, the most eye-catching ones are William Chen and Ivanta. After all, there have been rumors that the two are planning a wedding recently, and both of them are also very good looking. , in a Hermès suit and dress, it looks like a match made in heaven.

Although Chen William sometimes complained about Rick\'s crow\'s mouth, he let himself be hit by him, and he really got married with his son. But as one of his few friends, William Chen gave him an engagement gift—the 500-year-old French Chateau Latour-Lagan, which he just bought for $2 million.

This winery is located in the southeast of Bordeaux, covering an area of ​​60 hectares, with a grape planting area of ​​30 hectares, with an annual output of 160,000 bottles of high-quality Bordeaux dry red.

The original owner of the winery is the Lagan family, who have been running the winery for two generations. Since his two sons have no interest in running the winery, and one daughter has another property, he considered selling the winery. .

It happened that William Chen was looking for an engagement gift for Rick: Walton. When he sent to the Bordeaux region of France to help him find a suitable winery, after hearing the news, he reported it to William Chen.

At that time, investors from Luxembourg, Belgium, Malta and other countries also wanted to buy the winery. Chen William directly bought the winery at a high price and gave it to Rick Walton.

Ivanta stayed by Chen William\'s side, the two held hands, with a happy smile on her face, paying special attention to the various processes of the engagement.

Delphine wore a snow-white wedding dress by designer Galliano that took 1,300 hours to craft.

Seeing Ivanta\'s eyes on Delphine\'s wedding dress, William Chen said to her softly, "I have already said hello to the CEO of Hermès Group, and soon the chief designer of their fashion department will come here in person to tailor it for you. Customize a wedding dress and you will be the most beautiful woman in the world."

"Just when it\'s time?" Ivanta asked playfully.

"Well, you always have been, honey."

It can be said that the engagement of Rick Walton and Delphine has also touched the hearts of many news media. After the previous relationship between the two was exposed, it caused extensive discussion.

After all, one of the two is the descendant of the largest business family in the United States, and the other is the princess of the world\'s largest luxury goods group and the richest man in Europe. The marriage between the two has naturally attracted attention.

However, the engagement ceremony held this time on the Caribbean island was very low-key, and no reporters were allowed to participate. Rick Walton chartered the entire island, allowing only invited guests to arrive directly by special plane and yacht.

He rented a full 5 helicopters, and sent guests with invitations to this island in batches. There were also two yachts that also traveled between this island and the South American mainland to bring guests here.

The dinner that followed was also exquisite and sumptuous. Here, William Chen also had a conversation with the parents of both parties who came. "Hello William."

When Delphine\'s father Bernard Arnault shook hands with William Chen, he jokingly said:

"Perhaps I shouldn\'t have promised my daughter to come to you to buy the Hermès Group. As a result, not only did she not succeed, but she also cheapened the kid Rick."

"Maybe that\'s exactly what was planned, isn\'t it? Mr. Arnault."

"Maybe, but at least Rick is more satisfying to me, and he doesn\'t have the ills of those rich kids."

Haha, are you alluding to something? William Chen smiled, in his heart... Anyway, I can\'t hear what you mean.

"In addition, I am still very interested in the Hermes Group. If you want to sell it, remember to contact me and I will give a good price."

"Although it may disappoint you, Mr. Arnault, I also want to say that I am equally interested in it and will buy it at a price that will satisfy you."

Ma Dan, I just don\'t like chatting with this old fox. It\'s really bothersome. Your son-in-law is my good brother. Are you really not afraid that I will introduce a few female stars to him in a fit of rage?

Well, it seems that this one can really be tried. William Chen couldn\'t help but glance at Rick Walton with a harmless smile on his face.

"William, I\'m glad Rick has a like-minded friend like you."

This time I was chatting with William Chen, the current head of the Walton family, Rick: Walton\'s uncle Rob: Walton "I am also honored to have a friend like Rick, Mr. Walton .

"I\'ve been following the online grocery platform you co-founded, it\'s called Zoom, isn\'t it? It looks like it\'s doing a good job." "Thank you for your compliment, Mr. Walton, we just made the right decision at the right time, However, Zoom is still very weak, and Yuan can’t compare with Walmart Group.”

Hearing William Chen\'s words, Rob Walton laughed and said, "I can see that you are very ambitious for Zoom, but do you really think you can cross the mountain of Amazon?"

"Maybe to achieve the goal, we can\'t just walk through the Amazon, we can find a different way to bypass the obstacle."

"But anyway, it\'s not easy, isn\'t it? But it\'s different if you have a strong boost. Frankly, I also mentioned to Rick, it\'s better to let our Walmart group give you a helping hand, It allows you to go straight over Amazon without having to make such a hassle of detours.”

"So, Walmart Group wants to buy us?"

"Yes, you can keep some of the shares, but we want to have control. You know, if you have Walmart\'s stores around the world as the backing, then Zoom doesn\'t need to be so troublesome to contact each small partner, immediately It will be able to have a complete supply and logistics system.\'

Oh? Has it been targeted by the Wal-Mart Group now? But Rick hadn\'t mentioned this to William Chen before, so he could easily guess that Rick must have rejected his uncle\'s proposal, so what he hoped , it must have been through Chen William to refuse, and even Chen William could roughly imagine the excuse when he refused at that time.

This is why Rick Walton made William Chen\'s shareholding account for the majority of the shares at that time, but only took control of Zoom in his hands through a secret agreement.

"I would like to take the liberty to ask, Mr. Walton, is your Wal-Mart Group going to focus on developing online sales?"

"Online sales seem to be a isn\'t it? William, but we will still focus on stores in the short term, and online sales will be a useful attempt."

After Rob Walton finished speaking, William Chen shook his head gently and said, "Then I can only say sorry, Mr. Walton, as I said, Zoom is still very weak, when a seed has just broken ground. When it comes out, it must first adapt to the environment before it can grow into a towering tree, and fertilizing it too early will only make its foundation unstable.”

Hearing the refusal in William Chen\'s words, Rob Walton didn\'t care at all, and said, "I hope you will consider it carefully, we can give a good price, for example, what about the valuation of 1.5 billion US dollars? Sample?"

"I can only say sorry, Mr. Walton, the prerequisite for Zoom\'s sale will only be that it can become the most important direction of the Wal-Mart Group, not a supplement to the store, otherwise there will be no future at all.

William Chen refused again: "It\'s like now in your opinion, it seems that $1.5 billion is already a good price for Zoom, but in my opinion it is far from enough. When do you think $15 billion to buy Zoom is also When it was really necessary, that was the moment when Zoom could join the Walmart Group and get enough attention."