America's Road To Fame

Chapter 262: Public opinion offensive

After chatting with Uncle Tom, what William Chen talked about with his uncle John Drey was something else.

"Are you really going to buy the country of Palu?"

After William Chen made the decision to buy Palu, he also consulted John Del Rey, so he also knew about this:

"Why did you choose there? And it\'s buying a sovereign country. If you want to buy an island, you can buy a private island like other rich people, and no one will care what you do."

Naturally, William Chen couldn\'t tell his uncle the real reason, and he couldn\'t explain things like volcanic eruptions there in the future, but he had already thought about the corresponding reasons.

"Well, the main thing is that I\'m going to marry Ivanta, you know, and Paris and the others, I can\'t let it go, so if I can buy a country, then I can make my own laws. "

William Chen said to John Del Rey: "As for why it is Palu, because it is small enough, it is the smallest island country in the world, and their current situation also provides the possibility of buying. Geographical location is also the main reason, there It is far enough away from the United States, within the sphere of influence of America\'s ally Australia, and very close to our Guam base. It is a good choice in terms of security and privacy. If it is South America, then Washington\'s eyes will always endure. Keep looking."

What he said is also true. Considering it all, Palu is really a more suitable place.

"Just for women? I always thought you wanted to avoid taxes. If you really want to avoid taxes, then I don\'t recommend you buy there, because Palu has been on our blacklist. If you want to buy there to build a country, and then break away from the United States Nationality, that would be a big problem."

William Chen understood what he meant. If that was the case, he would definitely be targeted by the state, which would not only affect his business behavior, but also have a great impact on the Drey family.

"On the contrary, I\'m here to solve this problem. I\'m not going to let Palu continue to be a tax haven, that\'s not the right way to go, and on the contrary, uncle, you think, why not see this as a citizen of the United States What about a move by the country to expand its influence? Now that Palu does not have an independent currency, I may agree to use the US dollar as the legal currency, and in terms of taxation, my business behavior in the United States will still contribute to the country, This, in effect, eliminates a tax haven and increases American influence in Oceania."

Hearing William Chen\'s words, John Del Rey thought for a while, nodded, and said, "However, there is no international precedent for the private purchase of the entire country\'s sovereignty, only the purchase of territory before the country. But it is not impossible. You need to do some lobbying in the government before you can do it.”

What John Drey said is also true. Maybe someone has heard of someone buying an island and then proclaiming the founding of a country. But that kind of country is not an internationally recognized country. At best, it is just arrogant, and no country will establish diplomatic relations with him.

The purchase of sovereignty that has happened so far has only happened before countries and countries, such as the United States. Historically, after independence, there have been five purchases of territory, namely the purchase of Louisiana from France, Florida was bought from Spain, Alaska from Russia, half of its territory from Mexico, and the Virgin Islands from Denmark, which accounted for almost half of the current size of the United States.

However, most of these purchases of land occurred in the 19th century. The most recent purchase of the Virgin Islands from Denmark was also in 1917.

According to the earliest international documents on the definition of a state - a permanent population, a fixed territory, an effective government, and the ability to interact with other states are the elements that constitute a sovereign state. Subsequent drafts and declarations of the United Nations on sovereign states are derived from the relevant content of the Convention.

Therefore, it is very difficult to find a land without owner to establish a country and be recognized by the international community. In fact, if you want to truly become a normal country and the ability to communicate with other countries, the most important thing is to be recognized by major powers. ability.

If you are recognized by a few countries that are too small to be found on the world map, you will still not be recognized by other countries in the international community; but if you are recognized by big powers, especially the five permanent countries, it will be easier to integrate into the international community.

The more favorable point now is that if you can directly buy Palu, as long as it is recognized by the United States, then it is easy to inherit the country\'s status in the international community, including the seat in the United Nations, and the establishment of diplomatic relations with other countries. Much easier than building a country from scratch.

In the end, John Del Rey recommended a person for William Chen—Naz Lyle, who used to be a senator, and later became the director of a lobbying group. He is a very senior person with political connections.

If William Chen is going to lobby Washington about his purchase of Palu, he will be a very helpful person.

It is now the end of May, and it has been less than five months before William Chen\'s future eyes see the scene, so the plan must be hurry.

William Chen\'s think tank team has organized a group of experts from various fields to conduct research on his acquisition of Palu.

According to the team\'s opinion, first of all, it is necessary to create conditions for him to acquire Palu from public opinion.

The propaganda of public opinion at this stage is to describe the current critical situation of Palu and create a foundation for Chen William\'s acquisition.

"It used to be the richest country in the South Pacific, but why is it now bankrupt?"

"Dangerous! In a few years, this country will disappear."

"Palu, a typical example of a good hand playing sloppy..."

For a while, Palu, a small and inconspicuous country in the South Pacific, was frequently reported on Reddit, and there were also relevant reports in some print media.

All of this is naturally inspired by William Chen\'s team. At this stage, they will gradually release news in the media and public opinion in the United States, Australia, and Palu to guide everyone to discuss the future of this small South Pacific country and where to go.

Of course, the basic data of these reports are true.

Palu\'s land area is constantly decreasing. In the past 20 years, Palu has lost 5 square kilometers of land, from 35 square kilometers in the last century to 30 square kilometers.

The main reason is that one is the over-exploitation of phosphate mines, which destroys the geological structure of the island. Under the erosion of sea water, the coast shrinks inward; the other is global warming, which causes the sea level to rise and submerges part of the land. Moreover, the continuous large-scale phosphate mining has also caused the island\'s altitude to drop by more than ten meters. com is currently only more than 20 meters away.

Of course, in some predictions, experts will add a little bit of pessimism, so the current mainstream caliber is that Palu is likely to be submerged in the near future.

The next discussion is naturally how Palu will save himself in such an overwhelming situation. Before that, Palu had made preparations to build a Palu building in Australia, and also purchased many properties overseas to accommodate nationals in critical situations.

Now what William Chen\'s team needs to do is to guide this kind of public opinion, and start to analyze and conduct public opinion surveys on this feasibility many times in Australia and Palu.

Under the continuous output of pessimistic public opinion, public opinion surveys in Palu show that more than 80% of the nationals believe that from now on, the nationals should be relocated in batches and go to Australia to start life.

Public opinion surveys in Australia show that the vast majority of people welcome the Palu people to move to Australia. After all, although the Palu government has gone bankrupt, the net worth of the funds jointly owned by their people has dropped sharply. There are still many, which can stimulate the local economy of Australia.

Besides, Palu has a population of only 12,000 people, and when you enter Australia, which is originally a sparsely populated area, you can\'t see anything at all.

It\'s just that if the Palu people move to Australia, then their country will definitely not be able to continue to exist, it will become a country within a country, the Australian government will definitely not allow it, so the only way can only be immigration. , to acquire Australian citizenship.