America's Road To Fame

Chapter 248: Is she pregnant?

Before William Chen left New York, Martin and Stephenson, the deputy manager of Meta Investment Company and the head of Caitlin Fund, had already instructed Martin and Stephenson to close the long position of the gold futures contract held by the fund.

It is already May, and as expected by William Chen, the price of gold is still rising. By May 5, the international price of gold has risen to US$1,445 per ounce. At this time, Martin has completed the 50% stake held by the Caitlin Fund. The average closing price of the $100 million gold futures is around $1,430 per ounce. Therefore, the $5 billion in the Caitlin fund has become $6.4375 billion, which is enough to spend $1 billion to complete this year’s Charity spending.

As for which charitable donations to make, you need to plan.

For the acquisition of Manchester United, Chen William needs to pay 1.4 billion US dollars for the acquisition. In order to solve Manchester United\'s debt, another 1 billion US dollars was spent, plus 100 million US dollars of funds reserved for various renovation projects, this is 2.5 billion US dollars Dollar.

As for the two record companies he just acquired, a total of $5.5 billion in acquisitions, plus a one-time settlement of $3 billion in debt, plus $100 million from Spotify, is another $8.6 billion spent.

At present, the funds of Meta Investment Company are less than 9 billion US dollars. However, at this time, the price of gold is still rising slowly, and he is not in a hurry to liquidate the earliest bullish $2 billion gold futures contract.

After William Chen has settled things on the British side, he will go back to New York.

When he waited for the Gulfstream G550, the two flight attendants saw that he was still only bringing his entourage and no other female companions. The time is long enough to have more opportunities to contact Chen William.

As usual, Zhang Jiao found an opportunity to give Chen William a full body massage.

When continuing, Chen William noticed her hesitant look and asked, "What\'s the matter, are you in a bad state today?

She was afraid that Chen William would misunderstand something. Although she felt a little uncertain before, at this time, Zhang Jiao couldn\'t help but whispered: "No, Mr. William, it\'s Aisha, she also thinks

Oh, William Chen understood what she meant and asked, "Did you tell her about us?"

"No, no, I\'m definitely not going to tell anyone, it\'s just that I was in the bedroom with you last time, so she guessed it and told me about it.

It turned out to be the case. If Zhang Jiao was not strict and said casually to others, it would be another attitude. However, Chen William thought that if the two were always together like this, it would not be good to favor one over the other. to maintain harmony.

Sigh, I still have to work harder, there is nothing I can do about it. Thinking of Elsa\'s appearance, William Chen really thinks it\'s not bad, and her figure is really good, so he said to Zhang Jiao:

"If that\'s the case, then you should call her too."

I have to say that Aisha\'s Latino physique is really not comparable to Zhang Jiao\'s. For example, it is also the first flight. Some planes need to be careful and pay extra attention to the status, while some planes can be run in quickly. , and the performance is excellent, the difference here is still very big.

Sometimes you will be surprised by Asan\'s multi-person driving skills, but you can often see the feat of one person riding two bicycles in life. However, in Chen William\'s view, these are all small skills. What are two bicycles? He has ridden all three bicycles together, and he can handle it with ease. As for more, it seems that it is not impossible.

Back in New York, when I took a helicopter from William Chen\'s Long Island manor to the Troup headquarters building, I could see that the Meta Future Building at this time had already shown a stand-out temperament, but the building as a whole was still covered by construction nets.

Meta Future Building is the original No. 666 building owned by William Chen. The renovation project will triple the height of the building to reach 427 meters high. After this project is completed, it will become the tallest building in Manhattan.

It\'s just that after the main body of the building is completed, it will probably have to wait until the second half of this year to reach the level of decoration.

After coming to the office of Meta Investment Company, Martin and Stephenson came to ask William Chen about the follow-up investment of Caitlin Fund.

At present, after the completion of the liquidation of gold futures, the Caitlin Fund holds funds of US$6.4375 billion, of which US$1 billion will be allocated separately for charitable projects, while the remaining US$5.4375 billion cannot be kept like this forever. invested.

During this period, William Chen also paid attention to the financial market in the United States. The decline of the stock market has been greatly slowed down, but the recovery of the economy is still less than expected. Therefore, he received news that the Federal Reserve is already discussing and brewing a new round of quantitative easing policy, with a view to Speed ​​up the economic recovery.

Chen William is not optimistic about the impact of the crisis in a short period of time. In his prediction, the subprime mortgage crisis in this world is more severe than that in his previous life. It will take longer to recover, at least within two years. It\'s hard to go back to the previous level.

But this does not mean that there are no investment opportunities. With the release of the dollar caused by the quantitative easing policy, it also means that these funds also need to find investment directions, so the stock market will usher in a recovery first.

Therefore, for now, investing in the stock market is also a better choice. However, as for which targets to choose, it also needs to be determined. After all, even if the stock market recovers, it will start from the industries that are less affected by the subprime mortgage crisis.

Fortunately, William Chen knows that those industries will recover first in the future, so he is more targeted in the selection of stocks. At present, it is less than 5.5 billion US dollars. The funds are not too much, and there are not too many. They can\'t get together and enter those stocks with relatively small plates. After studying the US stocks for a morning, William Chen determined the main investment of Caitlin Fund. \'s stock.

The biggest head, of course, is to choose stocks with larger capacity, so William Chen decided to take at least half of the shares and invest in technology giants, including Apple, Microsoft and Google.

The remaining funds are invested in Netflix, NetArt, Zhalang, Nvidia, MasterCard and Amazon.

Among them, Amazon William Chen was hesitant, because although according to his previous life experience, he knew that Amazon\'s development would be very strong, but now he, Rick and Walton have founded Zoom with a lot of money, and it will be a competitive relationship with Amazon. Then investing in Amazon\'s stock is a bit contradictory in terms of mentality. If the other party is still developing well, it means that Zoom needs to face a stronger opponent.

In the end, William Chen decided to invest in Amazon. Anyway, the share is not high. Even if the risk of investing in Zoom is hedged, he can make money regardless of whether Zoom develops better or Amazon is still strong.

What William Chen didn\'t expect was that he met Rick and Walton in New York. At this moment, William Chen realized that Zoom has developed to New I didn\'t expect it to be very fast. Rick. "

He said with some sigh.

Understanding William Chen\'s words, Rick was a little speechless. He said:

"You don\'t care about our company so much?"

"Well, there are too many things, Rick." William Chen said with a smile: "And I am very confident about your ability, I believe you will do it well."

Rick doesn\'t know what to say about William Chen\'s behavior. On the plus side, it seems that he really doesn\'t have much ambition for Zoom; but it\'s not good to be the boss of the company so openly.

"And Rick, you know, I\'ve been giving you advice. How about it? It\'s not bad in New York." "The construction of the warehouse center has been negotiated with the government. Anyway, the location is not It is not difficult to be close to the center of the city, and now that I have the experience of operating in California, I have finally organized a decent team, and it will be much easier later." Rick sat down in front of Chen William and said lightly:

"But today is not mainly about Zoom, uh, I\'m getting engaged, next week, so I\'ll come over and invite you in person."

"What" William Chen was really shocked: "Rick, what did you say, you are getting married so soon"

"It\'s an engagement, not a marriage, William," Rick corrected.

"Who is the eldest lady of the LVMH group with whom?"

"Yes, it\'s Delphine.


William Chen looked at Rick and Walton strangely, and asked, "Didn\'t you let her get pregnant?"