America's Road To Fame

Chapter 240: The enemy is too cunning

After Zhang Jiao first joined Gulfstream\'s private service department and was hired by Chen William for the first time, she was still prepared, knowing that she might soon have to face the choice of whether to perform certain services for him. When she was training and communicating with other flight attendants, she had heard more than once about the kind of things between the flight attendants of private jets and their customers. This is still a very common thing in the private flight attendant industry serving the rich.

But the fact is completely different from her imagination. After being hired by Chen William, you can always see different beauties flying with him, and they are all well-known stars, but on their own side, let alone with Chen William. Intimate contact, and even dialogue, there are relatively few.

Zhang Jiao also whispered this matter to another Latina flight attendant, Aisha Gonzalez, in private, but Aisha said with a smile:

"Why, Zhang, are you in a hurry? Although it\'s my first time as a flight attendant on a private jet, I\'ve heard that this kind of thing will always happen, so you can rest assured."

"No, I\'m just a little weird, it seems to be different from what I\'ve heard before."

When Zhang Jiao heard her say this, her face flushed, and she defended herself.

"There\'s no need to be embarrassed between us, you have to know that it\'s William Chen, Zhang, who doesn\'t want to have something to do with him? He\'s rich and handsome, so usually girls of all colors don\'t want to pounce on him. I know how much, although you and I also have some capital, but compared with those stars, they are not so outstanding, so the boss will definitely not be as anxious as other rich people, and you need to create opportunities yourself."

"Create opportunities?"

"Of course, if you have the opportunity, you have to show yourself intentionally or unintentionally." As she spoke, Aisha straightened her magnificent headlights and whispered to Zhang Jiao: "Zhang, you also have an advantage, you Men will be crazy about those long legs. And many of the lovers who look at the boss are from China, so he should be more interested in you because of his own blood. What really happened, when the time comes, you can call me together, and the two of us together will definitely be able to occupy a certain weight."

Hearing Aisha\'s words, the more outrageous she is, and she wants to be together... It\'s not like Zhang Jiao hasn\'t seen this kind of plot in a similar drama. Thinking of that scene, she couldn\'t help but blushed and said, "Aisha, this... how is this possible."

Aisha said proudly: "You have to have some sense of crisis, Zhang, haven\'t I heard that the boss ordered a bigger plane, A380, I\'m afraid he will hire more flight attendants, and in case he has New plane, give us this one to other people, it will be too late, we worked beside him so early, if we were preempted by others, wouldn\'t we be depressed to death, you really want to be a flight attendant all your life Is it? For these super-rich, when you are almost 30 years old, you may not continue to hire you, think about it.”

I have to say that after listening to Elsa\'s words, Zhang Jiao could not accept it at first, but after thinking about it, it really makes sense. William will be a little unwilling to look so good. Once he is older, it is not suitable to work on a private jet, or to be hired by other unsatisfactory rich people. Wouldn\'t it be even worse?

Now I have a good opportunity. This time William Chen flew from China to New York without a female companion. It was the Gulfstream G550 that he took alone. Seeing this scene, when William Chen was not paying attention, Aisha gave Zhang Jiao gave a look, and Zhang Jiao naturally understood the meaning.

At this time, the plane had already taken off, and Chen William was in the office area of ​​the plane, sorting out his investments during this period.

Previously, William Chen had more than $3 billion in cash in Meta Investment Company, and later received a total of $29.5 billion from Fund 2 and the John Paulson Fund.

However, after he acquired the "New York Times" Group and paid off the group\'s nearly $1 billion in debt, he combined 20th Century Films and MGM Pictures to become the new 20th Century MGM Films. Returned $3.3 billion in debt to both companies, leaving just under $25.5 billion.

Then William Chen continued to buy, buy, buy, and Ubisoft spent $850 million; the future number was ordered because it was already a semi-finished product, so another $400 million was spent, and then another $500 million was transferred to Huaxia Future Capital. US dollars to invest in Jingdong, Enlight Media and subsequent acquisitions; another US$1 billion in the form of corporate bonds was injected into Troup Chen Business Management Company, er, and nearly US$160 million spent on the acquisition of Riot Games …

Sure enough, as Nielsen reported to himself, there are still $22.5 billion on the books. By the way, there is also the acquisition of Manchester United. For the time being, the budget of $2.5 billion will be included. Another $20 billion.

Immediately, I will be able to close my long positions on gold futures contracts. This is another large sum of money. It seems that my spending power is not enough, and I need to continue to work hard.

"Mr William, your water."

While Chen William was thinking about this, one of his personal flight attendants, Zhang Jiao, came over with a glass of lemonade and put it in front of him.

"OK, thanks."

After Chen William finished speaking casually, seeing Zhang Jiao hadn\'t left yet, looking at him with a look of hesitation on his face, Chen William couldn\'t help but ask, "What, is there anything else?"

"It\'s like this, Mr. William, I have learned massage. I see you have been sitting here for a long time. Would you like to press your shoulders?"

Zhang Jiao asked with a hint of hope on her face.

Oh? That\'s okay, although Chen William\'s physique didn\'t feel tired, but he hadn\'t massaged for a while, so he nodded to Zhang Jiao.

Seeing Chen William agree, Zhang Jiao showed a smile on her face. She stood carefully behind Chen William, stretched out her plain hand, and pressed it on his shoulder.

Unexpectedly, Zhang Jiao\'s technique is quite good, and she can clearly feel that she is quite experienced and very comfortable.

Chen William closed his eyes and occasionally snorted softly, which was indeed quite professional.

"You really learned it before, it\'s pretty good."

Hearing Chen William\'s words, Zhang Jiao said happily: "My mother often suffers from backache and back pain, so I used to press her a few times since I was a child, and I also learned a little trick."

I see.

"Well, Mr. William, would you like to press your back again, so that you can get a good night\'s sleep after your whole body is relaxed."

Feeling that Zhang Jiao\'s little hand was still massaged vigorously, listening to her words, Chen William opened his eyes, looked at her, and understood something from her expression. Hey, it\'s really not easy for me, Chen William didn\'t sigh, every little goblin wanted to tempt him, hmph, how can his concentration be easily shaken?

So William Chen said:


The doorbell of the bedroom rang, and through the intercom system, Elsa\'s voice came in:

"Mr. William, we\'ll be landing at the airport in half an hour."

Hearing this voice, Zhang Jiao, who was in Chen William\'s arms, was about to exclaim, but UU Reading quickly covered her mouth. Unexpectedly, she was too tired and fell asleep without noticing.

Chen William pressed the switch beside the bed, and a soft light lit up in the bedroom. At this time, it could be seen that Zhang Jiao was wearing clothes in a panic, unaware that her beauty was revealed.

Seeing this scene, Chen William couldn\'t help sighing to himself, it wasn\'t that he was not determined enough, but the enemy was too cunning.

It was fine at first, since it was a full-body massage, sitting on a chair in the office area was inappropriate, so Chen William went back to the bedroom, rinsed, and then lay on the bed in pajamas, with Zhang Jiao holding him.

If it\'s a woman with a little experience, it\'s fine. I don\'t know if Zhang Jiao\'s brain is short-circuited. Later, he thought that Chen William didn\'t notice that the phone fell into his pants, and then he kindly wanted to help him take it out...

Well, that\'s it, in that scene, coupled with her long black silk legs in uniform, Chen William\'s heart softened and she let her fulfill her wish.

At this moment, Zhang Jiao got dressed in a hurry, her stockings could no longer be worn, she secretly threw it into the trash can, but now she knew that she was shy, her face flushed and she dared not look at Chen William, and said, "Mr. William, I, I\'m going to prepare to land first."

Seeing her slender figure leaving, William Chen shook his head and walked into the bathroom.

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