America's Road To Fame

Chapter 238: record industry

Fall in love with, the road to fame and fortune in America

After finishing the conversation, and walking out of the building, Boss Ma sighed and said to William Chen, "William, you really surprised people."

Chen William knew that he was talking about the suddenly proposed acquisition of the main building of the third phase of China World Trade Center. He smiled and said, "Old Ma, you know that doing business here in Yanjing, we are all newcomers, so It is very important to be famous, which is actually low-key compared to the magic capital."

Well, you may have misunderstood low-key. Boss Ma shook his head. Anyway, he has become accustomed to the financial power shown by William Chen.

In the evening, William Chen received a call from Bramo Norwood, CEO of meta entertainment media company, and he told William Chen that he had negotiated with Riot Games to acquire the company at a valuation of US$100 million. 22% of the shares, the other party insisted on leaving 10% of the shares, and the agency rights of "League of Legends" in mainland China have also been signed to them.

So William Chen will eventually buy 90% of Riot Games at a price of $100 million. As for the 10% in Penguin\'s hands, William Chen understands that he will get it back sooner or later, but he will have to pay some more money at that time, and with Penguin\'s behavior, it is estimated that if "League of Legends" is still the same in mainland China as in the previous life Fire, then they will imitate their own moba games like this.

What William Chen can do now is that Penguin can hold the shares of Riot Games - anyway, when they launch their imitated moba game, the relationship between the two parties will definitely break down, and the other party must sell their shares, but they must guard against Penguin. Company, Riot\'s next R&D needs to be kept secret from them.

And it can\'t be like the previous life, the mobile version of "League of Legends" can\'t be launched late, it must be launched in advance. As for some people saying why not do "King Pesticide" directly? In fact, this is not the key. This type of mobile game still depends on who launches and occupies the market first, so that players can form a habit.

Even if you rob the penguin "The King of Pesticide", they can still make "The King of Pesticide", anyway, it\'s not enough to just change the shell. As long as it can occupy the market first, there will be no difference between "League of Legends" or "King Pesticide".

"Boss, I can understand your layout of the entertainment industry, including movies, games and sports, but I don\'t understand, why is there a field that has not been involved?"

"What field?"

"Music! Although the music market is very sluggish now, and the profits of those music companies releasing records are getting lower and lower, I think the music market will always pick up, and now the layout is still a more suitable opportunity."

Hearing Bramall Norwood\'s words, William Chen suddenly realized that he really ignored this point, music is indeed a part of the entertainment industry that cannot be ignored, and he also knows that with the advent of the mobile Internet era, users It has become more and more accustomed to use mobile phones to listen to music. With the iteration of mobile phone chips, the sound quality has not lost to mp3, so the recovery of the music industry in the era of mobile Internet is also natural.

Therefore, William Chen asked Bramall Norwood to focus on the current situation of the global record industry.

The world\'s four major record companies are Universal Music, Sony Music Entertainment, Warner Music and EMI.

According to Bramall Norwood, if you want to acquire the above four companies, the difficulty of the above four companies is from high to low. The parent company of Universal Music is the world\'s leading media group Vivendi, er, Blizzard and Snow Leshan. It is the game company under this group; and Sony Music, obviously belongs to the Sony Group.

These two top two record companies are very difficult to acquire. Just like Universal Music, a company once offered 6 billion US dollars to buy it, but Vivendi refused without hesitation, because Universal Music and Blizzard, It is the core asset of Vivendi at present. They will not sell it easily. If they want to impress them, they also need a high price.

As for Warner Music and EMI, it\'s easier to acquire them. They don\'t have a strong parent company behind them, and the record industry has seen a decline in the past few years. Coupled with the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis, if you want to acquire them, It\'s not difficult, just a reasonable price.

Time Warner Group, the parent company of Warner Music, has not had a good time recently, and they do not pay much attention to Warner Music. It has been rumored that they intend to sell this record company.

EMI, on the other hand, is an independent company, but it has been deeply in debt. At present, EMI\'s total debt is about 1.5 billion US dollars, so if it is acquired, the possibility is still relatively large.

Therefore, after considering it, William Chen asked Bramall Norwood about the feasibility of merging the two record companies after acquiring them.

"If you can acquire all of them and merge, then it is a better choice for the two companies, which can integrate their various businesses and save the company\'s operating costs. And if these two companies merge, it will surpass Universal Music. And Sony Music, it became the largest record company in the world.”

"Since this is the case, let\'s do it, send me the current details of these two companies, and then contact them and propose an acquisition."

William Chen thought for a while and said: "In addition, the traditional form of physical album sales is about to be eliminated, and the music distribution channel will be transferred to the online in the future, so you can investigate the most popular music platforms now, we You also need to master your own online sales channels.”

Chen William doesn\'t know much about foreign music platforms. As for Huaguo\'s music platforms, Chen William knows that the more famous music platforms are Kugou, qq Music and Wangyiyun. It seems that Kugou was acquired by Penguin later. Obviously, QQ Music belongs to Penguin, and Wang Yiyun belongs to Net Art Company, so his choice is naturally Kugou.

After searching on the Internet, Kugou Music was launched before 2005, and the current development is also good, so Chen William directly called Li Ying and asked her to contact Kugou Music and buy them.

"Dear, are you still busy? It\'s quite late."

The door of the study was opened, and Ivanta walked over to William Chen and said.

As she got closer, William Chen smelled a scent, which should be the scent of shower gel. Sure enough, looking at Ivanta, she looked like she had just taken a shower.

William Chen hugged Ivanta and let her sit on his lap. Ivanta put her head on William Chen\'s shoulder and said softly:

"How\'s the deal with Manchester United? Are you going to London soon to deal with this?"

"I\'m going to go back to the United States first and continue to exert pressure on the Glazer family. If it\'s just the pressure of public opinion, in the face of an additional $200 million to $300 million in income, they may bite their teeth and stick to it~www.novelhall .com~ has to have an impact on their business to get them to give in as soon as possible.”

William Chen kissed Ivanta on the face, rubbed her hair, and said.

"I will finish the matter here as soon as possible, and then hand it over to the people below, and I will be able to accompany you more." Ivanta looked at Chen William\'s handsome face: "By the way, if Yanjing is here, if There is no way to acquire the third phase of China World Trade Center, so are we going to build our own building?"

"If it really doesn\'t work, then build two buildings by yourself. If you can acquire it, then build one by yourself. Although self-built buildings can be borrowed, the need for funds is smaller, but it takes too long. The best way is Acquisition and self-construction are going on at the same time.”

Accompanying Ivanta for two more days in Yanjing, Chen William completed his investment in Enlight Media by the way.

After the listing of Huayi Company, Enlight Media has been seeking to go public. In an interview last year, Wang Changtian, the owner of Enlight Media, claimed that he was ready and planned to go public in the first half of this year.

But then came the subprime mortgage crisis, the global stock market performance was very poor, and there were twists and turns in approval, so until now, Enlight Media has not encountered a suitable opportunity, and it is very likely that it will not be able to IPO until next year.

However, Guangguang Media wants to go public. In addition to gaining the popularity of the first TV series, they also think about financing. On the one hand, the current economic situation is not good, and their financial pressure is also great. On the other hand, they want to enter the ranks of the film industry, and naturally need funds. Assure.

Therefore, at this time, Li Ying\'s Huaxia Future Capital found Enlight Media and realized that the other party was behind William Chen, and Enlight Media happily agreed.