America's Road To Fame

Chapter 236: 4 courtyards completed

Boss Ma is very proud recently. The Chinese version has developed rapidly. In less than a month, it already has more than 5 million users. With the previous users, it is estimated that in less than two weeks, the number of users will exceed 10 million. .

Although it is still far from the hundreds of millions of users of QQ, it is a social software on the PC side, but an APP for mobile smart phones. At present, Penguin has not made a similar APP, and it has given more time to expand. Advantage.

By relying on the advantages in the social field, Penguin directly competed with Ali in e-commerce, Boss Ma also took a sigh of relief, and now he can finally give Penguin a color back, no wonder he is so happy.

This time, Boss Ma will go to Yanjing in person, mainly to meet people from Zhalang and talk about investing in Weibo. With Weibo, the effect of attracting traffic to Taobao will not be worse than Baidu.

"You really want to buy Manchester United?"

In addition to chatting with Chen William about these cooperation matters, Boss Ma is most concerned about his acquisition of the team, but this does not seem surprising. Just a few years later, Ali company also invested in domestic leagues and named them. For a team, it seems that at this time, Boss Ma became interested in football.

But this is not surprising, after all, Manchester United\'s reputation in the world is too great.

"Yes, it is being negotiated now, and the specific price has not yet been negotiated."

"That\'s nothing more than a question of more money and less money. For you, you should be sure of everything. Didn\'t you all say that you would give $3 billion to Manchester United, tsk tsk, really rich."

Looking at Chen William, Boss Ma couldn\'t help but sigh in his heart that he has a considerable position in the business world of China, but he is really incomparable with the little brother in front of him. They are the fourth richest man in the world, only in their early twenties. At his age, his net worth has more than doubled that of the richest man in China. He even suspected that with his recent aggressive acquisitions, his actual net worth might be much more than that.

"Haha, that\'s just a bluff, but Manchester United\'s profitability is indeed good, but now in terms of team development, Europe is still far behind the United States, and Manchester United\'s reputation is wasted in vain, if the commercial value of Manchester United is fully developed If I come out, my income will more than double every year. And buying this team will also be of great benefit to increasing the popularity of my brand.”

What William Chen said is also true. After his acquisition team conducted sufficient research, he came to the conclusion that Manchester United\'s business development is still in a very low-level state. Why are those American teams, whose profits are not as good as Manchester United\'s, and their global popularity is not as good as that of Manchester United, but they are still worth a lot of money? Because the commercial development of American sports is far ahead of European football clubs.

To put it in an ugly word, most of the management of those clubs in Europe are retired players, and most of the officials of UEFA have no experience in commercial development. How can these people do business promotion and development? The popularity of football, the world\'s No. 1 sport, is wasted in vain.

Then you may ask, since these people do not understand, why are there no professionals to help them develop? The reason is that, whether it is the management of the club or UEFA, their income is too low. For example, the management of Manchester United, including the CEO, does not have an annual salary of more than 800,000 pounds before tax. After tax deduction, the highest is more than 600,000 pounds, and the lowest is less than 500,000 pounds.

Such an annual salary seems to be very high to ordinary people, but this is Manchester United, one of the most famous clubs in the world. With such an annual salary, what top business talents can be invited? Wouldn\'t it be good for such a talent to go to a big company to get a high salary and stock incentives?

Therefore, if Chen William buys Manchester United, the first thing is to recruit several excellent business talents in the sports industry in the United States, and at the same time greatly increase the salary of the management.

Therefore, raising the salary level may be the wish of every worker. But if your boss suddenly wants to significantly increase your salary for this position, don\'t be too happy, you may be unemployed soon. Because since he does this, it is likely that he is dissatisfied with the work of your position and is ready to introduce more capable talents, so he increases the salary to attract talents to join.

"By the way, Lao Ma, I have something to tell you." Chen William looked at Lao Ma\'s puzzled expression and said, "People from Jingdong have approached me. I think the conditions are good and I am ready to invest."

Hearing this, Boss Ma said not too concerned: "You can vote if you want, but don\'t say I remind you every time, their model is not easy to do."

At this time, Boss Ma didn\'t care about Jingdong at all, after all, the difference in size was too great. On the contrary, Da Dongzi kept pulling Boss Ma to rub the heat. No matter what happened, he always said, "It must be Boss Ma who is framing me", which made everyone wonder why Boss Ma was targeting him like this, and it gradually started. Jingdong\'s fame.

But no matter what, it would be best for Chen William to say hello to Boss Ma in advance on this matter, and to say what he said, no matter what he thought, it would appear aboveboard and there would be nothing wrong. But if you don\'t talk about it, the other party will know about this sooner or later, and the relationship will be prone to cracks.

This time when William Chen and the others arrived in Yanjing, not only did Li Ying send someone to pick him up, but even Wang Zhonglei came to accompany them to see William Chen\'s courtyard.

After the visit, William Chen was very satisfied with the decoration of the courtyard. On the exterior, it still retains the original traditional style, like a former building that has experienced the vicissitudes of time and is still as new.

The entrance door of the courtyard is very spectacular, giving people the feeling of a palace, but when you open the door and enter it, you can see that the Chinese and Western styles are very well combined and coexist harmoniously.

Chen William\'s courtyard is twice as big as Deng Wendi\'s. There are three residences in the front, middle and rear. There is a swimming pool in the courtyard in the middle. Switching between open and closed, even when it snows in winter, you can swim in the pool through the glass and enjoy the snow outside.

Ivanta likes this design very much.

In addition, a few towering trees were specially transplanted in the courtyard. These trees alone are expensive. In summer, almost the entire courtyard can be shrouded in shade, which is very cool.

"Dear, I really want to move in early and experience it. It feels better than Wendi\'s house." Ivanta said happily to Chen William.

But they can\'t be in a hurry. The decoration has just been completed, and they still need to be dried. Recently, they can only live in Chen William\'s large flat in Haidian Jiayuan.

Even Boss Ma, after seeing this courtyard, couldn\'t help but be moved, and he had the idea of ​​​​having such a courtyard if he had the opportunity.

Dadongzi did not disappoint Chen William, he replied quickly and agreed to the investment of Huaxia Future Capital.

Huaxia Future Capital will invest US$300 million in Jingdong at a valuation of US$1 billion, holding a 30% stake. At the same time, Jingdong also reached an agreement with investors. During the IPO, the AB shares will be adjusted. After the adjustment, Jingdong investors, including Huaxia Future Capital and Capital Today, will all hold A. Class B ordinary shares, and Dadongzi will hold Class B shares. The voting rights of Class B shares are 10 times that of Class A shares, so Dadongzi is not afraid of losing control of Jingdong due to too much financing. This financing is Jingdong\'s C round of financing. According to Dadongzi, the funds obtained from this financing will be used to further improve Jingdong\'s warehousing and logistics system, which will help Let Jingdong realize profit as soon as possible.

Chen William told him that the profit is not in a hurry, the main thing is to improve the user experience, shopping elsewhere, it takes 3-5 days to receive the goods, then if you shop from Jingdong, it will arrive in 2-3 days, then For users, this experience is very special and more attractive to them.

And in terms of price, Jingdong\'s self-operated system, with the increase of warehousing, will gradually have an advantage in price. The most important thing is to let customers experience the quality of their self-operated products. These are the core of Jingdong. Competitiveness.

Of course, Dadongzi will not let Chen William off the hot spot. Now is the time when he is most famous. Therefore, regarding this financing, Jingdong specially held a press conference to inform the media. You said that the fourth richest man in the world invested Jingdong, does it mean that you are optimistic about Jingdong? With the investment of this super rich man, do you feel at ease when you come to Jingdong for shopping?

This heat must be rubbed off, and marketing will come first.

In this regard, Chen William does not care too much, as long as Jingdong can develop, everything is not a problem. Besides, he was already used to this kind of exposure.

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