America's Road To Fame

Chapter 233: William Chen's Investment Philosophy

After buying the mansion at 4 Cowley Street, William Chen soon met the housekeeper that Abu had found for him, a nearly fifty-year-old English gentleman named Evan Moreno, who had previously served A rich British friend of Abu for more than 20 years, but after the other party passed away last year, his children were all developing overseas. After returning to China and selling the property in London, Evan Moreno temporarily returned to his hometown in England. in the farm.

After deciding to hire Evan, William Chen has moved into the mansion at No. 4 Cowley Street after a thorough cleaning. The former owner, the leader of the Liberal Democrats in England, only took their personal belongings and left the complete furniture. Chen After William selected some maids and cooks through a local service company, Ivan ordered them to buy daily necessities and tidy up the home.

It can be seen that Evan is indeed a competent housekeeper. Apart from always taking care of himself meticulously, which makes Chen William, who is more casual at home, need to adapt slowly, he instructs the maids to tidy up the mansion in an orderly manner. , and also freed Chen William from having to worry about these trivial matters.

After talking to Nelson about his contacts with the Glazer family and the progress of the Manchester United acquisition, William Chen is sitting on the roof of his new house, feeling the slightly humid London wind blowing across his cheeks in mid-April.

At this time, he saw that Yang Mi had also come here, he walked in front of Chen William, looked at him with big bright eyes, and said.

"I\'ve thought about it. I want to try the milk tea shop you mentioned."

Chen William patted beside him, motioned her to sit beside him, put Yang Mi in his arms, and said to her with a smile:

"Really decided? Aren\'t you afraid of **** things up?"

"Because I believe in you, your idea must be good, and as you said, I don\'t have much money right now, so I\'d better take this first to practice, I want to give it a try, and see if I can be a boss. talent."

I have to say that Yang Mi is indeed a very smart woman. In many things, she is very measured, and what she shows is that she has a high emotional intelligence.

Regardless of whether it is because of interests or not, at least she understands what she wants and how to do it. Just like several actresses with Chen William, Chen Zihan and Zhang Yuqi will always pay attention to the dramas they are currently receiving. Similar to kiss scenes, they will use doubles and dislocations. Yang Mi, on the other hand, went a step further and kept a certain distance in contact with other male stars. At this stage, many episodes would hype scandals to gain attention before they were broadcast. For these, she started with Chen William , never again.

It was also Huayi Company that tried to protect her, so she wouldn\'t offend the producer too much, and Yang Mi didn\'t care about it. She understands that she wants to be by Chen William\'s side, which is the most important thing, and she will never touch anything the other party cares about.

Many of us have encountered people who seem to be very shrewd, and often in the process of getting along, he always takes advantage of you. It is true that these people are very smart and can always think of ways to take advantage of them, but others are not stupid. Maybe once or twice, they will know what kind of person they are after a long time. Therefore, the intelligence of such people is only clever, Big opportunities are always lost.

There is another kind of hot person, who is very righteous and seems to be carefree. He doesn\'t care about some things. For such a person, you do something for him, even if it is not good for you, it is worth it.

That\'s the real smart, little smart people who want to take advantage of anyone. And really smart people will only choose specific people to associate with, and those people who take it for granted must be the first object they filter. The people they interact with are those who give back to their efforts, and they act righteously, and in the end they will get no less.

Just like Yang Mi, she looks at people first. She understands that Chen William will not be a person who is stingy in return, so when she wants to start a business, she takes the initiative to bring it up to him. Even if she can\'t see whether the milk tea shop that William Chen said is really successful, she believes that if she does what the other party says, even if she doesn\'t succeed, she will have nothing to lose.

And what if she chooses to refuse this time? Then there will be no next chance. William Chen will take care of her and give her a good quality of life, but will not give her another chance to achieve leapfrog by relying on herself. This is the fact.

So in the end, she made the right choice.

"When you return to Huaguo this time, you can start preparing. You should remember two points, that is, find people first, and then find stores. Find people first, don\'t be afraid to spend money, and find the best headhunting company or consulting company. , to help you find the best talents, including production talents in tea or beverages, as well as talents with management experience in large restaurant chains, preferably Starbucks or KFC.”

"At the same time, it is to find a store. I think that with the positioning of this milk tea shop, it is best to open the first store in Modu, which is the forefront of the trend of China. Once you can become famous in Modu, you can expand it later. Go to first-tier cities such as Yanjing and Shenzhen, and stabilize the high-end style of the brand. Then you must first open the first store in the most famous and popular place in Modu. This location is very important.”

"After selecting the store, we need to find the most well-known designers to design the most distinctive decoration plan, and then start recruiting employees at the same time as the decoration. The employees must first recruit more and select them to ensure that they can have what they need to open a normal store. Twice as many people, so once the store has become famous, you can open new stores immediately and expand the scale.”

In this way, William Chen talked about the matters needing attention, and Yang Mi listened carefully.

At the end, she suddenly asked, "So what\'s the name of our milk tea shop?"

"Let\'s call it Xicha, what\'s the name like?"

"Well, it\'s very good, it\'s very auspicious, and it seems to be in a good mood after drinking this milk tea."

"Wait for me to design a general logo for you, which can be used as a brand logo and printed on the milk tea cup. Well, let\'s not call it milk tea, let\'s call it Hey Tea, or an innovative tea drink, which sounds more high-end and is different from ordinary The milk tea can be distinguished."

Chen William had previously studied the production of the director\'s split-shot script, so it was not difficult to draw the HEYTEA logo from the previous life.

"Also, my dear, I heard you have specific ideas on how to do this Hey Tea shop. Why don\'t you do it yourself, but let me do it?"

"Because this matter is neither my main business, nor is it related to my main business, nor is it in line with my investment philosophy."

"Ah? Can you tell me, dear, I want to hear your investment philosophy."

Yang Mi looked at Chen William curiously and asked softly.

In fact, after coming to this world, which industries should you devote your main energy to in the future? For this, William Chen has thought a lot. If he doesn\'t have the current conditions and is just an ordinary person, then he may really go to this milk tea shop in person.

But now that he has this capital, he has already determined his main business. In addition to investing in companies with particularly high returns, there are only two directions that can let him end up and spend his energy on it, the Internet and entertainment.

Or in one direction, that is Internet + entertainment. The two can be linked, just like he has now acquired many entertainment content manufacturing companies, but he has not acquired traditional distribution channels, such as theaters, such as TV stations, etc., because what he is aiming at is The way of Internet + entertainment, promotion and sale through the Internet.

The promotion portals include Siri, Twitter, and Reddit, and the distribution methods include Internet streaming platforms such as Netflix and Youku. These are all for movies and TV, and there will be corresponding layouts for games and sports later.

As for his investment philosophy, William Chen said to Yang Mi with a smile:

"Do you know what is the most profitable business model in the world?"

"What mode?"


"Tax collection?" Yang Mi asked with a bewildered expression: "Do you still want to learn from the state to collect taxes? How is that possible?"

"I\'m talking about tax collection. It\'s like the manufacturing industry. Most of the products you make are one-off, like milk tea, coffee, and fast food; or daily necessities, clothing, etc., the products you produce. , most of them can only get one profit, you need to keep making and what about the tax-collecting industry? You only need to make one product, and you can get a steady stream of profits, and maybe even endless profits , it’s like building a house, you sell the house, then you have to continue to build. But if you rent it out, then you can keep collecting rent, which is a different business model.”

"Look at the industries I\'ve invested in, the entertainment industry, as long as you create a product, such as a movie or TV series, you can continue to collect copyrights, and after the release, you can put it on the Internet. This is not a one-time profit. It\'s like the building I built in Huaguo, which will only be rented out, earning rent continuously, and online APP, I only need to provide advertising space, then it is also a steady stream of profits..."

"So what I hope to invest in is this kind of business. And milk tea shops are neither an industry related to my strategy nor a tax-collecting company, and they also need to waste energy to create something from scratch, so it is not in my consideration. Inside."

Yang Mi listened to his words, thoughtfully, and then asked inexplicably, "Since the tax-collecting model you mentioned is so profitable, why don\'t many people do it?"

"Because the more this kind of industry is, the higher the capital requirements are, and there are thresholds. It\'s like who doesn\'t know that renting a house will continue to make more money? But you need to pay for the construction yourself. Ah, for a slightly smaller company, they are more willing to use leverage and borrow money from the bank to build residential buildings and sell them, as long as the housing market is hot, they can still make a lot of money.”

"You can also say that things created by individuals can also be copyrighted, but in the current era, it is too difficult for you to create widely popular works by yourself, so as long as you cooperate with big capital, then The bulk of the copyright is still to be taken by the other party."