America's Road To Fame

Chapter 231: Milk tea shop?

"It\'s not a coffee shop, it\'s a milk tea shop."

"Milk tea shop? Can this work?"

Hearing Chen William\'s words, Yang Mi felt unreliable at all, wouldn\'t he be perfunctory himself. After all, there are many milk tea shops on the street now, and they are all that kind of small shops. She doesn\'t believe that milk tea shops can make a name for themselves.

No wonder she had such an idea. After all, the famous HEYTEA opened its first store two years later, ushering in the era of innovative milk tea.

Most of the milk teas on the market are from Hong Kong and Taiwan, such as pearl milk tea and silk stocking milk tea, which use additives to enhance their fragrance. The price is very low and the cost is lower. After a while, it has not become a climate. They are all sold in small storefronts on the interface or directly in small booths.

"Of course it\'s not an ordinary milk tea, it\'s an innovative healthy milk tea that doesn\'t add any ingredients like flavored creamer."

Seeing Yang Mi\'s expression, William Chen could also understand what she was thinking, so he explained to her:

"The milk tea I\'m talking about is made with real pure milk, cheese, tea liquid and fruit. It\'s very healthy. It\'s completely different from the so-called milk tea that doesn\'t have milk or tea. So We can not call it milk tea, but give it a special name to give people a sense of height."

"I\'m telling you now that you may have no idea. I\'ll make a few for you personally when I get a chance." William Chen told Yang Mi on the way back to the room:

"You said, if you have a cup of milk tea, I want to sell you twenty or thirty cups, can you accept it?"

"Twenty or thirty? It\'s too expensive. The current milk tea is only five or six yuan."

"So I asked you to make this milk tea, its competition is not other milk tea, but a high-end beverage store like Starbucks, why go to Starbucks to drink a cup of twenty or thirty coffee, you think it is normal, drink a cup of two or three Do you think the milk tea drink made of ten pure natural raw materials is a bit expensive?"

Yang Mi\'s mind was very lively, thinking of what William Chen had said before, he replied:

"Because the environment of Starbucks is very good, and it has a high-end feeling with people. When you drink coffee there, you naturally think that it is worth the money."

"Yes, so this is the high-end image that Starbucks has built for itself in China after long-term marketing. So if you do what I call innovative milk tea, it\'s the same way."

"You mean imitating Starbucks?"

"The general idea is similar. We need to start from two aspects. One is to improve drinking this innovative milk tea to a healthy lifestyle. Our raw materials are pure and natural, which are very beneficial to the body. This establishes the brand\'s fashionable and trendy image. The other is that in the early stage, we only developed in first-tier cities, and opened stores in the most prosperous and well-known areas. The decoration should be distinctive, and the high-end atmosphere should be of high grade. This is to establish a high-end image of the brand, so that girls feel that it is only in the store. Sitting down and taking a photo, you will immediately improve your taste, which is that we meet the psychological needs of customers.”

"Think about it, if it\'s also milk tea, and you buy it in a roadside shop, maybe ten yuan is too expensive, but if it\'s in a five-star luxury hotel, I\'m afraid thirty yuan should be the same price. The reasoning is the same. But we not only raise the price through luxury, but also use quality to convince customers that this pure milk, or milk tea with fresh chunks of pulp in it, is worth the price.”

Chen William\'s words made Yang Mi become interested in the innovative milk tea brand he mentioned, but he added:

"Dear, as you say, this investment is not low."

"Compared to other projects, it\'s not too high. How much money do you have now?"

"I used to give all my money to my family, that is, I only saved some money in the two years after graduation. I was afraid that if I told my parents that I wanted to start my own business, they would not understand. Now I can take out more than 300 yuan by myself. Wan."

Yang Mi silently calculated and said.

Uh, it seems that celebrities are indeed getting money fast. Yang Mi still put all her previous income on her parents. After only two years of graduation, she can save more than 3 million by herself, but it is also because her popularity has not been weak. If it is later, let alone millions, with her traffic, it is possible to earn 300 million in two years.

"3 million is enough, think about it first. If you really want to do it, wait for me to tell you how to do it. If you don\'t want to do it, then I will find a special person to try it out."

It\'s not that Chen William can\'t give her the money, but since she wants to start a business, then only if she invests herself can she really care and be more likely to do things well. If Chen William helps her in everything Okay, so what\'s the point? It\'s better to just take money to support her.

In fact, if Chen William had no future bank and no identity of his own in this life, but started as an ordinary person, then it is possible for him to consider starting this kind of milk tea shop, thinking about the HeyTea in his previous life, and he did it all. The scale of tens of billions, this kind of worth, is enough for Chen William\'s previous life.

In the previous life of William Chen, after he earned some assets, he also made some stable investments, including joining a milk tea shop brand in his city at that time, although it was not the most famous HEYTEA, that one was not open to the public. Join, but that brand is also considered a leading brand in the milk tea industry. It can be said that at that time in China, most of the milk tea brands were of similar varieties. You imitated me and I imitated you. Therefore, for the production of these innovative milk teas And the recipe, William Chen also understands some.

That is to say, this milk tea industry is more suitable as a project for Yang Mi to start a business, so he proposed it. Otherwise, the business of this scale is in the category of what he can do or not. The big deal is to wait a few years for Huaxia Future Capital Just invest in those milk tea brands.

I remember the Riot company that I remembered in Yang Mi\'s words before. After Chen William returned to his room, he called Nielsen and arranged for him to send someone to contact this company and acquire the other party.

Riot Games was established in 2006, when the MOBA game DOTA based on Blizzard\'s "Warcraft: The Frozen Throne" was booming.

After the rise of DOTA, there was a problem. Relying on the Warcraft client, it was impossible for this mod to develop. Therefore, some of the main creators of DOTA established their own portals and joined the fist company, including participating in the design of the "DotA: Allstars" map update. Teacher "Sheep Knife" Steve Fick.

William Chen knew that the success of Riot Games\' "League of Legends" had some lucky colors. At that time, when Dota was hot, Blizzard was not able to produce the corresponding MOBA game in time. He always felt that this genre would not be popular. Several people have not been able to develop independent games.

Therefore, the fist company that saw the opportunity just borrowed from Dota and made "League of Legends", improved many shortcomings in Dota, and added some special content.

With the first-mover advantage, after players are used to this game, it is difficult for players to change camps when other companies launch similar games. MOBA games have this feature, because the game often has too many heroes, and each hero has its own unique skills, so players have become accustomed to these heroes and skills in the process of getting familiar with them. The cost also makes it more difficult for them to switch to another game, because you need to re-familiarize yourself with dozens or hundreds of other heroes, many of which have similar skills and are easy to confuse.

Up to now Riot has raised a round of financing and raised US$8 million in 2008, introducing Penguin, BenchmarkCapital and Firstmarkcapital as investors, and Penguin subsequently obtained the agency rights of "League of Legends" in mainland China.

So now Penguin owns about 22% of Riot.

In the second half of last year, "League of Legends" only started the public beta. So far, it can only be said that the results are not bad, and there is no fire. It took until the game landed in Asia, especially China and South Korea, before it became popular.

Therefore, it does not require much money to acquire Riot Games at present, and less than $200 million is enough to get it done. And at this time, "League of Legends" has not yet caught fire, and the difficulty of acquisition is not high. After this game becomes popular in China, Penguin will decisively acquire this company, so now William Chen is just taking this opportunity to cut off Hu.

The other significance of Chen William\'s acquisition of Riot Games is that when mobile games become popular, the company can launch "League of Legends" as soon as possible, so that it can compete with Penguin\'s "King Zhe Pesticide" and prevent WeChat from passing through. This game attracts players.

At that time, WeChat will have "King Pesticide" and "League of Legends", so that there can be exchanges.

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