America's Road To Fame

Chapter 219: i want to invest in you

The evening reception was really lively. William Chen saw almost all the bigwigs in Silicon Valley here, except Bill Gates, Oracle, Google, Facebook... The founders and executives of these well-known companies in the Internet industry at this time all participated. to this reception.

Bill Gates was very kind. After meeting William Chen, he took him to introduce the guests who came here one by one. Naturally, everyone has heard about this young rich man who is in the limelight in the United States, and some of them have had an encounter with William Chen before.

One of the founders of Google, Larry Page, saw William Chen and said in a joking tone:

"William, you\'re a bit inauthentic, and we lost a genius at Google."

William Chen understood that he was referring to Sundar Pichai, whom he had just poached from Google, and said with a smile:

"It\'s not my fault, who made you Google gather so many geniuses. I\'ve searched all over Silicon Valley now, and everyone who I\'m looking for has gone to Google, so I\'ve been told that if you want to find geniuses who can surprise you, then Just go to Google to find it."

Seeing William Chen spread his hands with a helpless expression on his face, Larry Page shook his head and said:

"Next time, you\'d better let me know in advance, William, you have been selected as the CEO of Android company, which has caused a great headache for our board of directors."

"Okay, Mr. Page, I\'ll definitely discuss it with you next time, even though I know you\'ll definitely reject me."

"That\'s because you\'re always causing us trouble, dear William. You gave Yahoo $4 billion in cash last time, and that puts us up to their challenge again."

At this time, it was Larry Page\'s helpless expression.

"Come on, I don\'t believe you will still take Yahoo in your eyes. In the field of search, Google has no enemy worthy of a stop. On the contrary, everyone else needs to face Google with trepidation."

I have to say that William Chen\'s words made Larry Page sound very comfortable, and a smile appeared on his face:

"Challenges always come inadvertently. For example, your company makes us feel this way."

Having said that, this kind of occasion is indeed a good opportunity to make friends with the bigwigs in these industries. Just like this time, after William Chen got to know them, next time if there is any conflict between the two companies, they will communicate with both sides. After that, even the competition is enough.

Of course, this is also a competition in a less important field. If he extends his hand to the core field of the other party, then the business is business, and it will be hard to fight, just like you see if Google will fight when others do search Do your best to kill the opponent first.

"William, I\'m glad to see that you have also joined the field of charity. I hope we can all change the world through charity together."

Sure enough, as expected by William Chen, Bill Gates mainly talked to him about charitable foundations, and shared some of his experience in the field of charity with William Chen.

Not those rich people can get good results when they do charity, especially these emerging rich people in the Internet field. After entering the field of charity, they took a lot of detours at the beginning. At present, the scale of the Gates Foundation has exceeded 35 billion US dollars. It is expected to exceed $40 billion in the next few years, so he is very experienced in this area.

At the same time, Bill Gates also mentioned to William Chen about their foundation\'s "Donation Pledge" activity. William Chen said without hesitation that he would join, wouldn\'t he just donate half of his property, so that William Chen would be like Zuckerberg in his previous life , donate all your assets - naked donations will do.

Anyway, it’s not that I don’t know the doorway inside. In the end, these properties are still controlled by my own family, and only 5% are donated to charity every year. This so-called “charity” can also squeeze out a bucket of water.

But one thing William Chen didn\'t guess, Bill Gates didn\'t want William Chen to donate to his charitable fund, but wanted to send money to William Chen.

It was indeed sending money, but it was not for nothing. He wanted to invest in the fund of William Chen Meta Investment Company. He also knew that most of the other party\'s net worth was obtained through shorting the investment company during the subprime mortgage crisis.

"Mr. Gates, we do have a private equity fund, but the fundraising window has now ended, and it is still closed. If we are ready to open fundraising, we will definitely notify you."

"That\'s not what I meant, William, I know that your private equity fund is managed by John Paulson. It is indeed very profitable, but what I want to invest in is not this fund. I want to invest in you."

"Invest in me?"

"Yes, many people may think that it was because of luck that you found John Paulson to help you short the subprime mortgage crisis, so you have so many assets, but not me. I know that after you found John Paulson Before Elson, your investment firm had a high rate of return, and being able to find exactly the right people to do the right things is an extraordinary ability in itself.”

Bill Gates looked at William Chen with admiration in his eyes, and said:

"In addition, your investment in the industry is also very unique. The Meta Technology you just established and its companies have great potential, so I hope to invest in you, and I know that you will sooner or later set up your own investment fund in the United States. Yes, as you did in China. If not, I suggest you do it, and I will invest $500 million from my fund first to invest in your fund."

This... William Chen did have an idea. He personally took charge of an investment fund. From the No. 3 fund, he had deeply realized the feasibility of using this method to gather a lot of power around here.

However, the fund manager of Fund No. 3 is John Paulson, and William Chen cannot guarantee that he will remain in his company in the future. You must know that people can change. At this time, when John Paulson was down, he would be willing to join his own company and help him short the subprime mortgage crisis, but after this battle, he was able to recover from three The fund has a share of about 3 billion US dollars, so will he still be willing to give it to others? No one can guarantee this.

Even if John Paulson would resign from his current position and go it alone, William Chen would not be surprised. In the United States, this is normal. It can be said that in the whole world, such things have been happening all the time.

Therefore, William Chen also needs to have a longer-term plan, and he needs a more stable channel to gather strength. When he hired Martin Stephenson, the deputy manager of the securities investment department of Meta Investment Company, William Chen was preparing for this day.

And he also knows that in his previous life, John Paulson did very well in the subprime mortgage crisis, but after the subprime mortgage crisis ended, his fund expanded to tens of billions in size, and his performance was very average. In the end, the fund was dissolved.

Through his performance in the Asian financial crisis and the subprime mortgage crisis, it also shows that he is better at shorting in the crisis, while in other periods, the performance of the fund is not good, so this is why William Chen has established his own fund. one.

It\'s just that he believes that it\'s still too In his plan, at least until the subprime mortgage crisis enters the third stage, the Treasury Secretary Paulson and the Federal Reserve start the quantitative easing policy, and the dollar enters a large After the water release era. At that time, both the stock market and the economy will gradually begin to recover, and it is also time to use his previous life experience to invest in companies or racing tracks that will perform well in the future.

As he analyzed before, although the world has changed, it may be specific to a certain company, and its future development will be different from his previous life. However, the progress of science and technology will not change much, and those tracks will slowly enter the tuyere period, and there are traces to follow.

Therefore, William Chen does not need to be specific about the companies that need to be invested. Instead, he casts a wide net and tries his best to lay out the track, and he can reap extremely high returns. Then if he follows this line of thought, he establishes a fund under his control, and for this type of investment, there will be a rate of return that far exceeds that of other funds. Using other people\'s funds to make money for himself will also allow more Power is on your side, why not do it?

"Mr. Gates, you are really predictable. I have plans in this regard, but I haven\'t had time to establish that fund yet, and it may take a while."

Hearing William Chen\'s words, Bill Gates showed a satisfied smile. He patted William Chen on the shoulder and said:

"This is not in a hurry. When your fund is established, remember to be the first to notify me."

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