America's Road To Fame

Chapter 217: Meta Technology

If it\'s just a Nuance thing, it\'s enough to be handled by Nielsen.

This time William Chen came to Silicon Valley, and there were more important things. After talking about the response to Nuance, William Chen personally went to see the goal of coming to Silicon Valley this time.

"Mr. Pichai, Nielsen must have talked to you in detail, but I still think it is necessary to meet you in person. I wonder what your thoughts are?"

In a cafe, Chen William said to the middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses and obvious Indian features in front of him.

"I admit, I am very moved by your invitation, but I still have a question, can Mr. William answer me?"

The other party\'s smile was very contagious, and he asked seriously:

"Why me? After all, until now, I have been working behind the scenes as a product development director, and I have never independently led such a company."

The Indian who was sitting in front of William Chen at this time was the future CEO of Google, Sundar Pichai, known as "Brother Pichai", who was also the highest-paid CEO in the world at that time.

Faced with this problem, William Chen naturally cannot say that it is because you have proven your ability again and again at Google, and you will lead Google well in the future.

He smiled and said:

"The reason is that in your current job, I have used e, especially eOS, which is a genius idea. After that, I noticed you and saw the products of Google Desktop Services that I was in charge of, and it was very good."

"Yes, Twitter is developing well now, but I am still very dissatisfied with this product. They have never had the idea of ​​making users more concise to complete the operation of the APP\'s interface and functions, just because this product appeared early enough, and There is no more competitive product on the same track, so we can get the current results by luck, but we can\'t go on by luck all the time, so I need you to use the talent shown in Google\'s products to help me Change Twitter to make its product even better."

Next, William Chen talked to Sundar about his vision for the future of Twitter, and his hope to integrate these Internet companies in his hands more deeply, so as to form a joint force and change the current situation of being relatively independent and fighting each other. .

In fact, in a previous life, Sundar Pichai almost quit Twitter, when he was also interested in Twitter, but Google thought that Sundar was very important to Google, so he used up to 50 million US dollars in benefits to Retaining him prevented him from being recruited by Twitter.

But now, William Chen has succeeded. After he guaranteed Sundar\'s rights after serving as CEO of Twitter, and provided generous remuneration packages, he finally agreed to William Chen\'s invitation and will report to Twitter soon. .

After getting Sundar Pichai, William Chen can start to reorganize the Twitter company. This time he hopes to change not only the Twitter company, as he told Sundar, after he finishes this process After a round of acquisitions, I now hope that the rival Internet companies will be integrated, and I do not want to continue the current situation of relative independence and fighting for each other.

It\'s just that he is particularly dissatisfied with Twitter. After losing the Chinese market, they were not too active in the mechanism of strengthening content review proposed by William Chen to adapt to the implementation of regulations in different countries and regions. Chen William can feel that the current CEO Williams still has a deep sense of superiority in values, and he does not hope that in the future, his company will still become the vanguard of ideology in the United States, even if it has to be maintained by the government. Certain cooperation, but must not rush to the forefront.

Therefore, William Chen first had a conversation with Williams alone, telling him that he was going to replace the CEO of Twitter, and gave him two choices, a decent resignation, or be fired.

Then William Chen communicated with other Twitter shareholders other than him, informing him that he was ready to acquire the shares of Twitter in their hands. They had two options. When William Chen acquired Twitter, the valuation was $200 million. , he would buy their stake in Twitter at a $600 million valuation; or they would trade their stake in Twitter for a stake in Meta Technologies, the parent company of Twitter, which he will soon set up.

In the end, Williams and Dorsey, who were not optimistic about William Chen\'s practice of removing grinding and killing donkeys from Twitter management, sold their shares. Only CTO Dick Costello, who holds 2% of Twitter\'s shares, chose to exchange shares for the shares. into a stake in Meta Technology.

At present, William Chen holds 85% of Twitter\'s shares. Of the remaining 15%, Williams holds 10% and Dorsey holds 3%. The two took away $60 million and $18 million respectively and left Twitter. company.

Among the Internet companies that Chen William now controls, the other management holds shares in Siri Company. In Siri Company, Chen William also holds 85% of the shares, and the three founders hold 15% of the shares.

William Chen was quite satisfied with the management of these three people, so he talked to them about merging Siri into Meta Technology. At that time, when Siri was acquired, William Chen finally valued the company at $267 million. Now he will give Siri a valuation of $750 million. They also have two options, sell their shares at this valuation, or merge into Meta Technology at this valuation and hold shares in the parent company.

In the end, the three Siri founders unanimously chose the latter, and will hold shares in the parent company at the valuation of Siri\'s $750 million at this time.

Next, William Chen decided to merge Twitter, Technology, Siri and Reddit into the newly established Meta Technology Company.

Among them, Twitter is valued at $600 million, technology is valued at $500 million, Siri is valued at $750 million, and Reddit is valued at $150 million. These four companies are valued at $2 billion.

Meta Technology will issue 2 billion original shares for $1 per share to distribute to shareholders of the merged company, and CTO Dick Costello, who holds a 2% stake in Twitter, will exchange for 12 million shares of Meta Technology, Siri Inc. The three founders of the company hold 112.5 million shares of Meta Technology, and Meta Investment Company holds 1,875.5 million shares of Meta Technology.

After that, Meta Investment Company once again purchased 1 billion original shares issued by Meta Technology for 1 billion US dollars, which is equivalent to injecting 1 billion US dollars into Meta Technology for subsequent development funds.

In this way, Meta Investment Company owns 2.8755 billion shares of Meta Technology, accounting for 95.85% of the total share capital.

After Sundar Pichai joined Twitter and became the new CEO, William Chen took out the Meta Technology stocks held by Meta Investment Company, and 75.5 million of them were put into the first phase of the share incentive pool, which will be used for Meta Technology. The managers of each company under the company carry out share incentives.

According to their achievements in the management of the company, they will receive corresponding share incentives to maintain their enthusiasm for the development of the company.

After this share change, the biggest significance is that Twitter, Technology, Siri and Reddit have become wholly-owned subsidiaries of Meta Technology, and the original management\'s shareholding in a separate company has been transformed into them. For Meta Tech\'s holdings, tie their interests to the development of the overall parent company.

Before this, the interests of these managements were only linked to individual companies, which made it easy for them to pay more attention to the interests of the companies they held in the management of the company.

In this way, when the short-term interests of a company need to be sacrificed to allow other companies to achieve greater development, the management of the company\'s holdings may resist.

In fact, this situation often occurs, and as these companies develop, the conflict of interest will be very prominent, just like Twitter and , both have social attributes, and Reddit and Twitter will inevitably have conflicts in media attributes.

Now, all of their holdings have become shares of Meta Technology, so when this happens, they will be more active in promoting the overall development of the parent company.

In doing so, it is also easier for talents to flow among the various companies of Meta Technology, allowing them to make achievements in their suitable fields.

After the establishment of Meta Technology, the company\'s headquarters will be set up in Silicon Valley, and the company is ready to choose a suitable building to rent as a whole and relocate its subsidiaries.

At the same time, before there is no suitable CEO William Chen temporarily served as the chairman and CEO of Meta Technology Company, and his financial advisor Sheila Reis served as the company\'s chief financial officer (CFO).

The next thing that needs to be done, in addition to building the staff of the headquarters of Meta Technology Company, is to find a land near Silicon Valley to build the new headquarters of Meta Technology Company.

Now is also a very good time. In terms of personnel, due to the impact of the subprime mortgage crisis, the unemployment rate in Silicon Valley has greatly increased, which will make it easier for Meta Technology to recruit personnel, and Silicon Valley’s current investment in William Chen, especially involving Investment in infrastructure is very welcome, and local government departments are also willing to grant land at a low price for them to build the headquarters building.

William Chen is going to transfer Erica from Meta Investment Company to temporarily serve as William Chen\'s deputy, responsible for the specific work of Meta Technology Company.

For so long, many affairs of Meta Investment Company have actually been handled by Erica before submitting important decisions to William Chen, so with her current ability, she is fully able to undertake these administrative affairs.

At present, Meta Technology does not need a too innovative person in charge for the time being. It is mainly to integrate these companies under its umbrella, to be responsible for communicating with them, and to help them develop better. In these aspects, Erica\'s ability is still competent enough. of.

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