America's Road To Fame

Chapter 204: wedding

Fall in love with, the road to fame and fortune in America

Friday, February 19.

Amid Murdoch\'s troubles, Trucker\'s "Avatar" has its premiere.

The film, which Murdoch and Twentieth Century Fox had high hopes for, grossed $73 million in its opening weekend.

Although "Avatar" became the box office champion after it was released, the box office opening was actually very, very ordinary, so the media used the word "topping" implicitly when reporting.

If you make a comparison, the global box office of "Avatar" is 232 million US dollars, at this time, it is not as good as two "Harry Potter", "Spider-Man 3", "Pirates of the Caribbean: At World\'s End", " Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Heath, "Twilight Saga 2: New Moon", "Indiana Jones 4: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull", "The Lord of the Rings 3: The Return of the King", these eight films are only ranked in ninth in box office history.

It can be said that the current box office has also failed Murdoch\'s greatest expectations, so after he returned to the United States, William Chen learned that the other party took the initiative to start negotiations to sell 20th Century Fox.

It is also understandable that 20th Century Fox has continued to lose money in the past two years. They had high hopes for "Avatar", which originally cost a lot of money to build. As a result, the box office of its premiere is lower than expected.

Therefore, News Corporation is currently in a very critical situation. It has been strictly regulated by governments in many countries, including the United Kingdom and the United States. In addition, the subprime mortgage crisis has affected the company\'s financial situation, and bank financing difficulties have caused Murdoch to sell some assets. Ideas to ease the group\'s financial situation.

Of course, Murdoch is cunning and cunning, and naturally he will not just negotiate with William Chen. After returning to the United States, he instructed to spread the news of his intention to sell 20th Century Fox and wait for the quotations from various companies.

Since he is determined to sell this company, he must hope to sell it at a good price.

Soon, in addition to William Chen, Disney also made offers, and they intend to buy: 20th Century Fox Films, 20th Century Fox Television, Fox Searchlight, Fox Cable Network, National Geographic, Hulu Video A 30% stake in the website and some regional sports channels have given a package price of $20 billion for these assets.

To this, Murdoch\'s response is that he does not want to sell so many businesses. After all, if all of these are really sold to Disney, it can be said that News Corporation\'s film and television media resources will only be left with TV broadcasting networks such as Fox Broadcasting Corporation, Fox News Channel, and Sports Channel. In addition to News Corporation\'s news media business, the entire group The sale of nearly half of the business is unbearable for the current Murdoch.

The reason why he is preparing to sell assets is that he hopes to sell some loss-making assets to maintain the group\'s cash flow, but he does not want to sell such profitable assets as TV channels and local sports channels.

In response, Nielsen and Goldman Sachs\' Camilo Hagan began to act, representing William Chen, quoting 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight for $6 billion.

Compared with Disney\'s bid, Murdoch\'s bid is more heartwarming, because the valuation of those sports channels alone is nearly $10 billion, and in Disney\'s $20 billion offer, the 20th Century Both Fox and Fox Searchlight offered less than $5 billion.

This is also understandable. Disney is originally the strongest of the six major Hollywood film companies. In their eyes, the value of 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight is far less than that of other assets. The acquisition of 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight, but to increase them Some library resources and IPs, such as channels, are of little significance to them.

But getting a 30% stake in the hulu video platform will allow them to increase their stake in the hulu video platform to 60%, thus completing the holding of the company.

Disney owns the Entertainment and Sports Network, a 24-hour US cable network dedicated to sports programming. If it can acquire Fox Sports\' regional sports network, its volume will also be further expanded, enhancing the company\'s market share. and profitability.

William Chen knew that such a large-scale negotiation would not be reached in a short period of time. Even though the current situation of News Corporation was not good, and funds were urgently needed to save itself, the time would be much shorter than usual. Negotiations, plus audits and appraisals of assets, can take nearly a month at the earliest.

Taking advantage of this time, William Chen was going to fly to England.

Musk is about to get married. He is going to hold a wedding with his fiancée Dalula in the UK. As a good friend in his heart, he naturally invited William Chen to attend.

The two of them got married in Scotland, the hometown of Talulah.

It can be seen that Musk\'s wedding also attracted a lot of reporters. After all, it is said that many Silicon Valley bigwigs will attend his wedding, including Google founder Larry Page, Sergey Brin, and Facebook. The founders of Mark Zuckerberg et al.

Since William Chen appeared, some reporters have swarmed over him and rushed to ask questions.

"Mr. William, it is said that you intend to acquire Twentieth Century Fox from Murdoch. Is there any progress now?"

"What\'s your opinion on News Corp\'s wiretap door? Can you tell us?"

A large part of the reason for this situation is that Murdoch\'s News Corporation is too popular in the UK because of the eavesdropping door. Therefore, it is now rumored that he is going to sell some assets to raise funds and relieve the tight cash flow situation. At present, the two most likely sellers are Disney and William Chen\'s meta investment company. It is no wonder that when he arrived in the UK, He was chased and blocked by reporters like this.

This scene made Fan Bingbing beside Chen William stunned, seeing William Chen\'s popularity overseas for the first time. She has experienced this kind of situation many times in China, but when she was overseas, there was no such situation. At this time, her popularity was mostly within the scope of Greater China, and Europe and the United States really did not have a face for her. What recognition.

Fan Bingbing met with William Chen in England. On the one hand, William Chen wanted to make up for the regret of not having a chance to go out with her when he was in France, and this time, they could also discuss investing in Fan Bingbing. After the studio invested in Huaguo Film and Television Company.

After accompanying William Chen to Musk\'s wedding, Fan Bingbing is going to France. She also has a catwalk agreement with Hermès, and then she will go directly to Cannes. She will bring the "Guanyin Mountain" with her The film went to the Cannes Film Festival.

As soon as he saw Musk, he came over to give William Chen a big hug and said:

"William, it\'s great that you can come. I heard that you are going to acquire Twentieth Century Fox? That\'s not a good idea. Only technology can change the world."

Because of the subprime mortgage crisis, Tesla, which was planning to go public this year with its IPO, could only delay its listing. Looking at the current US stock market, it is easy to think that now is not a good time to go public, and the company\'s valuation will definitely be greatly discounted. Seeing what Musk said, is he short of money again?

"Elon, today is your wedding day. We shouldn\'t talk about work. Also, congratulations, you have married one of the best women in the world."

"Haha, I think so too." At this time, Musk also noticed Fan Bingbing beside Chen William and asked:

"William, this beautiful lady, don\'t you want to introduce me?"

"This is my friend, Fan Bingbing. Like Dalu La, she is also an actress, and she is one of the most famous actors in China."

"Oh, then you and Dalula should have a lot in common. It\'s nice to meet you, Ms. Fan Bingbing."

The wedding of Musk and Dalula was held at the Dornoch Cathedral. Dalula wore a white wedding dress, which looked very beautiful and showed off her excellent figure. Women who have been underwear models are indeed unusual.

Musk, on the other hand, was wearing a British-style dress and a top hat. He looked in a good mood. He always smiled and looked at Da Lula with love in his eyes.

Seeing this scene, William Chen felt quite embarrassed. If the historical trajectory was followed, the two would probably break up soon, leading to a divorce. Dalula received $25 million and left Musk.

Then not long after, the two remarried again, trying to change each other, but in the end it was futile and only ended up as a scorer.

It\'s just that at this moment, they are still immersed in happiness and look very loving.

Fan Bingbing, who was beside Chen William, silently looked at the pair of newlyweds on the court, his eyes fell on the wedding dress on Da Lula\'s body, and the sweet smile, with a bit of envy in his eyes, and silently held Chen William\'s hand.