America's Road To Fame

Chapter 202: i listen to you

When William Chen woke up in the morning, Fan Bingbing was beside him, still hugging his arm tightly in his sleep, resting his head on his shoulder, and still wearing a sweet smile in his sleep.

Chen William gently pulled his arm out of her arms. Seeing that she hummed twice, changed her position and continued to fall asleep. Chen William smiled slightly. After washing, he went to the study, opened the email and looked at it.

In Nielsen\'s email, William Chen knew that News Corp.\'s wiretapping door was still fermenting. Just yesterday afternoon in the United States, protesters began to gather under News Corp. headquarters holding signs with protest slogans.

Affected by this incident, coupled with media reports, the UK has suspended negotiations with Murdoch\'s News Corporation about the latter\'s acquisition of Sky TV. Therefore, the stock price of News Corporation plummeted that day, at most, it fell by more than 20%, as of the close of the stock market. , the final decline was 13%.

After reading the news, William Chen got up and went to the gym. For Murdoch, things were developing in a worse situation, but for him, it was developing in a favorable direction.

When Chen William\'s fitness was almost in progress, Fan Bingbing had walked in and was sitting on the fitness bench near the door, holding his cheeks and looking at himself.

"When did you get up?"

"I just woke up, and I don\'t want to sleep when I see you\'re not here."

At this time, Fan Bingbing did not put on makeup, and her face was facing the sky. Although she was not as delicate and bright as her usual makeup, she felt a little more pure and free.

Seeing her appearance, William Chen walked over and placed a kiss on her mouth.

"Look at how sweaty you are, go take a shower first, and I\'ll make you breakfast."

Fan Bingbing made simple noodles for breakfast, but it tasted good. She was also very happy to hear Chen William\'s praise.

At this time, William Chen talked to her about the unfinished business last night, that is, the investment in Fan Bingbing\'s studio.

After leaving Huayi Company, Fan Bingbing did not choose to renew the contract, but set up her own studio under the Bernard Company.

From its establishment to the present, Fan Bingbing\'s studio has also produced a lot of works, including two TV series and a movie she collaborated with director Li Yu. However, most of the studios participated with Fan Bingbing\'s resources and cooperated with other companies. There are not many works that she actually funded.

This is also understandable. The film and television industry is also very risky. The investment in a work is not cheap. Except for the kind of literary and artistic films that are for awards, if the final broadcast effect is not good, it is easy to lose money, or even a large amount of money. Unfortunately, William Chen’s predecessor had learned a lot in this regard.

In the film and television industry in China, William Chen mainly invested in Huayi Company, but he did not occupy many shares. He didn\'t want to end the game himself. It\'s not very convenient for him to be a foreign investor. On the one hand, it was because Fan Bingbing followed him, so the interests of the two could be tied up, and on the other hand, it could be done through her side. Therefore, the idea of ​​investing in Fan Bingbing\'s studio came into being.

Of course, his investment in the Huaxia film and television industry will not be limited to this. Through Huaxia Future Capital, he will also invest in some film and television companies with potential in the future.

"Actually, I think I can handle the size of my current studio. If it\'s bigger, I\'m afraid I won\'t be able to manage it myself."

"Then find a professional person to help you manage, you can do what you are good at, choose the script, and have a good relationship with the media. You have done a good job in all of these. Professional company operation and management will be handed over to professional managers. People will do."

After the two finished their meal, William Chen took her hand, and the two sat on the sofa and said to her:

"After that, your studio can become an investment-based company. I think you can directly invest in a potential film and television company and become a major shareholder. In this way, you will have a lot of right to speak, and if you have good works, you can cooperate with them. ."

Hearing Chen William say this, Fan Bingbing\'s eyes lit up, but he felt that this idea was a good idea, but he turned to be a little depressed and said:

"I don\'t have that much money right now. Even a small film and television company should at least be in the hundreds of millions."

"Money is not a problem. The main thing is to find a target first. Then I will find someone to sort out the information of domestic film and television companies and make a choice."

"Okay, I\'ll listen to you. When you are my major shareholder, I\'ll just work for you." Fan Bingbing knelt on the sofa, put her hands on Chen William\'s shoulders, and leaned against his head. , said.

"How about that? How can our Master Fan be a part-time worker? When you are a female boss, I will work for you." After Chen William finished speaking, his face turned slightly serious and said:

"However, when it comes to the company\'s financial issues, we must find professional people to deal with it, especially tax issues, we must pay attention. Maybe there are many tricks in the domestic film and television industry in Huaguo now, just to avoid tax. But you have to I know, you are not a professional person. You don’t understand the line between reasonable tax avoidance and tax evasion. Don’t look at the fact that the country is not too strict in this regard, but from the situation in the United States, it will be taken seriously sooner or later, so it must be There can be no problems with that.”

At this time, the film and television industry has not yet reached the time when capital has entered a large scale, and actors can get sky-high remuneration for one play, so there will be some small moves, but they are not as outrageous as later, such as yin and yang contracts, so in order to avoid She repeats the same mistakes, and Chen William will now strictly check.

"I know, I\'ll listen to you."

From what William Chen said, Fan Bingbing could also feel that he was doing it for his own good, so he kept saying it with a smile on his face.


In the evening, William Chen went to meet Boss Ma, who led him to a luxuriously decorated club, where tonight\'s business gathering was held.

This time, William Chen didn\'t come alone. He also brought Li Ying. As the representative of William Chen\'s investment in China, he also needed to add some contacts for Li Ying to facilitate her future investment work.

Here Chen William also met an acquaintance, that is Wang Zhongjun of Huayi Company, but although in the film and television industry, he is a big-shot figure, but on today\'s occasions, Wang Zhongjun still has to accompany his smiling face most of the time .

After all, the film and television industry in Huaguo has not experienced explosive growth, so the total volume is not large. Even if it is a leading company in the film and television industry, the market value of Huayi Company is in the eyes of the big guys at the party tonight. It\'s not enough.

For example, the members of the Taishan Association that Chen William just met under the introduction of Boss Ma, including Duan Yongji, chairman of Stone Group; Feng Lun, chairman of Vantone Group; Lu Zhiqiang, chairman of Oceanwide Group, also Yes, Wang Jianlin, chairman of Yida Group, who proposed "small goals".

Most of these companies are involved in the real estate industry, so they are also very interested in William Chen, the controlling shareholder of Troup-Chen Business Management Company, the company that just bought the Magic Capital Global Financial Center, the tallest building in mainland China. .

If Chen William, who just entered the Huaguo real estate market, is a strong, then these big guys are properly local snakes. Whether the strong dragon and the local snake will eventually be a cooperative relationship or a competitive relationship, that is what the two sides need to try to understand.

However, William Chen knows that, as a foreign real estate company, he still needs to rely on cooperation with local companies for real estate operations in China. Therefore, for these real estate bigwigs in front of him, he also expects to enhance mutual understanding and have the opportunity. work together.

In particular, Wang Jianlin also chatted with him a few more words about commercial real estate and the film and television industry.

At this time, Yida is also promoting the commercial project of Yida Plaza. William Chen owns the luxury brand Hermès. He hopes to have the opportunity to let the Hermès brand enter Yida Plaza to improve their quality.

In addition, Yida has always been interested in entering the film and television industry, and later acquired the second largest theater chain in the United States and Legendary Films, which is second only to the six major film companies. Therefore, he now wants to make friends with a deep background in the United States. It\'s easy to understand with William Chen of Marvel and MGM.

Many of Chen William\'s information may not be particularly familiar to ordinary people in China, but it is not difficult to investigate these top business leaders.

Not to mention other things, even the energy of his mother\'s Drey family in the United States can be helpful when these bigwigs carry out overseas mergers and acquisitions. The current leader in power in the United States belongs to the Donkey Party.

Therefore, the reason why William Chen is so popular here is that in the eyes of these people, his wealth already belongs to the top one, and more is the energy he possesses in the United States, which is more able to help them.