America's Road To Fame

Chapter 2: Did you say the wrong line?

A month later, another $50 million loan is about to expire. In the past, it was possible to negotiate with the bank to extend the loan period.

However, because of the behavior of Chen William\'s predecessor, the bank has no longer trusted, so I am afraid that if the loan is not paid, his shares in this building will be auctioned, and these debts are very easy to trigger a chain reaction. When the debt broke out, he had to go bankrupt all the way.

Now Uncle Tom needs to help him solve this problem. He hopes that if the family of Chen William\'s mother can help to make peace, temporarily reach an agreement with the bank to extend the loan, so that he does not have to face the forced auction of the building shares. situation.

After Uncle Tom left, William Chen went back to the sofa and sat down. He closed his eyes and looked at the icon in front of him. Yes, he is watching with his eyes closed now, this is a secret he discovered after he came to this world.

That is, when he closed his eyes, he could always see a gray icon in front of him, but no matter what method he used, whether he looked at it or felt it with his mind, the icon never responded.

At first, he was excited about this for a while, thinking about whether the systems or plug-ins in some novels he had read in his previous life would also appear on him. Not surprising. But after many attempts in the end, he reluctantly gave up. Can he just wait for this thing that doesn\'t know what icon it is to be activated by himself? William Chen sighed.

It has been a few days since he came to this world, and William Chen is trying his best to adapt. In his previous life, he had been in China since he was born, so he suddenly became a half-Chinese half-blood who lived in the United States. The contrast was still a little big. Thinking of the past life, he couldn\'t help but have those kinds of experiences in his mind.

In the previous life, Chen William did not have the extraordinary family background and tall and handsome image as the current one. He used to be just an ordinary person born in a small city. After graduating from college, he stayed in a bustling big city. Through constant struggle, he finally had half a billion assets. At the same time, he also met the woman he hoped to wait for his whole life. .

Just when he thought he would live like this, with a beloved wife, a stable career, and on his way to the ranks of A9 (nine figures in assets), an accident happened.

He inadvertently offended a powerful man and faced retribution from the other party. At this time, he thought that he would accompany his wife, who faced all difficulties, but fled with the money in fear. Under pressure, he handed over his previous experience and evidence of walking in the gray area to the other party.

As a result, William Chen was thrown into prison. During a conflict, he was stabbed into the internal organs with a sharpened toothbrush, and he died.

Unexpectedly, when he woke up again, he came to this world and became a prodigal with a prominent family background. The development of the world is indeed unpredictable, but even so, he still needs to face the current predicament.

Just when he fell into memory, he suddenly heard the sound of the doorbell. Chen William returned to reality, got up and walked to the door to open the door. There was a beautiful blonde standing outside the door. After she saw Chen William, she asked with a happy expression on her face: "Dear William, didn\'t expect it to be me? , I heard that your health is not very good recently, how is it now?"

The beautiful woman in front of her was wearing a long pink dress and her figure... William Chen\'s eyes swept from somewhere, it was spectacular. The most important thing is that her appearance made Chen William feel so familiar, and from the vague memory of his predecessor, he found a name that was familiar to him in his previous life: "Paris Hilton?"

"Why did you suddenly become so detached from me, William, didn\'t you always call me Paris before? Also, didn\'t you let me in first?" Paris looked at William Chen strangely and said.

"Oh, I forgot, Paris, please come in. You know, I\'m not in such a good state recently." William Chen used the excuse that he couldn\'t get it right.

But after a while, from the memory of his predecessor, he really found that he and Paris had a good relationship, so good that the two of them had seen each other frankly. However, Paris is not one of his previous girlfriends. The relationship between the two is more like a friend (py?), but they really haven\'t seen each other for a while.

At this time, Paris had already entered the room. She sat on the sofa in the living room and said to William Chen, "It looks like you are not looking well, William, what\'s going on? I heard that you fainted suddenly. When I knew you were back in New York, I asked for your address from Uncle Tom and came to see you."

"It\'s just that I drank too much that day, there may be some sequelae, and I don\'t remember some things so clearly, maybe it will be fine after a while."

"William, you should change yourself, I told you before, don\'t live like that anymore, hang around with women all day, I hope that after this incident, you can be more self-disciplined and focus more on your career Come up."

Paris\' expression was very sincere, and her face was full of concern. However, Chen William felt that these words came out of her mouth, and there was always a sense of incongruity. He was really impulsive at the moment and wanted to say: Big sister, did you say the wrong line. After all, in her previous life, her rich emotional history always caused heated discussions, and Chen William had also watched some of her videos privately.

However, considering that if these words were really spoken, the blonde beauty in front of him might change her face immediately, and she might not even be able to take off her high-heeled shoes and come to knock her head on with the heels, so William Chen said safely: "Thank you for your concern, Paris, I\'ve been reflecting on my past as well, and it\'s time to make a change."

"It\'s great of you to think that way, William, I\'m sure you can do something if you just get back on your feet. Let those pesky tabloid reporters see that the William I know isn\'t as bad as they say." When Paris heard William Chen\'s words, she immediately became happy, sat beside him, grabbed his hand, and said expectantly.

But at this moment, looking at Paris, a doubt flashed in William Chen\'s mind. According to the memory of the previous life, Paris Hilton seems to have become famous very early. If I remember correctly, it is 2009. She should be almost thirty, not thirty, but twenty-eighty-nine.

But the Paris in front of him now looks like a little girl, not her age at all.

With this in mind, William Chen couldn\'t help but ask, "Paris, how old are you this year?"

When William Chen asked, Paris\' originally happy expression changed immediately, she said to William Chen a little unhappily: "William, I\'m just four years older than you, you always have to worry about this matter. Remind me? F**K, I didn\'t give you my first time!"

At this moment, William Chen feels that his world view has been subverted. He is 21 years old this year, and Paris is 4 years older than him, so is she only 25? And according to the information in her words, she gave it to herself for the first time, as if she and her predecessor met three years ago, when she was 18 and she was 22.

In the United States, it was the first time for a girl to be 22. It was already very rare, and she could be called a virtuous woman. Is this still the Paris Hilton from her previous life?

However, after searching the memory of his predecessor, Chen William found that UU reading er, it seems that she was right, when she was with him at that time, she was really...

Well, it seems that there is a very correct sentence, I really can\'t look at the real people I met based on the media reports in my previous life. Seeing that Paris was a little excited, William Chen said quickly: "Paris, I didn\'t mean that. You know, since I fainted last time, I can\'t recall many things."

Paris then remembered that William Chen had said this before, she turned to care and touched William Chen\'s forehead with her hand, and asked, "Poor William, are you feeling better now, I\'m sorry, I was impulsive just now. "

A slightly cool hand was placed on his forehead, and Paris was very close to him at this time, the magnificent scenery was in front of William Chen, and the fragrance of her body drifted into William Chen\'s nose. At this moment, He already felt a little confused. After all, his predecessor was the predecessor, and it was the first time he had faced such a beautiful scene after transmigrating himself.

As a result, Paris did not stabilize and fell directly to William Chen, not only pressing him on top of him. At this time, the two were very close, and Paris immediately reacted to the situation in her hands. She looked at Chen William\'s handsome face and her face became rosy: "William, don\'t do this, you can\'t do this now, you still need to recover. ."

Looking at the blonde beauty in front of him, he couldn\'t help but kiss her directly.

The two of them have long been friends, but Paris said no,...

Finally, this time, William Chen didn\'t see pictures of Paris, or videos, or memories of his predecessors, but real experiences.