America's Road To Fame

Chapter 199: 1 o'clock and 1 o'clock

"It\'s not much to see now. After the first half a month, the exterior decoration will be completed, and the whole yard will almost look like it. Don\'t worry, I\'ve been watching the progress for you, and I\'m sure it will be done properly by then. of."

Wang Zhonglei said to Chen William with a smile on his face. The group went to the courtyard that Chen William bought in the second ring road of Yanjing before, and looked at the effect of the current decoration.

After arriving in Yanjing this time, Chen William could clearly feel that the Wang Zhonglei brothers had a completely different attitude towards him than before, and were even more enthusiastic. In these matters, he was simply taking every possible consideration for him.

For this kind of change, Chen William is not surprised. When he first came to Huaguo to become a shareholder in Huayi, Chen William\'s various investments were relatively private matters. Therefore, in their eyes at that time, Chen William was at most a person with The rich second generation of Qian\'s attitude towards him is mainly because he is a shareholder of Huayi Company.

But now it is different. With the continuous acquisition of Chen William, not only has he become the largest shareholder of Alibaba, one of the domestic Internet leaders, but also acquired Marvel, MGM, Hermes, and the number one in mainland China. Gaolou, not to mention other things, is that his current resources in Hollywood are Hua Yi\'s special attention.

Therefore, now William Chen is far from the height that Huayi\'s Wang brothers can reach. Not only is his net worth unimaginable, but he also greatly demands Huayi\'s goal of internationalization. The current attitude is almost flattering, which is very normal.

Just like when you know that a friend of yours is rich, and you know that he is the son of the richest man, you also need to get close, but the degree is far different.

"Now I can roughly see what it looks like. If it\'s all done, it must be very beautiful."

The ones who came with them today, and Chen Zihan, who was by his side when William Chen bought the courtyard, was holding William Chen\'s arm and talking to him softly.

It can be said that after following Chen William, Chen Zihan\'s position in Huayi is completely different. Before, he could only play the second female lead at most. Now not only has he just finished filming a heroine\'s play, but he is also arranged in Hua Yi played a good supporting role in this year\'s key film.

Therefore, after Chen William came to Yanjing, she came to accompany him immediately, and came here to see the progress of the renovation of this courtyard house.

Also for Chen Zihan, she has been refreshing her understanding of each other since she met William Chen. At the beginning, she decided to take a bet on Chen William. At that time, she only knew that the other party\'s energy was not small. She had just invested in Huayi Company and was the company\'s major shareholder.

It was only when she accompanied him to buy this courtyard house that she realized that William Chen was very rich, but at this time, the level of wealth she felt was only similar to that of the Huayi Wang brothers. , This was already the richest level she had access to at that time.

But later, she kept discovering that her perception of Chen William\'s wealth was still too superficial. When she saw that he acquired 40% of Ali\'s shares, she was shocked as never before. That was 40%. Billion dollars, what concept? The top few people on the Forbes China Rich List can\'t be said to be taking an understatement to spend $4 billion to acquire a stake in Alibaba.

Therefore, at this time, she realized that even though she felt that William Chen was already high, she still didn\'t realize how high he was. In fact, his height should be said to exceed the level of his imagination.

Then at the back, Chen William acquired Marvel, acquired Hermès, acquired MGM in Hollywood, which is looked up to by all actors, and finally acquired the most well-known building in mainland China and the tallest building in the mainland - Magic In the world financial center, at this time, Chen Zihan was completely shocked and numb, and even accepted these things calmly.

Uh, once you accept the setting that your financial master is the world\'s top richest man, everything seems to go with the flow...

It\'s just that the sense of crisis in her heart still exists. As an actor of Huayi Company, especially after being valued by the company now, people around her, including agents and assistants, can get more inside information of the company. .

For example, Zhang Yuqi and Yang Mi, the two female stars who joined Huayi Company after the termination of the contract, I heard that they were directly arranged by the company\'s top management due to Chen William\'s relationship, and the two of them also have a lot of resources.

So based on these, Chen Zihan could easily guess that the two of them were probably similar to Chen William, but it was a pity that when he came to Huaguo last time, she was filming and had no chance to come over to accompany him.

The most important thing is that Chen Zihan found out that the two were girls of the same age as Chen William, and he had no advantage at all in terms of age, so the sense of crisis in his heart suddenly intensified, so he knew Chen William in this time. After she came to China, she seized the opportunity, no matter what, she must seize him.

Because it is still under construction, the courtyard at this time is still a little chaotic. Chen William didn\'t read much. He read it in general, and chatted with the person in charge of the construction party who came over. He knew that according to the plan, there would still be at most one and a half months, that is, before the end of March and April, all the work can be completed. Repair and decoration, if you want to dry it, you can move in at the latest in June.

He was quite satisfied with these, so he was ready to leave.

"Mr. William, do you have time in the evening? The two of us want to wash the dust for you, look..."

Chen William said to the Wang brothers before, just call him William directly. At that time, the other party always called him that, but now he has become a respectful Mr. William, and Chen William did not make any corrections.

Hearing Wang Zhonglei\'s words, he also generally knew what the other party wanted to talk about. After thinking about it, he said:

"Well then, I\'ll trouble you in the evening. You can send me the location when you get there, and Zihan and I will just go there directly."

"Then the others..."

"Don\'t have too many people. It\'s almost enough to call Shanggang Director. By the way, how is Yuqi doing recently?"

"Ms. Zhang Yuqi performed very well. She has great potential and is an actress that the company has vigorously cultivated."

William Chen nodded and said, "They\'ve all troubled President Wang."

"No way, I have to thank Mr. William for helping us find these potential actors."

Seeing Wang Zhonglei\'s reaction, Chen William knew that he understood what he meant. As for why she didn\'t talk about Yang Mi, it was mainly because she knew that when she returned to Yanjing, she would definitely go back to her parents\' house first, so it would be inconvenient to come out at night, and the two of them had just played an idiom game, so they were not in a hurry.

After saying this, Wang Zhonglei said his goodbyes and left first.

"Where are we going next?"

After Wang Zhonglei left, Chen Zihan leaned on Chen William\'s side and asked softly.

"Then tell me, where do you want to go?"

"Why don\'t you come to my house, I\'ll buy vegetables and cook something for you, and try my craft."

Chen William thought that there was nothing else to do today, so he agreed. After asking Chen Zihan\'s address, he asked the bodyguard to drive there.

On the way, Chen Zihan first got off the car and went to the supermarket to buy some ingredients, and did not let Chen William accompany her. After all, she is also a famous actress, although she is far from her is far inferior to Fan. Bingbing and Yang Mi are well-known, but because they have acted in a lot of TV dramas, many people are still very familiar with them.

In this way, if it is filmed, she is also afraid that it will affect William Chen. This is also her self-consciousness as a public. She is also a smart person. She knows that if she wants to stay by William Chen\'s side as long as possible, the most important thing is to give less He caused trouble, so she would avoid things that would get William Chen into trouble.

Chen Zihan\'s home is located on the Fourth Ring Road in Yanjing. The house is not big, about 60 square meters, but the interior is still very warm, and it is very neat and clean.

"The room is a bit small, and I usually spend most of the time on the set. I don\'t come back to live much, so it may be a little messy."

After entering the house, Chen Zihan took off William Chen\'s coat like a little wife, put it on the hanger next to him, then bent over, took off his shoes, and took out a new pair from the shopping bag he just got from the supermarket. Men\'s slippers, put them on for him.

It can be seen from this that she is still very attentive, and brought new slippers that she bought specially.

"Is it still some distance from Huayi Company, is it convenient to live in?"

"Actually, it doesn\'t matter much, just like I usually spend the most time on the set. When I come back to Yanjing, I mainly rest, and I rarely go to the company when I have nothing to do."

Chen Zihan was wearing Chen William and asked her to sit down on the sofa in the living room to rest for a while, and then went to pour him some water.

"You can rest here for a while. I\'ll come and call you when I\'m done. Let\'s have dinner together."

After speaking, she took the ingredients and went to the kitchen to work.