America's Road To Fame

Chapter 196: Hua Guo Company

Originally, Ivanta wanted to tell William Chen about the Troup-Chen Business Management Company during this period of time, but after returning to the Yan Family Garden, William Chen decided to talk to her directly after being newly married. Practiced all kinds of fighting knowledge for two hours.

By the time the practice was over, Ivanta was already dripping with sweat, and she almost collapsed. She said coquettishly:

"It\'s all your fault. How can I go to work like this?"

But even though she said that, Ivanta was still very satisfied with William Chen\'s performance, and her face was full of sweet smiles.

In William Chen\'s arms, Ivanta told him about the company\'s progress over the past month.

Negotiations with Mori Building Co., Ltd. have basically reached an agreement. Due to the deterioration of the economic situation in Japan, the other party finally made concessions on the transaction price. The final purchase price of the Magic Capital World Financial Center was set at 1.5 billion US dollars. Two of them, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley, will provide $1 billion in financing for the acquisition.

In this way, after the signing of the contract and the completion of the acquisition, Troop-Chen Business Management Company will move its headquarters to this skyscraper, which will be renamed Troop-Chen Oriental Building.

And they will renovate some floors of the building. The floors near the ground will be changed to commercial areas, and some large brand supermarkets will be settled. Most of the floors will still be used as office buildings, and the top ten floors of the building will also be carried out. After a certain transformation, the company\'s authorized high-end hotel brand - Troup Hotel will be settled in it.

When they were in the Troup Group, the Ivanta brothers and sisters were mainly responsible for the hotel brand of the Troup Group, so Ivanta was very familiar with the operation of the hotel, and she also brought her special team to Troup- Chen business management company, so there is no pressure on the operation of this hotel.

According to the expectation of the local cooperative construction company in Modu, all the renovations will be completed within three months, which means that the settled commercial projects will be able to open before June.

After Ivanta\'s company completed this amazing acquisition, it also showed the strength of their Troup-Chen business management company to Modu. In addition, recently, William Chen has made many large acquisitions, not only The Hermès Group was acquired, and the MGM Company was also included in the bag, so the other party was also very enthusiastic about their investment, and specially selected a land with an excellent location in Pudong for them to choose to develop.

In the end, after the team\'s investigation, Ivanta chose a location in an emerging commercial center to build the second Troup-Chen Building in Modu. According to the previous policy, during the construction of this building, they almost There is no need to pay any funds, the local Magic Capital Bank will provide all the loans.

Now not only in the magic capital, but Ivanta\'s team is also discussing related projects with other cities, including Hangzhou, Jinling, Suzhou and other cities.

At present, the construction of two buildings has been negotiated with Hangzhou City, which are located in the urban area and the high-tech park respectively; the projects in Jinling and Suzhou have also progressed, and the policies are generally similar. Build a Troupe-Chen Building in each of the two cities.

These progress so smoothly, as I said before, on the one hand, because the Troop Group has a great reputation in the United States, especially in their headquarters in New York, there are so many Troop Buildings, giving people a sense of Very impressed.

In addition, thanks to Chen William\'s popularity, after several huge acquisitions, he has become the most well-known rich man in the world since the subprime mortgage crisis.

As the controlling shareholder of this joint venture, the governments of various parts of China also hope to introduce his strong capital to the local area to stimulate the local economic construction.

"Old Ma, yes, you really dug people over."

Before William Chen could leave for Hangzhou, Boss Ma from Ali Company had already come to see him in Modu first.

Seeing William Chen\'s surprised expression, Boss Ma said quite proudly:

"There is nothing difficult in the world, I\'m just afraid of someone who has a heart. You don\'t know that it\'s really not easy to invite this guy over. I ran to the Shenzhen market three or four times myself, and every time I talked to him for a long time, I finally said moved him."

It seems that Boss Ma\'s flickering skills are indeed very deep, and Chen William did not make a mistake in his estimation.

"By the way, I also found William for you now. What you said last time was our cooperative promotion. When will it start?"

Boss Ma said urgently:

"I can tell you that because of this Zhang Xiaolong, the penguin\'s pony almost got anxious with me. I guess they may already have plans to develop a mobile chat app now."

William Chen also knows that this matter can\'t be delayed any longer. Penguin\'s combat effectiveness in the social field is still very strong, so even if he cooperates with Ali, he still needs a first-mover advantage to seize users.

So he said to Boss Ma:

"We will start this matter right away. First, let Mr. Zhang Xiaolong go to Silicon Valley to have a good communication with the headquarters. By the way, the localization of the team will be started. As long as these are completed, the market will be launched immediately."

"What about the way of cooperation?" Boss Ma asked eagerly.

"According to the model I and Japan\'s Softbank, Ali company and technology company formed a joint venture Huaguo company, Ali accounted for 51% of the shares, technology accounted for 49%, and Ali invested at least 50 million US dollars for the research and development and promotion of the Huaguo version. "

Hearing William Chen\'s statement about the same cooperation model as that of SoftBank, Boss Ma nodded and agreed.

Previously, Technology had formally established a Japanese company with SoftBank Group. Regarding the details of the cooperation between the two parties, Boss Ma had already inquired clearly from Sun Zhengyi, so he also planned to use this model to cooperate with Technology.

"Then they will fix this quota now. I will immediately let Zhang Xiaolong serve as the CEO of Huaguo Company, set up a team to go to Silicon Valley to communicate for a while, and hurry up to develop the Huaguo version."

It seems that Boss Ma is really anxious, but this is also in line with Chen William\'s idea. He also hopes to officially withdraw from China as soon as possible to seize the social track of mobile users.

"I think Huaguo can go in two steps. Originally, this software has a Chinese version. After we set up the company, we can launch this Chinese version as soon as possible, as the initial version to seize the market; then at the same time, the local company\'s The team hurry up to use the kernel to develop the Huaguo version, and replace it with the developed Huaguo version after the next version upgrade."

Chen William expressed his thoughts. After hearing that, Boss Ma\'s eyes lit up, and he patted the table and said:

"Yes, let\'s do it like this! This way, we can occupy the market as soon as possible, so as not to have too many dreams at night. If there is any secret weapon from Penguin Company that comes out first, then we will be passive."

Seeing that Boss Wang wanted to sign a contract now, launch it for promotion, and seize the market, Chen William smiled and said to him:

"Actually, promotion has a very important role for Ali Company, that is, we can integrate Alipay into this APP in the later stage. In this way, we can not only use this social APP to transfer money between friends, but also through mobile phones. Scan the code for mobile payment, in this case, with the core of Alipay, Alipay\'s market share can be expanded."

Boss Ma was so enthusiastic about this product before, mainly because he wanted to attack Penguin by promoting this software, and he could use it to promote his own Taobao mall as its traffic portal.

But now when I hear Chen William\'s words, his thoughts are immediately opened. Social + payment is really a very imaginative combination. It can be combined with e-commerce + payment and offline physical payment, making Alipay a payment method. dominance of the field.

In this way, his Ali company will not only have the power to fight against Penguin, but it will not be able to counterattack the opponent\'s core business.

As for this matter, it is also very helpful for Chen William to enhance his influence in China. Although in Huaguo Company, he gave up 51% of the controlling stake to Ali Company, because he also knew that in some of the more sensitive Internet fields, it is easier for regulators to be controlled by local companies.

Moreover, he himself holds 40% of the shares of Ali Company, so in fact, nearly 70% of the shares of Huaguo Company are directly or indirectly controlled by him, and he still has a great say in this company.