America's Road To Fame

Chapter 194: Spiderman Returns

Chen William took it out from the interface of Future Bank. After choosing to use it, he saw a scroll of parchment rolled out in front of him. At this time, he was holding a quill pen with a simple shape.

After thinking for a while, Chen William used the quill pen to write on the scroll—

"I want to buy Twentieth Century Fox."

After writing this, a confirmation prompt box popped up in front of him. After choosing to confirm, the scroll in front of him flashed with golden light, gradually disintegrating into pieces and disappearing in the air. At this time, the quill in his hand no longer existed.

Uh, is this over? There are no dazzling special effects, and there is nothing unusual about it at all.

Next, William Chen received a call and took a helicopter to the Marvel headquarters on Fifth Avenue in New York.

The call was from Keith Ellison, the CEO of Marvel. He said excitedly that the president of Sony Pictures had come to Marvel to sign a contract with them to return the copyright of the Spider-Man series.

Hearing this news, Chen William Station felt quite speechless, since he last went to Japan to negotiate with Howard Stringer, the president of Sony Corporation, to recover the copyright of the Spider-Man series from Sony Corporation at a price of 500 million US dollars. It\'s been over a month

At this time, Sony Pictures finally started to act, and the execution is too poor.

But after thinking about it a little more, William Chen can already understand the tricky part. After the Sony headquarters made the decision to let Marvel Pictures take back the copyright of the Spider-Man series at a price of 500 million US dollars, Sony Pictures in the United States will definitely There was a struggle.

After all, although this decision was to save the financial situation of Sony headquarters, it was too cruel for Sony Pictures.

As Sony Pictures with the fewest series of IPs among the six major Hollywood studios, the Spider-Man series can be said to be the most important IP in their hands. Big, the importance is incomparable with the Spider-Man series.

But now it seems that Sony Pictures’ struggle has finally failed. After all, in the eyes of Sony’s headquarters, Sony’s future is the most important thing. Although Sony Pictures is an important department of them, but at this time , their interests can also be temporarily sacrificed.

Therefore, at this time, the president of Sony Pictures finally reluctantly came to Marvel and signed a contract with them to recover the copyright of the Spider-Man series.

However, at this time William Chen finally remembered that when he calculated his expenses for this period of time, he had forgotten that he would need to invest 500 million US dollars to receive the copyright of the Spider-Man series from Sony Pictures.

After Sony Pictures signs the contract with Marvel, they will definitely need to transfer the $500 million into their account.

But fortunately, Chen William\'s future bank has a $500 million loan limit that has not been used yet, and now it is time to do a short-term emergency.

So after William Chen arrived at Marvel, he signed a contract with Sony Pictures, accompanied by an excited look from Marvel CEO Keith Ellison.

It\'s no wonder that Keith Ellison is so excited, although when William Chen received enough Marvel, he promised to gradually take back the copyrights of those superheroes they had sold to other companies to Marvel. But he did not expect that this day would come so quickly.

Spider-Man is the most well-known superhero in Marvel. Otherwise, Columbia Pictures, the predecessor of Sony Pictures, would not have chosen to buy only the copyright of the Spider-Man series among all the superhero copyrights of Marvel.

After taking back the copyright of the Spider-Man series, Marvel still has the superhero copyrights that are left out, mainly the copyrights of X-Men and Fantastic Four in the hands of 20th Century Fox, and the distribution rights of the independent Hulk movies in the hands of Universal.

Therefore, if William Chen can successfully acquire 20th Century Fox again, it means that Marvel\'s most important superhero copyrights have basically returned to the company.

As for the few copyrights that are left out, they are all unimportant individuals. As long as the other party does not shoot related movies within five years, they will automatically return to the company.

Those characters basically have no market value without the cooperation of other series of movies, and Marvel has a way to recover these unknown copyrights. As long as they don\'t mention relevant characters in their earlier films, don\'t add popularity to these characters, and don\'t release new comics, then there is no need for the other party to shoot, and no one wants to lose money to make movies. of.

So after signing the contract to repurchase the copyright of the Spider-Man series, Meta Investment Company borrowed 500 million US dollars from Chen William\'s personal account, and then invested it into the Marvel company\'s account to complete the transfer to Sony Pictures, thus transferring the Spider-Man series copyright. take back.

The conclusion of this agreement is a good start for Marvel to take back the copyrights it sold before.

Gu Lin

Now that he has come to Marvel, William Chen also asked Marvel CEO Keith Ellison about the company\'s production of the company\'s two films - and.

Ellison said that both films have already started filming, and Marvel Studios CEO Kevin Feige is in charge of the shooting of the two films.

Some of the situations in these two films, William Chen also knows a little bit, because as the "Iron Man" at certain moments, his "Little Pepper" - Amber Heard is also participating in the filming of this film .

The two people in the middle will also communicate through it. Ms. Pepper said that she will keep the costumes during the shooting, and then exchange some clips about the movie with him.

Well, it\'s mainly about the maintenance skills of Mr. Iron Man\'s energy cannon...


"Wow, we meet again, Miss Delphine, but if you hadn\'t come to talk to me about Hermes, I\'d definitely be happy to chat with you for a while."

William Chen looked at the two "uninvited guests" in front of him, Delphine Arnault with a formulaic smile, and Rick Walton with a helpless expression, and said to the former with a smile.

"I hope you can reconsider my proposal, Mr. William."

However, Delphine didn\'t seem to have much will. According to Chen William\'s idea, she had a pleasant chat with him, and still firmly put forward what he expected—hoping to buy his shares in Hermes.

"You don\'t understand, Miss Delphine, when you are in the wrong direction, the harder you work, the farther you will be from success."

When William Chen finished saying this, his heart suddenly moved. He thought that a girl from a family like Delphine Arno should not be like this. Could it be that she was really well protected before?

Or, Chen William glanced at her vigilantly, and a terrifying thought appeared in his mind - she wouldn\'t be attracted by her unbelievable looks, she wanted to use this excuse to get close to herself.

If that\'s the case, then... it\'s too scary, not to mention that she\'s not the type she likes, even her family background is a problem.

At this time, Delphine continued:

"Mr. I know that you and Rick are doing e-commerce together. If you can sell the shares of Hermes to our LVMH group, then there will be many places for us to cooperate, such as in e-commerce... …”

Hey, how did she know... William Chen looked at Rick Walton, only to see him shaking his head.

However, according to Delphine\'s words, Zoom on my side does have space for cooperation with LVMH Group. Although those luxury goods are not suitable for their Zoom style, which mainly sells daily groceries, things like make-up and perfume are not. can cooperate.

Even so, Hermes would definitely not sell them, William Chen thought, his eyes fell on Rick Walton, good brother, it\'s up to you.

"Let\'s stop talking about Hermès, Miss Delphine. But if you are interested in the cooperation between our e-commerce and LVMH group, you can talk to my friend Rick more, you know, Wal-Mart It is their family\'s industry, I believe you will have good topics in these areas."

Just now William Chen felt a little unusual. How can you call yourself Mr. William and call him Rick? And this guy Rick led Delphine directly to find him, it seems...

Anyway, no matter what, dear brother, just help me hold this eldest lady down.

"But Mr. William..."

"I\'m really sorry. I\'m going to fly to China right now. I really don\'t have time to tell you more. This Rick knows it."

As he spoke, William Chen looked at the time, handed Delphine to Rick Walton, and left here.