America's Road To Fame

Chapter 176: Hangzhou trip

At this time, Li Ying also came to the magic capital.

Her negotiation with Dianping also came to fruition. After many negotiations, Huaxia Future Capital will finally invest $60 million at a post-investment valuation of $300 million and hold a 20% stake in Dianping.

This is also a relatively large financing in China recently, so it also attracts a lot of attention. Li Ying and Huaxia Future Capital, which she is in charge of, have also entered the attention of many people in the Internet industry. This venture capital fund looks very powerful. Of course, it is known that its parent company is the American Meta Investment Company, which is 40 $2.5 billion to buy 40% of Alibaba’s shares, and $2.5 billion to buy Marvel; if there are companies such as Twitter, Siri, etc., there is no doubt about the capital of this venture capital.

In fact, Dianping is willing to accept investment from China Future Capital at this time, and its background is also the main reason.

Dianping was founded relatively early. In 2003, Zhang Tao, the founder of Dianping, just returned to Magic Capital from overseas.

He, who loves food, found that there was very little information on restaurants in the entire magic city on the Internet. He couldn\'t find a good restaurant through the Internet, so he realized the existence of this market demand.

At that time, some UGC (user-generated content) models were emerging on the Internet, such as Wikipedia and Amazon’s book reviews. The content was generated by users. More content data not only facilitated searching, but also improved the credibility of recommendations.

He considered whether it could be a platform for restaurant users\' UGC evaluation, and after thinking about it, the self-study website made the first version of

Then I filled it with restaurant information. At that time, there was not much public information about restaurants, so I spent every day in the library looking for Shanghai restaurants published by the media to collect them and record them on, so when Dianping was online, it was already there. Information on over 1600 restaurants.

Up to now, Dianping has experienced two rounds of financing and has expanded its site to 20 cities. The speed is not fast, but the development is very stable. This is also a place that William Chen appreciates.

Ivanta has been very busy these two days. He was leading the team to negotiate with Mori Building Co., Ltd. The other party initially called out a price of 1.8 billion US dollars, but their bid was only 1.2 billion US dollars, and the gap was still very large.

But it doesn\'t matter, negotiation is to negotiate a price that both parties can accept. In the end, if an agreement cannot be reached, then there are other options.

Taking advantage of this time, Chen William went to Hangzhou, mainly to see Boss Ma.

Knowing that Chen William had come to Huaguo, Boss Ma immediately invited him. The magic capital is not far from Hangcheng, so Chen William stopped by.

Boss Ma first took him to the high-tech park in Yuhang District, Hangzhou, and showed him the Taobao City Complex, a new park of Alibaba Company that had just started construction.

The project, which was signed last year, broke ground just last month.

"It looks pretty big in here, old horse."

Now William Chen and Boss Ma are familiar with each other, so the names are much more casual.

"Yeah, 450 acres of land have been approved for us. I plan to build it in three phases. The first phase is expected to be completed in three years. Most of our staff will move here by then."

Chen William looked at the renderings next to him and said, "It looks very imposing. How much did you invest?"

"1.3 billion, I invited Kengo Kuma, a Japanese design master, to design the first phase of the project for us."

"1.3 billion? Chinese coins?" After Chen William asked, he saw Boss Ma nodded, and sighed, "It\'s really not much, it looks like you are not small."

"The domestic construction cost is definitely not comparable to yours in the United States. You have also come to Huaguo to invest in real estate. You will soon have an experience. Don\'t worry, the quality and quantity will definitely be guaranteed."

Boss Ma paused and continued: "But in fact, these funds are not paid by our company, they are all constructed through bank loans, and the prices of these land approved are not high, after all, we are the focus here. Support businesses."

Through a detailed discussion with Boss Ma, Chen William knew that the subprime mortgage crisis had a great impact on China. Therefore, a plan of 4 trillion yuan was formulated above, mainly to stimulate domestic demand and increase the development of the country\'s basic industries. To get through the economic hardship.

Therefore, all localities are also encouraging enterprises to invest in infrastructure. For these projects, approval can be accelerated and financial support can be provided. On the Hangzhou side, companies like Ali want to build a park, they directly supply land at a low price, and also help solve the funding problem, which means that all construction funds do not need to be borne by the company, and the bank directly provides loans.

The purpose of this is to increase employment and drive related industries.

It’s just that such conditions are too favorable. Enterprises don’t need to spend a penny, they can directly use bank loans to build buildings. After a few years, they can sell the building after the house price has risen, and they can still make a fortune.

"Okay, Lao Ma\'s policy is good. Take advantage of this opportunity to build a few more buildings and build Ali\'s parks in various places. If nothing else, you can make a lot of money by selling the attached residential buildings. money."

William Chen agitator Ma Boss.

"How can it be so simple, these are all loans that have to be repaid. If the real estate market does not improve in two years, it will not be all in hand. Looking at the current situation, I don\'t know how long this crisis will last. "

It seems that Boss Ma is still too cautious about these, but this is normal. For entrepreneurs, they must take risks when it is time to take risks, but in matters other than the main business, it is always good to be cautious. of.

But Boss Ma didn\'t know, but William Chen himself knew. In fact, the subprime mortgage crisis in this world is more serious than in his previous life, and it will last for one or two more years at most. He doesn\'t know about other places, but the real estate in Huaguo will still have problems for at least seven or eight years in the future. boom times.

"Looking at how excited you are, why don\'t you come? You can approve a piece of land near the park here, and then you can build a building. If nothing else, Ali needs a lot of hospitality every year. Yes, then we can treat your hotel as a designated hospitality hotel."

Unexpectedly, Boss Ma began to persuade Chen William: "And I am also very familiar with other companies in the park. I can say hello to you, and I will go to you to make arrangements. I know, Troup Group. The grade of the hotel is not low, and it is definitely enough in pomp.”

However, Boss Ma\'s proposal is not bad. William Chen is also a little moved. He knows that as Ali\'s major shareholder, Boss Ma must have an idea to win over him.

However, before William Chen said anything, the two walked to the park, when they encountered a group of people walking by, looking at their temperament, they didn\'t look like businessmen.

A middle-aged man with a calm temperament led by the other party saw William Chen and Boss Ma coming over to say hello:

"Mr. Ma, what a coincidence, you are here too?" He said to Boss Ma, but his eyes fell on Chen William:

"This is Mr. William Chen, right?"

It seems that this person is familiar with Boss After the introduction of Boss Ma, Chen William realized that the middle-aged man in front of him is the deputy mayor of Hangcheng in charge of investment promotion.

"Is it the first time for Mr. William to come to our Hangcheng? What is your impression of this place?"

The deputy mayor took the initiative to ask Chen William.

"Hangtown is very beautiful, and I\'m very impressed by the pragmatism of the various departments here."

"In this case, Mr. William can consider investing in us, we will definitely give the most favorable policy,"

It seems that his purpose is here, and it is no wonder that he took the initiative to say hello after seeing William Chen.

"I will think about it."

"Tomorrow we will have a briefing on the latest policy and will announce some preferential measures for investment. Can Mr. William attend if he has time?"

Oh? This one can be seen. Chen William knows that Hangzhou will develop well in the future. Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai have always been friendly to the private and foreign-funded economy. The government is more pragmatic and efficient. Therefore, he also has the idea of ​​developing the real estate business here. Therefore, He agreed on the spot.

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