America's Road To Fame

Chapter 17: Ivanta's curiosity

"The possibility is still very high. After our analysis, Robert De Niro has now extinguished his enthusiasm for politics, so the importance of the "New York Observer" to him has been greatly reduced, and his reform of the newspaper has not If it is unsuccessful, it is likely to continue to suffer higher losses. Rationally, selling the newspaper is the best choice. Now if you want to buy this newspaper, the only thing you need to consider is the price." Nelson said with a smile.

"Price is not a problem." Chen William now has sufficient funds, so naturally he doesn\'t care about this. What he cares more about is the benefits that can be brought to him by acquiring this newspaper:

"Mr. Nelson, I hope you will help me prepare for the acquisition now. I hope to keep it as secret as possible for the time being, so you can get in touch with the other party first, but don\'t disclose my situation."

"There\'s no problem with this, Mr. William, you can trust the strength of our Deloitte Consulting, and we will do our best to help your acquisition succeed." Nielsen said confidently.

Last time, Ivanta took the initiative to invite Chen William to have dinner at PerSe. Today, when he had time, he made an appointment for dinner in advance and reserved a seat at the restaurant LeBernardin.

"Nice to see you again, Ivanta, you are so beautiful today."

William Chen is right, today Ivanta is wearing a long beige dress, which outlines her graceful figure in a breathtaking way. She looked at William Chen and said, "It turns out that you are not only attractive in appearance, William, but you are also so good at talking."

LeBernardin is a restaurant that specializes in seafood. As a Michelin star in New York, it is very good at using the natural taste of seafood ingredients to make dishes. Many dishes are made of whole raw seafood.

"How are you doing these days, Ivanta, I heard you say you went out of town before?" William Chen occasionally exchanges text messages or calls with Ivanta, but both of them are busy with work, and they don\'t go too often .

"Yes, I just came back from Miami. The company has a project there and went on a business trip for two days. What about you, William?"

"I\'m still the same, I\'m busy every day, but the recent investment returns are not bad. You know I\'m studying courses most, and I plan to go to New York University in the fall to continue my studies, so I will also try to combine what I\'ve learned into actual investment. "Chen William said half-truth.

"That\'s great. To be honest, if it weren\'t for the fact that I am too busy with my work every day, I would also like to take time to study. After I work, I will find many of my shortcomings."

"You are already very good, Ivanta, there are too few girls around you who are as hardworking and capable as you, especially since you are so beautiful, you can rely on your looks, but you have to work hard for your talents. It brought me a lot of pressure." William Chen looked at Ivanta with admiration.

Hearing his compliment, Ivanta looked very happy. With a sweet smile on her face, she said softly to Chen William, "William, it\'s really a pleasure to be with you."

Many times, praising the other party also needs to be grasped. Everyone has an aspect that he cares more about.

Just like for Ivanta, if you just praise her beauty, she will not feel so big, because she has received enough praise in this regard since she was a child, but she is more concerned about her own sake. She doesn\'t want others to just regard her as a vase for the efforts she has made successfully, but hopes that everyone can see her efforts and talents, so when William Chen praised her for this, she was very happy.

Of course, there are still big differences when different people say the same thing. It\'s like when you are told a handsome guy by an aunt who sells vegetables in the market, and the feeling of hearing "you are so handsome today" from your favorite goddess is definitely completely different.

However, William Chen will not be eager to pursue Ivanta at this time, because he understands that Ivanta and Paris are two completely different people. If it is Paris, she may not If you care too much about the other party\'s family affairs and achievements, at least you won\'t have too high requirements.

In a relationship, she is more like the kind of woman with a lot of sensibility. She cares more about her feelings with the other party. She feels right. Even if the other party is not so successful in her career, she will devote herself to her relationship.

And Ivanta is more rational, the other\'s career and talent will be a very important criterion for her to choose the opposite sex. Therefore, considering that William Chen has not shown much potential yet, and has a reputation as a prodigal, it is not a wise choice to pursue her recklessly. Even if she has a good impression of him, she will be weighed down by her own reason.

Therefore, this time on the date between the two, William Chen mostly talked with her about career and life matters as a friend, deepened mutual understanding, and allowed Ivanta to see more of her true self.

When he has made great progress in his career and changed Ivanta\'s opinion of him, he will have the best chance to take the initiative. At that time, he may not even need to take the initiative to attack, and Ivanta will chase after him. After all, from the story of her and Gared in her previous life, it can be seen that she is a rational and decisive woman.

Although it was planned like this, William Chen would not let it go completely. After all, now Gared is openly pursuing Ivanta, so he still needs to do some things to reduce Ivanta\'s favorability to the other party. It\'s just that this kind of thing can\'t be done too obviously, especially to belittle the other party in words, which is a very unwise behavior. Ivanta is a smart person. If he realizes that William Chen is targeting Gared, he will have a negative opinion of him.

Therefore, not only will Chen William not speak ill of Gared, but he will even raise it up a little in his speech: "Actually, what you said last time, I thought rationally later, may be the same as Gared. Good people work together, and there will be better results. But on Building 666, I am really sorry, and the reasons I have said."

Chen William said with a sincere face: "No matter what others think of me, I still hold a sincere heart and hope to make friends. If there is another opportunity, I also hope to cooperate with him, or even be able to do friend."

"I\'m really happy that you think so, William. I\'ll persuade him when I have a chance. I hope you can become friends. I can fully understand your situation, and I believe Gared will be the same."

To Ivanta\'s words, William Chen just smiled. From what he saw, he wouldn\'t believe that Gared was really such a broad-minded person. Chen William believed that the other party must have not given up on the acquisition of Building 666. After all, this building is really suitable for their family in all aspects. The industry made its debut in New York.

"Actually, I would like to share more business experience with you, Ivanta. After all, you must have a lot more experience than me in dealing with a company as big as the Troup Group. Well, you know that too. , I was thinking about making movies before, and I didn\'t put too much energy on company management, so now there are too many places to make up lessons. I\'m also thinking about trying to run other industries recently, just like recently, to a newspaper I’m more interested and want to try to see if I can acquire it.”

William Chen deliberately disclosed this news to Ivanta. One reason was that he could have more contact with her. In addition to this, there are of course other considerations.

"Really? That should be a good attempt, and I\'m very happy to communicate with you a lot, William." Ivanta really became curious about his words: "But if you want to buy a newspaper, it should cost a lot, no Will it affect your financial situation? I\'m curious, which newspaper is it?"

"That won\'t happen. My current financial situation is relatively well-off. As for which newspaper office, you will know at that time, Ivanta, I want to leave a suspense for the time being."

The next day, William Chen began to pay attention to the progress of the acquisition of the New York Observer. Nelson has already approached the newspaper\'s current owner, Robert De Niro, and made his first offer, $5 million.

According to Nielsen, Robert De Niro does have plans to sell the newspaper at present, but the only point of disagreement now is the issue of the offer. He was not satisfied with the price after hearing Nielsen\'s offer.

Of course, for this first offer, Nielsen was mostly tentative. At least after this offer, he got some useful information. The first was that the other party did have the idea of ​​selling newspapers; In response to the offer, UU looked at to test his inner reserve price.

Therefore, several subsequent negotiations will continue to determine the final purchase price. Whether William Chen\'s willingness to acquire is strong is also a very important factor. As for the final price, it depends on Nelson\'s ability.

In fact, William Chen did not care too much about this acquisition of less than 10 million US dollars, but it was also a small test for Nielsen. If his performance can satisfy William Chen, he will hand over other follow-up acquisitions to It\'s okay for him to be in charge.

After Nelson left, William Chen continued the afternoon class. Today Erica is wearing a red professional dress with black stockings, which is very tempting.

As the two-person course has lasted for nearly 20 days, Erica\'s impression of William Chen has now changed a lot, and gradually she is no longer as deliberately guarding him as she was at the beginning.

This can be seen from her dress. It is like when the two met for the first time, she was wearing a slightly outdated style. Not only did she not know how to wear skirts, but the styles of her clothes were mostly loose, and she deliberately put Her figure was concealed.

And as she gained more knowledge and understanding of Chen William, she gradually let go of her guard, and did not dare to dress as she liked, and even her usual attitude has changed.

Chen William can feel that Erica\'s safe distance from him is also shrinking, just like now, she is teaching Chen William a lesson, and by his side, Chen William can smell the aroma from her body , Well, it should be Chanel\'s Gabrielle, the faint floral scent is very nice.