America's Road To Fame

Chapter 133: drink more water

Seeing William Chen nodding in agreement, a smile appeared on Zhang Yuqi\'s face, but she became a little shy, and lowered her voice rarely, and asked, "Where are we going now, the hotel? But I said in advance, I will I can let you check, at most... Anyway, I can\'t do that first, at least I have to trust me to go further, you understand."

"After you terminated the contract with the company, have you decided where to go?"

"Not yet. If this matter is not resolved, it is not easy for me to talk to others. I also know that although I have a name now, there will definitely be no company willing to come forward to help me solve this matter. There is such a condition. It’s almost like selling one’s body, so why should I jump out of one pit and enter another pit.”

Zhang Yuqi said helplessly.

"Well then, after you terminate the contract, go to Huayi Company. I will tell Huayi\'s President Wang and ask him to come forward and communicate with Xinghui about your termination. According to what you said, the termination fee is definitely required. , didn\'t you take 6 million from Zhang Lan, you took 3 million and handed it over to Xinghui, and this matter was almost settled like this."

Hearing Chen William\'s words, Zhang Yuqi\'s eyes lit up: "Huayi is of course not bad, it\'s a big company, it would be great if they are willing to come forward, but like me going to Huayi now, there are so many actresses, I can Is there any filming? Don\'t be like Xinghui again."

"It depends on your performance. I\'m a shareholder of Huayi, and some things can still be talked about. If you perform well, you won\'t be allowed to stay in Huayi all the time. Now many female stars don\'t open their own business. As for the studio, you are still not famous enough, act well, and when the time is right in two years, you can come out and set up a studio by yourself, and you can just hang on to Huayi."

Thinking of this scene, Zhang Yuqi also showed a longing look, she stood up happily, took Chen William\'s hand, and said, "It\'s good to be like this, let\'s go."


Chen William didn\'t know where she was.

"Go to the hotel, let you check it out, I did what I said."

Uh... William Chen took a look at her hot figure, and a smile appeared on his face.

The two got into Chen William\'s Mercedes-Benz. On the way, Chen William called Wang Zhonglei and talked about Zhang Yuqi in general.

"These are all trivial matters, I\'ll just tell Xing Zai, William, one day you ask her to come directly to our company, I will arrange someone to follow her to solve this matter, and then arrange for her an agent to take her, If she has the right person, she can bring it up directly."

After Wang Zhonglei knew about this matter, he agreed very happily. After all, although this matter was a huge problem for Zhang Yuqi, in the eyes of people of his identity, it was just a matter of words.

Zhang Yuqi saw that Chen William just made a phone call to solve the things that had troubled her for so long. She thought that after Wang Xiaofei was busy, she finally had to ask his mother for money to deal with it. She intuitively felt the difference in energy between the two. In the past, Wang Xiaofei had a feeling of disdain for Chen William in her words. She immediately felt that she was really not good at seeing before.

At this time, she finally felt a little bit down in her heart. Before, she was really afraid that Chen William would be the kind of person who would not recognize him after eating it all. So she was finally in the mood to look at the interior of the car. Beside Chen William, Zhang Yuqi touched the leather seat and suddenly asked, "This car is a big run, isn\'t it cheap, how much is it? ?"

"Okay, less than 3 million."

Hearing Chen William\'s words, Zhang Yuqi stunned in secret, is it alright? With the 6 million in her hands, she already felt a lot. Now it seems that to solve the problem of Wan\'s termination of the contract, she can only buy such a car at most.

In the end, the convoy drove into the Beihai homestead. Before, William Chen bought three houses here in one go. One was for Li Ying to live in, and the other was for the bodyguards to live in temporarily. Useful.

"Is your home here? The decoration is really good."

After entering the room, Zhang Yuqi looked at the interior decoration and couldn\'t help but said, but there is one thing, it looks like she doesn\'t live often, and she is relieved when she thinks that Chen William doesn\'t come to China very often. .

"Well, well, what do you think of this place?"

"I think? That\'s great. I haven\'t lived in such a nice house before."

Seeing Zhang Yuqi looking left and right, with an envious look on his face, Chen William smiled and handed her the house key:

"Since you like it, you can live there first."


Zhang Yuqi mechanically took over the key, but she didn\'t come back to her senses for a while:

"Well, didn\'t I say we can\'t live together for the time being..."

"It\'s not for us to live together, it\'s for you to live in first. I have another house. I haven\'t come to live in this house, and it\'s been empty. Don\'t you want a house in Yanjing? If you really say it yourself In that case, after two years, this house will be yours."

Hearing Chen William\'s words, Zhang Yuqi looked around the house with an expression of disbelief. She also noticed just now that the location of this house, on the edge of the Fourth Ring Road, in Yanjing, is already a good location, and the decoration is also very pleasing to her.

When she told Chen William at that time, she originally planned to get some resources from him. As for the house, it is estimated that it would cost two or three million at most. Thinking that he just wanted to give her such a nice house, she was really satisfied with this place.

So she asked in disbelief for a while:

"You didn\'t lie to me, did you mean it?"

"Do I have to lie to you? In fact, to be honest, I bought three houses in this community at the time, one for the person in charge of my company to live here temporarily, and one for me that you saw today. The bodyguard is living, and at the end, this one has been vacant, do you think my credit is not as good as this one?"

Sigh, although thinking this way is a bit shocking, Zhang Yuqi is more aware of the gap between her and Chen William. She feels that what she dreams of, in the eyes of the other party, is just a house for her subordinates to live in casually.

She asked with a bit of embarrassment on her face:

"That, Mr. William..."

"You don\'t need to call me that in the future, just call me William."

"Well, William, I want to ask, that is, can I bring my mother over and let her live with me?" She said, looking at Chen William\'s face, and added: "Don\'t worry, When you come over, I\'ll let my mother avoid it for a while."

"She\'ll know about us too? Won\'t she say anything about you?"

William Chen asked strangely.

"Hey, what\'s the matter? Isn\'t that the case in the entertainment industry? Since I went to college, she didn\'t care about my affairs. Just let me not let men deceive me. She\'s not an antique."

"That doesn\'t matter, I\'m letting you live now, and I don\'t care if you want to bring her here, but in other respects, you should pay attention, if you make mistakes in your private life, the consequences will be worse than the trouble you face with Xinghui now. Da, unless you don\'t want this kind of relationship someday, tell me in advance, what should we do, what should we do, and then we can get together and break Oh, you can rest assured, I Zhang Yuqi said If I do it, I won\'t do intimacy scenes in the future, I will find a substitute or borrow a seat, and I will definitely keep your body clean and innocent."

Zhang Yuqi is a little fortunate now, her decision today seems to be the right one, she took the initiative to hug Chen William, kissed him on the face, and said, "Then let\'s start, see if I lied or not. you."

"Just to check?"

"Then what do you want?"

The amorous feelings on Zhang Yuqi\'s face at this time are a bit of a shadow in the movie "The Mermaid", er, let her put on a leather jacket another day, will it be... Chen William thinks about it and feels a little excited.

But even though it was just an examination at the beginning, Zhang Yuqi\'s physique is really...

After it was dark, Chen William finally made sure that she really didn\'t lie, but it seemed that she was going to buy new sheets tomorrow.

Also, Chen William accidentally discovered that Zhang Yuqi\'s physique... Anyway, he kindly asked her to drink more water to replenish it.