America's Road To Fame

Chapter 131: What do you think about me?

Today is the last day of October. When William Chen woke up in the morning, he remembered that he stayed at Shangri-La Hotel last night.

Feeling his movement, the woman beside him also woke up. After searching for a long time by the bed, she found her own mobile phone. Looking at the time, the woman still said with some sleepy eyes, "Is it just past six o\'clock?"

"You can sleep for a while, and I\'ll exercise."


She seemed to be wrong, thinking of the experience last night, she said with some fear.

Because he just got up and picked up the phone, the woman\'s figure caught Chen William\'s attention, with a wicked smile on his face, he said:

"I was thinking of going to the gym and working out, but now I\'ve changed my mind."



Back to last night, Huayi Company\'s celebration cocktail party was indeed very grand. Almost half of the entertainment industry were present, even some stars from Chengtian Company, who had never been very good with Huayi Company.

The most beautiful people on the spot were nothing more than the two Wang brothers. Huayi became the first private film and television company to be listed on the A-share market, becoming a leader, and the stock price rose sharply, which also consolidated their leading position in the industry.

Of course, because there were too many friends over there, the two of them would definitely not be able to accompany Chen William all the time and needed to socialize. Therefore, when Chen William found a place to sit down by himself, Master Huang came over to chat with him.

In the circle, the leader Huang has always formed a lot of good relationships, and belongs to the kind of enthusiastic people who are eager for justice and righteousness.

At this time, the 1.8 million Huayi shares he held in his hands also pushed his worth to the level of hundreds of millions. Naturally, he was proud of the spring breeze.

However, when Chen William saw the leader Huang, he couldn\'t help but think of his future wife, Yang Tianbao.

At this time, they just met. In May of this year, when Master Huang was filming in Wanwan, he went to K song with his friends and met Yang Tianbao for the first time. At this time, the two sides were just ordinary friends.

As for the development from that kind of friend to an open romance, it will be a matter of later.

The two sat there, and from time to time other artists would come over to chat, and Master Huang also introduced many people to William Chen enthusiastically. It could be seen that his popularity in the circle was indeed very good.

Well, this friend I made with William Chen is mainly because he is warm-hearted.

Later Fan Bingbing also came over, a few people became a small circle, Chen William also saw Jia Houliang and Li Xiaolu who were not together at this time, Chen William chatted with Jia Houliang and told him that women who like to do hair would Cause a lot of trouble, and I don\'t know if he can understand his good intentions...

On the other hand, Li Xiaolu, who hadn\'t gone too far at this time, took the initiative to ask for his phone number. Chen William was a little confused, and he didn\'t know whether he would have a common language with her if he could not rap.

There are also those who are called the three beauties of the fairy sword at this time, the teacher... Uh, there seems to be the roar of the plane in William Chen\'s ear, Tang Yan, it is the roar...

Yo, Yang Mi, it\'s really big... Mi Mi, I was very pure when I was young.

Finally, at the end of the reception, Xiao Gangpao came over to chat with Chen William for a while, and talked about the movie he was about to start shooting - "Tangshan Earthquake".

It went smoothly, and he introduced Chen William to one of the leading actors of the film—well, what are you thinking, how could it be Xu Fan, Zhang Jingchu...

After Xiao Gangpao left, Zhang Jingchu humbly asked Chen William for advice, saying that he didn\'t know enough about the characters in this movie, and hoped that Chen William could give some pointers.

"It\'s better to ask the director about this."

Chen William asked with a puzzled look, after all, aren\'t you good at asking directors?

"Well, I\'m more afraid of Director Feng. Mr. William, you have also shot a lot in Hollywood. You must have your own secret strengths in this regard. I wonder if you can teach me?"

Hey, William Chen just can\'t see other people\'s thirst for knowledge. It happened that Zhang Jingchu brought the script of this movie with him. For the sake of studying hard at night, it was the night light script...

So William Chen went to the hotel room with her and studied the plot. Not to mention, Zhang Jingchu was professional and even prepared several sets of costumes. No wonder the directors liked her so much. Who doesn\'t? What about girls who like to work hard?

Seeing this scene, Chen William was greatly moved, and worked tirelessly to correct several plots with her until she couldn\'t stand it anymore, saying that today\'s harvest was too much, and she got enough essence...


Until ten o\'clock, the two finally packed up neatly and finished breakfast in the room.

It can be seen that Zhang Jingchu is still very satisfied with Chen William\'s guidance, saying that he does have unique strengths in this area, but this time, she has not fully grasped it herself, so she hopes to listen more in the future. Teach her to have a deeper experience.

Chen William happily agreed. After all, acting skills must be constantly improved, and they cannot be stuck in one style. Although they have studied the plots of that era, they are like ancient costumes, modern times, and workplaces. , These plots still have their own unique charm, and they also need the courage to try.


By now, the main purpose of Chen William\'s coming to Huaguo this time has been achieved, and there are also some unexpected gains, so it is inconvenient to expand on it in detail.

According to the recent contact with John Paulson, William Chen also knew that the subprime mortgage crisis in the United States had begun to break out at this time, so he also needed to return to New York as soon as possible to witness this history with his own eyes.

However, just after Chen William and Li Ying explained her future work, when he was about to book a flight back to the United States, a phone call interrupted his trip.

In a private room in a cafe, Chen William met the person who invited him over this time. When he came to Huaguo last time, he saw the actress Zhang Yuqi at a party at Deng Wendi\'s house.

"Hello, Mr. William."

Seeing William Chen coming in, the bodyguard checked the private room and then backed out. Zhang Yuqi, who was the first to see this kind of battle, greeted him with a bit of anxiety on her face.

"Miss Zhang, hello."

William Chen nodded to her, sat across from her, looked at the woman in front of her in a black short dress that highlighted her career line, with stockings and boots on her lower body, and asked:

"First of all, I\'m curious about one thing, how did you know my mobile number?"

"That, I know from a friend."


Chen William remembered that there were not many people who had given their contact information. From any perspective, those people didn\'t seem to have any reason to leak their contact information casually, and they couldn\'t help but have doubts on their faces.

"Hey, let\'s be honest, I got it from Li Xiaolu. But she didn\'t give it to me on purpose. Didn\'t you attend Huayi\'s reception yesterday? I went too, but I didn\'t go to your side. I saw her asking you for a phone number, so I had an idea, and when I deliberately chatted with her, I mentioned you and said that we have met, and I still know your phone number."

While talking, Zhang Yuqi observed Chen William\'s expression. Seeing that he did not show any unpleasantness, she felt relieved a little and continued:

"I knew she was so brave and told me that she also had your phone number, so I deliberately didn\'t believe in irritating her. She took out her mobile phone and showed it to me on the spot, and I wrote it down by heart, so I called you today. ."

Chen William couldn\'t help being a little surprised when he heard her description. He didn\'t expect this seemingly carefree girl in front of her to be a little clever.

He accepted his statement, and continued to ask: "Then I don\'t know why Miss Zhang is looking for me?"

"Mr. William, don\'t call me Miss Zhang, Miss Zhang, we are about the same age, you can just call me Yu Qi, I\'ll find you this time..."

Zhang Yuqi looked at Chen William, gritted her teeth, and suddenly asked, "Mr. William, what do you think of me?"


Chen William felt that he couldn\'t keep up with her thoughts for a while.

"Oh, you still don\'t understand." Now that she has spoken, Zhang Yuqi no longer fidgeted, she straightened her chest sideways, and said to Chen William:

"What do you think of my figure and how beautiful I am? Can I catch your eye?"

"\'re really pretty, and you\'re pretty, sexy. But that\'s what you asked me to ask me today?"

At this moment, Chen William really felt a little inexplicable, but he couldn\'t help but stay on her profound career line, and then looked at her, wondering what medicine she was selling in the gourd.