America's Road To Fame

Chapter 127: Buying a house in Yanjing

Moreover, the Wang brothers have been concerned about the entertainment reports in the United States, especially about Chen William, so they already know that he has just invested 250 million US dollars in Marvel and became the major shareholder of Marvel.

In this case, the future of Huayi Company\'s cooperation with him will be even brighter. There are so many superheroes in Marvel, if the movie has a good response, adding a Chinese actress to it later, even if it is a supporting role, it is also a very dazzling qualification.

At the same time, Huayi Company is about to go public. During this time, there have been many domestic reports about William Chen investing in movies and Marvel, many of which are behind Huayi Company, because Chen William just invested in Huayi Company, and Cooperating with Huayi Company, at such a time when it is about to go public, these publicity still have a positive impact on Huayi Company\'s stock price.

In the chat with William Chen, Wang Zhonglei also happily informed him that Huayi Company has determined the issue price of the stock at 30 yuan in the just-concluded roadshow, which means that as long as Huayi Company is listed after the listing If it doesn\'t break, then William Chen\'s investment has already made a profit of at least 20%, but his stock has a lock-up period and will not be sold immediately.

However, they are not worried about the break at all. In this era, it is very rare for Huaguo\'s stock market to break at the opening.

Tonight\'s dinner, the Wang brothers also called Chen Zihan sensible and stayed by Chen William\'s side. Knowing that Chen William doesn\'t drink, they specially prepared the special drink of this restaurant for him.

While everyone was chatting, Chen Zihan paid special attention to Li Ying who came with Chen William. This girl is younger than herself and looks very good, and it seems that Chen William values ​​her very much, and has been able to manage a venture capital fund of hundreds of millions of dollars, but Chen Zihan is not sure, does she have any other relationship with Chen William? ?

At a banquet, the Wang brothers were still very happy. Now is the time when they are proud of their scenery. They have become the first A-share listed film and television company in China. Now they have a very heavy weight in the domestic film and television circle, and At present, it seems that the cooperation with the Hollywood film company on Chen William\'s side is also smooth, and they can\'t help but be happy.

After agreeing to set off for the Shenzhen market together two days later, they said goodbye to William Chen and left. William Chen first sent Li Ying back to his residence. It could be seen that she was a good drinker, although today the Wang brothers are looking at William Chen\'s face. , did not let her drink too much, but Li Ying also drank a pound of white wine, and it seemed that she was still sober.

However, on the way, William Chen still instructed her that although it is unavoidable to negotiate business at the Huaguo Wine Market, as a representative of Meta Investment Company, there is no need to really rely on drinking to complete the business. You should have this confidence. Those who need to drink alcohol in the wine field to show their status will not be a big deal, and those people simply don\'t care.

Li Ying drank a little more today mainly because he was able to control one side of himself and deliberately made friends with the Wang brothers. At this time, he felt very warm when he heard Chen William\'s instructions. After all, there are such people who support him Boss, it is more confident to do things outside by yourself.

It\'s just that her boss is good everywhere, but she is too careless. The female star named Chen Zihan just now, she is not stupid with the boss\'s demeanor, she naturally knows that there must be something between the two of them, and now she is sitting with the boss. In the back seat, I also knew that the two of them must have gone to the same place at night. Anyway, this has nothing to do with me, and it is useless to think too much.

Li Ying did not guess wrong. After sending her off, William Chen took the actress back to the presidential suite of his hotel.

Today, Huayi\'s two bosses are also there, so Chen Zihan still drank some wine. At this time, she and Chen William entered the room with a reddish color on her face. She didn\'t know whether it was the effect of alcohol or shyness. reaction.

She took the initiative to go to the bathroom of the master bedroom, put hot water on William Chen, and let him take a bath.

"Haven\'t you been filming recently?"

Chen Zihan helped him wash his back, and Chen William asked casually.

"I\'m filming, Mr. Wang asked for two days off for me. I came here, and it\'s not far from the Huairou Film and Television Base."

"Then you\'re going back to the crew tomorrow?"


"Well, then let\'s not waste too much time, let\'s wash together and let you rest for a while."

After all, William Chen turned around and carried Chen Zihan in...

"Ah~ my clothes are all wet."

"Let them buy another set and bring it over tomorrow."

Li Ying\'s actions were very fast. On the second day, he had already found several houses for Chen William. According to Chen William\'s request, the location should not be too far away. He didn\'t want to have reporters squatting near his house at every turn.

Although Chen William\'s popularity in China is still far from that of a star, but in the future, with his many investments, he will definitely make frequent appearances, and if the other party is a star, there will be paparazzi to follow the whereabouts at any time. .

In the end, William Chen chose a newly built high-end community near Zhongguancun, Haidian Jiayuan. At this time, the house price in Yanjing was not too exaggerated. The average price outside the Fourth Ring Road was around 20,000 yuan, and it was only over 30,000 yuan near Zhongguancun.

The location near Zhongguancun is also because IT companies gather here, and some start-ups will be incubated in this area in the future.

A large flat floor of about 300 square meters, luxurious decoration, plus two parking spaces, the total price is only 12 million yuan.

In another nearby neighborhood given by Li Ying, Beihai Garden, which is a little farther from here, near the Fourth Ring Road, it is also well-decorated, with a 150-square-meter house, free parking spaces, each set of 5 million yuan, Chen William also let Li Ying bought 3 sets.

Looking at her doubtful eyes, Chen William said angrily: "One set will be given to you by the company first, you can\'t always stay in a hotel in Yanjing, you can choose one set, the other two sets, one set. Leave it empty first, and let my bodyguard live in the other one."

As for the vehicle, it is also very simple, just mention it directly. A top-equipped Mercedes-Benz S600 and an Audi Q7 don’t even have the money for a house.

There is no such thing as a limited purchase yet, so the procedures are still very simple. After Li Ying completes these procedures, he is busy setting up the Huaguo Office of Meta Investment Company.

And Chen William moved in after the housekeeping company cleaned the house in Haidian Jiayuan. He is quite satisfied with this house, with three bedrooms and three bathrooms, a study, gym and entertainment room, even if he brings a few more people back later, he will not feel cramped...

In the next time, he went online and checked some information about the IT industry in Huaguo. At this time, Huaguo was the top three in BAT. Among them, AT was the target that Chen William was going to invest in. As for baidu, Obviously, it will gradually fall behind in the future, so participating in it now is far less profitable than Ali and Penguin.

Also, Penguin still only has the mobile version of QQ, and has not launched WeChat. It is not surprising that the earliest Michat in China has not yet come out. Is it possible to develop it?

However, William Chen also knows that it is impossible to develop WeChat to the level of the future. Because of different national conditions, it is difficult for this kind of social app to compete with Penguin in China, but he can be divided into two parts. Step by step, on the one hand investing in Penguin, on the other hand developing, UU reading www. In the end, no matter which side wins, it is him who wins.

In addition, when I think of Mi Chat, I have to mention Lei Jun, the founder of Xiaomi. Chen William made a special check, and sure enough, Lei Jun had just left the position of CEO of Kingsoft Corporation. Now Xiaomi Corporation should not be founded, so it is also a good opportunity for investment.

Investing in Xiaomi has a strong strategic attribute for Chen William. He has Siri in his hands, and its promotion requires hardware support. Therefore, investing in mobile phone manufacturers is also very necessary.

At present, William Chen controls three Internet companies, Twitter, Siri and technology. But the one that William Chen values ​​most and will be in the most core position is the Siri company. In William Chen\'s view, the future of Siri is broad enough that it may even subvert the industry and replace Google\'s search position, because it is compared to Google\'s It can be applied in a wider range.

And just from the perspective of future returns, it is also a good choice to invest in the seed round of Xiaomi.

After thinking of this, Chen William immediately called Li Ying and asked her to see if she could contact Lei Jun, the former CEO of Jinshan Company. , invest in his project.