America's Road To Fame

Chapter 125: weirdo

The scenery of Central Park at this time is just right, and it is not too hot.

William Chen was walking in it, and when he arrived at the agreed place, he asked the bodyguard to wait a little further away. He walked to the seat and saw a middle-aged man with some Asian features sitting there. Looking at the lake in the distance, I don\'t know what to think.

"Mr. Frey Sears?"

William Chen walked in front of the man and asked softly.

After hearing William Chen\'s question, the other party turned to look at him after two seconds, nodded slowly, and said:

"Mr. William, I read your report in the paper, I\'m Frey."

With the development, the number of registrations continues to rise, and William Chen also needs to prepare for the future. After all, in a few years, as that person leaves Russia, the "Prism Gate" of the United States is about to break out. This plan has been implemented very early. , when it develops to a certain extent, it will inevitably enter the sight of those people.

At the beginning of development, attention was paid to protecting the privacy of users. Therefore, all peer-to-peer messages are encrypted and uploaded to the company\'s server. Even the official cannot view the messages between users.

William Chen has always wanted to improve his technical strength in encryption, and although David Jones has done a good job, he is still a little lacking in this regard, so in this case, he recommended his teacher to William Chen, a An expert in the field of data encryption - Frey Sears.

However, when I contacted the other party at first, the response I got was not ideal. Frey Sears refused the employment request of Technology due to personal reasons, but William Chen did not give up. After several contacts, the other party finally agreed to meet him. , it happened that he was also in New York, so William Chen came to the meeting place he requested.

It is worth mentioning that Frey Sears has a habit that he never uses mobile devices such as mobile phones, so whether the communication between the two or the meeting place is carried out by email, maybe this is also the case. One of the quirks of this genius.

"Sorry, William, I\'m still going to decline your invitation today."

When William Chen sat next to Frey Sears, he heard him say in a slow tone:

"It\'s not that I have any opinion on your project, it\'s just that my body may not allow me to do these jobs anymore. I have cancer, and the doctor said that if it gets worse, I may have less than two years."

"Unfortunate news, David admires you very much, Mr. Frey, and if there\'s anything I can help, I\'d love to do it."

Hearing this news, William Chen said with some disappointment.

"Thank you, Mr. William. But for these, I have been bearish. After all, life is a journey that cannot reach the end. I just want to use the rest of the time to do something more meaningful."

"Medicine is very advanced now, Mr. Frey. I suggest you try it. There is always hope, isn\'t it?"

Frey Sears turned his head and continued to look at the lake ahead, as if looking for something there. I don\'t know if he heard Chen William\'s words, but just looked at the distance intently.

Until William Chen was a little confused, he suddenly heard him say:

"Mr. William, do you think humans can live forever?"

Although Chen William felt that the Frey Sears beside him was somewhat inexplicable at this time, and the problem seemed too grand, but at this time, he also regarded it as the hope of a terminally ill person.

Under this topic, he couldn\'t help but think of his own transmigration. At some point, he also thought about these things. When you really experience these things and don\'t have the curiosity to think about how everything happened, that\'s not the case. normal.

"Is it immortality? Many people have had expectations and have made many attempts, but I think what we call a soul is just the memory of a person\'s past experiences, and these memories make him who he is. After all, everyone\'s memories are It\'s unique, and that\'s what makes him that person."

Just like Chen William, why in his own cognition, he came from the person in the previous life, instead of the predecessor of this body accepting the memory of his previous life? Perhaps the most important thing is that the memory carried by the soul of the previous life is dominant in his current body.

Therefore, his cognition of many things, his way of thinking, is closer to that of him in the previous life.

But the current self can no longer be said to be the Chen William from the previous life, because he has also absorbed the memory of this body\'s predecessor, and can\'t completely regard it as reading a book or watching a movie. Simple.

So how can you keep your soul alive forever? Constantly importing these memories into a new healthy body? Also need to ensure that these memories dominate, so that a soul can be immortalized?

For these, Chen William really thought about it, but he didn\'t think about it too much.

"If that\'s the case, Mr. William, if a person loses his memory, doesn\'t it mean that the former one has died, and now there is only a new soul?"

"This may be related to the mechanism of the brain. Perhaps amnesia is just temporary loss of some memory in the brain, and there is a possibility that it can be retrieved."

Chen William felt that he might be crazy, and ran over to chat with such a person.

"Unfortunately, I can\'t see that day. One day in the future, humans will try these things. It\'s just when the memory is transferred, how can it be guaranteed not to be tampered with? If the government is in charge of all this, how can they ensure that they will not be tampered with? Will the original memory be modified to benefit them?"

Frey Sears continued to ask questions, and the strange thing was that during the whole process, he didn\'t look at William Chen, but just faced the lake. It seemed that he was talking to someone in the lake.

However, from his words, it can be clearly felt that people in the United States, er, it can be said that the people of Western countries such as Europe and the United States, have an innate sense of distrust of the government.

William Chen thought for a while and said: "If centralization dominates all this, this kind of thing will definitely happen, just like the current Internet giants, they will also have all the user\'s information, if the supervision is improper, There must be room for evil."

"So we need to be able to authenticate each other to avoid tampered infrastructure, so that they are not controlled by a few people, but also to ensure that these relatively independent, um, called nodes, have the motivation to maintain this whole system."

Frey Sears was immersed in thinking and muttered: "This system will definitely appear in the future, but it will be resisted by the oligarchs, and they may want to transform them in the early stage, leaving only the parts they can use. Maybe we can only start from another field and experiment with such a system..."

After an unknown amount of time, Frey Sears seemed to return to his soul, realizing that William Chen was still by his side, with a little apology in his tone, and said:

"Sorry, Mr. William, I always enter this state of self unconsciously, probably because of the influence of meditation since I was a child. You should be able to tell from my appearance that I have a part of Asian descent."

"Perhaps this is the reason why you are willing to see me today, Mr. Frey, after all, I also have half of the Chinese blood." William Chen said without mind: "But your idea is very interesting, and it has given me a lot. "

"It\'s me who should thank you, today\'s conversation made me figure out a few things. But again, I apologize, I really can\'t help you with your work."

"I can understand, I hope you recover soon."

Hearing William Chen\'s words, Frey Sears smiled faintly. He took out a USB flash drive from his pocket, handed it to William Chen, and said:

"This is an encrypted applet I made myself. I hope it will be useful to you in the future. Maybe I shouldn\'t waste your time too much, Mr. William."

Chen William took over the USB flash saw the corner of the USB flash drive with the words "さとし" written in Japanese. Chen William had studied Japanese and knew it meant wisdom, so he asked casually:

"Does Mr. Frey still understand Japanese?"

"I\'m partly Japanese and my grandfather was from there, so my mother taught me some Japanese and that\'s the name she gave me."

At this point, the two of them ended their conversation. After Chen William and Frey Sears said goodbye, they got up and left. When he looked back, the Frey continued to look at the lake, and the whole person was quiet with the lake. The surrounding scenery blends in.

Maybe memory constitutes your soul, but the human brain also has a mechanism of forgetting, so you will meet many people, but most of them will gradually disappear in your memory, and you will not even have any impressions.

When William Chen left Central Park, he just regarded this day as a little strange situation in his life. At the entrance of the park, he casually wanted to throw the USB flash drive into the trash can, but after hesitating, he put it in. in the pocket.

Even so, Chen William always felt that what Mr. Frey said just now seemed to touch the depths of his memory vaguely, but he couldn\'t grasp the sense of familiarity for a while.