America's Road To Fame

Chapter 121: smart woman

"William, why don\'t you go and play?"

It can be seen that Musk is still a very crazy person in private. He was chatting and laughing with a group of beauties just now, joking with them, and William Chen\'s expression was not quite right when he saw his girlfriend Dalula.

And after Musk saw Da Lula, he also restrained a little, went to Chen William, who was sitting alone on the sofa, and greeted him.

Chen William didn\'t deliberately make such a cold attitude. It was because the women were too enthusiastic. He took care of himself, but he also had his own principles. There would never be too many women with unclear origins. involve.

After all, it’s hard to say when there will be a Mi Rabbit campaign. At that time, which woman is not sober, she writes a small essay for herself in order to stand out, which will attract the media to follow suit and join the group of brainless eaters who don’t know the truth. To condemn, isn\'t that just provoking a show.

So, what really happens, you still have to find a more famous or smarter woman, like a classmate of the Cannon King, you just need to be honest in the circle, you have to find a little girl , I met a fishing girl and made things big, so I went to step on the sewing machine.

Therefore, seeing this situation, Chen William simply found a quiet place to wait for a while. If he had known that Musk was in today\'s battle, he would not have come here if he was killed.

"Nothing, Musk, just like to be quiet lately."

"It\'s not like you. You used to be romantic in Hollywood, but I\'ve even heard of it."

Musk said with a smile.

Asshole, I won\'t say you can shut up. William Chen is really speechless. Musk\'s temper is like this, his mouth is open, and many times it is not intentional, but he is used to this kind of maverick.

"By the way, you said before that you had the idea of ​​developing a new model. How are you preparing now?"

William Chen didn\'t want to continue the topic of women with Musk, so he asked about Tesla\'s next-generation models. Earlier, the two were on the phone, and Musk mentioned the idea of ​​developing an electric car in addition to the Roadster.

"We have just come up with this idea, but before that, we also want to strengthen the battery pack, so that there will be more room for the design of the new model."

"It is true that battery life is an issue, and if car owners buy a car and it is inconvenient to charge on the road, it will also affect their willingness to buy."

"Yes, we will have plans for the installation of charging piles in the future, but we need to wait until we deliver more electric vehicles before we need to consider it, otherwise the utilization rate is too low, and it is completely burning money. This is not what we need to prioritize at present. The problem."

Seeing his girlfriend beckoning to him, Musk said: "William, listen to me, now is relaxation time, we shouldn\'t always worry about work, we should relax when it\'s time to relax. Dalula called me, It should be that she has a friend here, I will leave first, and also reveal that her friends are all beautiful women, and I will let her introduce you to you later."

Sure enough, not long after, William Chen saw Da Lula walking over with a young girl.

"William, are you still here?" Dalula greeted him and said, "I\'d like to introduce you to a friend, this is Ember. She came here by herself today. Let\'s chat."

The girl Dalula brought, William Chen looked very familiar. Of course, it was not the face he knew from his predecessor, but the face he often saw in entertainment editions and movies in his previous life - Ember Heard.

In William Chen\'s previous life, she was first known because Ember was the ex-wife of Depp, who played "Pirates of the Caribbean", and she also sued the other party for domestic violence.

But what makes William Chen interesting is that in his previous life, Musk had a relationship with Ember after his divorce from Dalula. Even Depp claimed at the time that Musk and Ember, as well as her same-sex girlfriend, had engaged in multiple sports together...

Well, that\'s right, Ember once claimed she was bisexual and had a same-sex girlfriend.

Could it be that Musk first met Ember, or through Dalulah? This is a bit interesting. My best friend got together with her ex-husband many years later. I wonder what kind of mood Dalula was in at that time?

"Hello, William, it\'s nice to meet you. I\'ve heard of you a long time ago, but unfortunately I haven\'t had the chance to meet you. I\'m really lucky to meet you today."

Ember sat next to William Chen and said to him graciously.

I have to say that Ember\'s appearance is still very resistant to fighting, or he will not be able to take Depp, the prodigal son, to be submissive in the future.

But at this time, she is just a newcomer who has just acted in a movie in Hollywood, and she is still taking the **** route, and there are all kinds of glamorous scenes in the movie.

Ember wore a backless dress today. From William Chen\'s point of view, it can be seen that her figure is indeed good.

Chen William knew that this woman was not simple, but he didn\'t care what the other party wanted. What he cared about was whether the other party was a smart woman and knew when to shut up. From her later affairs with Musk, it can still be seen that she is also sensible.

Therefore, after the two finished chatting and added friends to each other, William Chen didn\'t stay here for much longer. He said goodbye to Musk and left his house.

After returning to his mansion in Silicon Valley, William Chen went to take a shower after calling Paris and Ivanta respectively.

When he was wearing a bathrobe and reading a book on the sofa in the living room, his bodyguard had already picked up Ember.

It can be seen that Ember is still a little nervous, and I don\'t know if this is her real performance or her acting skills are breaking out. But for this, Chen William is not interested in thinking deeply.

After the bodyguard left, William Chen looked at Ember who came to his side.

"We meet again, William."

"Yes, by coincidence."

Chen William looked at her beautiful figure, got up and walked in front of her. Seeing this scene, Ember\'s long eyelashes blinked a few times and closed his eyes quietly.

She could almost hear her breathing increasing, William Chen put his arms around Ember and kissed her lips.

After a long deep kiss, Ember regained her breath, and she felt William Chen\'s hands pressing down on her shoulders, so the blonde beauty knelt on the carpet...


William Chen then stayed in Silicon Valley for two more days. I have to say that Ember is at the best time, so William Chen doesn\'t mind spending more energy on her.

And she is also a very smart woman, and she is not in a hurry to get anything in return, she seems to be completely fascinated by Chen William himself.

No matter if this is her real thought or she is simply putting a long-term perspective, as long as she is aware of current affairs and knows how to advance and retreat, William Chen doesn\'t mind giving her some sweetness in the future. After all, some roles are given to everyone.

On the side of Siri, Apple came over again, hoping to buy the company again from William Chen, but he refused.

Chen William said that it is acceptable for Apple to invest in Siri and hold a certain share, but the condition is that SiriAPP needs to be a pre-installed software of the iOS system, and users can complete some mobile phone operations through Siri.

The other party said that they need to think about and then there is no more text.

William Chen didn\'t care too much about this. Of course, if he could break into Apple\'s iOS system, he would certainly allow Siri to occupy the largest area of ​​this future smartphone, but even if the other party refused, he would still have a way to let Siri get the maximum range. promotion.

Yes, Jobs has always been a vengeful person, and his mind is not broad-minded, but William Chen knows that there will not be too much time left for this wizard, and the Apple company after him will only become more and more mediocre and lose. Drop amazing innovations and become the next Nokia.

After completing the trip to Silicon Valley, William Chen returned to New York.

In the next few days, he obediently went to New York University and worked hard to catch up with the previous courses. After so long, he almost forgot his identity as a student.

But fortunately, Erica has been sending him the detailed notes of the course, and often tutoring him at home, plus the daily communication with his tutor, he finally did not miss the course too much.

So in such a regular life, the time soon came to October 15th.