America's Road To Fame

Chapter 105: long time no see, william

Speaking of Paris\' career, she has previously licensed her name to a number of brands to launch related products.

This includes fragrances, clothing, shoes, handbags, watches, sunglasses, and more.

These authorizations can bring her nearly 10 million dollars in income every year. After Chen William invested 25 million US dollars, Paris is ready to build its own production lines, such as perfumes, handbags, and sunglasses, which will not be renewed, and launch self-operated products.

The rest of the clothing, shoes and watches will not be renewed after the expiration of this year, but will continue to develop the company\'s own production lines.

Thinking of the fashion industry Paris is mainly involved in, William Chen moved in his heart and asked:

"What if your company created or acquired a fast-fashion brand to get into clothing?"

The reason why he thought of this was because he remembered that there were some fast fashion brands that were very popular with young people in the past and future life. The clothing of such fast fashion brands often used "fast, small amount, new style" as a selling point. In this regard The representative brands are Zara, HaM, Uniqlo, etc. In the United States, there are also well-known brands such as GAP and Forever21.

Taking Zara as an example, it can be designed, produced, and delivered within 15 days. The company does not need to hire any big-name designers at all. It is directly based on the trendy styles of fashion weeks in various periods of the season. Quick time to make ready-to-wear.

Although it is often complained about plagiarism and the quality is average, but because the style is updated quickly and the price is relatively low, it is loved by many young people.

Because of its rapid development, the owner of this brand once climbed to the third place in the rich list.

"A fast fashion clothing company? I\'m afraid it doesn\'t suit my style. If I use my brand to launch it, the effect will not be very good."

Paris was indeed a little moved at first, but after serious consideration, he hesitated.

When she said this, William Chen also realized this idea, and he did take it for granted. After all, he didn\'t know so deeply about this kind of fashion product, but now that he thinks about it, the style of fast fashion brands is somewhat opposed to Paris\' style.

Paris\'s image has always been that of a wealthy family, fashion, and attitude, and these are still in conflict with the fast fashion clothing positioning, so they do not develop in this field from time to time.

And brands like Zara, because they are chasing new styles, are constantly in conflict with many designers and brands in the fashion circle. It can be said that they are in plagiarism lawsuits all year round. If Paris gets involved in this industry, it will also affect her fashion positioning. kind of damage.

"Paris, although I don\'t want to interfere with who you make friends with, I hope you keep your principles in some things and don\'t get involved. Do you understand what I mean?"

After all, Lindsay Lohan\'s "record" at this time is too amazing. If Paris\'s drunk driving conviction is outrageous, then it is nothing compared to this Lindsay Lohan.

In 2007 alone, she was arrested several times for drunk driving and drug possession, and was ordered to undergo rehabilitation three times.

So William Chen really doesn\'t want Paris to get too close to a self-destructive actress like her.

"I see, William, in fact, I have a normal relationship with Lindsay, except that Britney and Scarlett are also going today. I haven\'t seen them for a long time, so I want to meet together. If you don\'t like her, then I I\'ll never see her again."

Hearing that Paris agreed so happily, William Chen was relieved.

By the time they got to Lindsay Lohan\'s house, the party had already begun.

When William Chen and Paris walked into the hall, they saw everyone chatting hotly, and it seemed that the atmosphere was good.

"Paris, you\'re late, you\'ll be fined a drink."

The girl who talked to Paris like this, with blonde hair and a sweet appearance, William Chen had seen her countless times on TV in his previous life—Britney Spears, the pop queen.

After Britney saw the two walking in, she got up and hugged Paris affectionately, then looked at William Chen and said:

"Unless you solemnly introduce this handsome guy to us, although we all know him."

Her words also aroused everyone\'s approval. Chen William looked at the past, and many of them were stars he was familiar with, especially Scarlett. In the memory of William Chen\'s predecessor, the two even had such a short relationship. A...friendship.

So next, Paris introduced everyone on the field to William Chen in turn.

Britney Spears, her beauty is still online at this time, she has ended her second marriage at this time, uh, it is worth mentioning that her first marriage only lasted 55 hours.

"Long time no see, William."

When she walked to Scarlett Johansson, she got up and hugged William Chen gently. Hmm, still quite surprising.

However, Scarlett had been married for a year at this time, and she brought her actor husband here today, so Chen William behaved very decently and kept a distance between ordinary friends with her.

As for Ka Daishan, there is no need to introduce, she also got up and hugged Chen William, Chen William\'s chest felt a collision for a moment.

She also brought her new boyfriend over today, it should be her sixth boyfriend, who is still a big man.

At the back is Jessica Alba, who is also the one that fits William Chen\'s aesthetic the most on the court today. Because she is of Mexican descent, her skin is wheatish, her facial features are delicate, and her body is hot, especially when she laughs. charming.

It may be that the girls before saw that they all hugged William Chen, so Jessica. He also gently hugged Chen William in a similar fashion.

Finally, today\'s hostess, Lindsay Lohan, although she obviously put on makeup, she doesn\'t seem to be in a good mood. I don\'t know if it\'s because of drinking before.

Now she just broke up with her DJ girlfriend not long ago, and it seems that she has not fully come out.

Yes, you read that right, a girlfriend.

Last year, Lindsay Lohan opened up about her relationship with female DJ Samantha, admitting she was bisexual in an interview with the newspapers, but refused to admit that she was gay.

When getting along with Lindsay Lohan, William Chen was very careful, because he knew that this woman had a hobby of collecting stamps.

Chen William didn\'t want him to be exposed on her list of thirty-six people one day later. If that\'s the case, I\'m afraid it will become the biggest stain in his life.

In addition, Lindsay Lohan is really not the type that William Chen likes, and after getting close at this time, it can be clearly seen that although her skin is covered by makeup, it does not look healthy from the luster.

After all the introductions, Paris stood beside William Chen and asked, "Everyone is here."

"It should be almost the same. Amanda can\'t come today because of something."

Lindsay Lohan looked around at everyone, then took Paris\'s words and said.

William Chen keenly found that Paris was holding a mobile phone and immediately realized that she wanted to take a group photo, so she immediately gave her a look.

Receiving Chen William\'s eyes, Paris pouted, put down the phone angrily, and sat beside her.

This scene happened to be seen by Scarlett, her eyes swept over from William Chen and Paris, and an inexplicable smile appeared on her face.

"What were you talking about just now?"

In order to hide the embarrassment, Paris immediately asked.

"We\'re talking about MGM, and UU reading speculates that the company will end up being acquired or going bankrupt."

Jessica said with a sigh.

It\'s true that most of the people here are actors, and even Paris and Britney have appeared in movies. Therefore, it is inevitable that the most sensational MGM has fallen into bankruptcy crisis recently.

After all, it was once one of Hollywood\'s Big Eight, MGM with 007.

Today, media reports revealed that in the past 24 hours, MGM had to call creditors "for help", hoping that they could delay the payment of interest on the company\'s up to $3.5 billion in debt until February next year. .

Otherwise, MGM\'s capital chain will be seriously broken, thus falling into the predicament of bankruptcy.

And if the company goes bankrupt, the 23rd installment of the "007" series and "The Lord of the Rings: The Hobbit" will be in trouble because of funding problems.

Although the outside world has always known that MGM has been in trouble in recent years, relying on borrowing to survive, but the news broke the ground. It turned out that this former one of the eight major Hollywood companies has arrived. This field?