America's Road To Fame

Chapter 102: freed

When William Chen contacted Uncle Tom before, he also understood these things.

"Charles Kushner, Gared\'s father, has two months to go. So this project has always been driven by Gared, who is the interim chairman of the Kushnar Group, in order to bring the Kushnar Group\'s The business is carried out in New York. So he is under a lot of pressure. If this project fails, I am afraid that his future future will not be guaranteed, and he is not the only child of Charles Kushner."

So Gared now, even if we can see signs of a crisis in the real estate market. It can only choose to continue the plan to renovate Building 666.

Otherwise, he can only choose to take responsibility for ending the plan at this time and causing losses to the Kushnar Group.

You must know that although the Kushnar Group is controlled by the Kushner family, it is not without other shareholders. Once serious losses are caused, Gared, who assumes this responsibility, will probably have a hard time getting the opportunity to take charge of the family company as he is now.

The problem now is that even if Gared can see such signs, it is difficult to imagine how serious the subprime mortgage crisis will be. Even those banks, a little careless, will end up going bankrupt.

At that time, the bank financing that the Kushnar Group has obtained by all means is difficult to sustain.

Therefore, William Chen knew from the beginning that unless the Kushnar Group can really make up its mind, give up most of the other businesses of the group and use it to keep Building 666.

Otherwise, the final result can only be the third issue, and the billion dollars that will arrive in the account in five months will never be reached.

According to the agreement, William Chen also has the right to forcibly buy back Kushnar Group\'s shares in Building 666 Asset Management Company using the market price.

"The most important thing for us now is to pay close attention to Gared. Although he is under pressure and has to continue the renovation plan of the building, in fact he is not an idiot. When the consciousness is high, there is absolutely no chance of winning. , then he will definitely use every means to keep those funds."

William Chen knows that the current situation is not clear, so Gared will have some illusions, these are normal.

But when the subprime mortgage crisis really hit, that\'s when he realized he was in danger. At that time, Gared will definitely try his best to get out, so Uncle Tom needs to keep an eye on him and not give him any chance.

At noon, after having lunch with Erica, William Chen returned to his home on the Upper East Side.

"Why, you\'ve been worried all the time, have you been under too much pressure recently?"

Seeing William Chen sitting on the sofa in the living room, frowning slightly and looking thoughtfully, Erica couldn\'t help asking.

As Chen William\'s assistant, a lot of his work is done through Erica, so she also generally knows what Chen William is doing now.

Therefore, for Chen William\'s mood at this time, she is probably the person who has the most personal experience. Not to mention William Chen himself, even those astronomical figures that Erica was exposed to in the securities market often feel frightened.

Once you bet against the chips, it\'s fine, but if you fail, those huge fortunes will be wiped out in an instant.

Therefore, according to those rumors, the elites of Wall Street, in their spare time, frantically use various methods, including drugs and indulgence, to release. , the pressure is unimaginable for ordinary people.

"Everything in this world has its own laws, Erica, but it is still difficult for us to see the laws clearly. Human beings are using their own wisdom to make the operation of this world more and more complicated, so maybe tomorrow Or the next second, anything can happen."

Chen William did feel a lot of pressure, even if he had a previous life experience, even if he knew through the eyes of the future that the subprime mortgage crisis was about to happen, even if he was extremely sure that he was pressing in the right direction.

But at this moment, he put all his chips on the gambling table, and he couldn\'t take it lightly when the cards were not shown.

He leaned his head on the back of the sofa, closed his eyes, and muttered, maybe he didn\'t care what he said.

When future generations read history, many people will be at one end of the long river of history, judging the merits and demerits of those historical figures. It\'s just one thing that many people tend to ignore, that is, those who can make a name for themselves in the history books are all elites out of ten thousand. When an ordinary person lives in their place, facing the fog of history, it will never be better than that. They do better.

At this time, William Chen has the experience of the past life and the prediction of the future eye.

But he was just an ordinary person in the past, with a maximum of half a billion assets. There are hundreds of such people in every city in China.

He now controls more than three billion US dollars in assets. Although he has been working hard to improve himself, but for the first time facing this moment of throwing this huge wealth on the table and waiting for the cards to be opened, he also needs to always share his inner unease and worry about gains and losses. Fight against negative emotions.

Looking at his current appearance, Erica suddenly asked, "William, are you afraid?"

"Scared? No, I\'m just, just trying to do better."

Are you scared? To be honest, William Chen is really not afraid, but he understands that he will have too many advantages over others.

Therefore, he will inevitably have higher requirements for himself, to do everything as perfect as possible. His plans, his every step, and even his control of his own investment risks are all based on this psychology.

Because he understands what a rare opportunity this subprime mortgage crisis is, and if he can seize this opportunity, his assets will grow explosively, and many of his plans can be implemented more smoothly.

Because he values ​​this opportunity too much, it will also bring him a lot of pressure.

Although Erica doesn\'t fully understand the source of William Chen\'s pressure, she can imagine from her own perspective that a young man who is only 21 years old has the reputation of being a "prodigal" before, betting heavily, hoping to be ashamed.

It is from this perspective that she can understand the importance of this investment to Chen William.

So she no longer tried to appease him with words, but sat beside him, grabbed Chen William\'s hand, and let him feel her heartbeat.

"All repression needs to be released, my little boy."

She approached William Chen\'s ear and said softly:



I don\'t know if Erica\'s method really worked, but in the afternoon, William Chen had regained his strength and came to the office of Meta Investment Company full of energy.

He didn\'t ask John Paulson about the current state of subprime bonds. Instead, he took out the analysis of CDO and CDS bonds given to him by John Paulson before, as well as the information about the operation of this No. 1 Fund.

He intends to observe and learn more intuitively through these materials, combined with the economic trend in the future.

By the end of 2008, the global financial derivatives market has exceeded 650 trillion US dollars.

What kind of concept is this? This figure is twelve times the global GDP for the same period. Note, it is the global GDP!

Due to the real estate boom in the United States for nearly a decade, and the fact that housing prices have not experienced a substantial drop overall in the past three decades, subprime mortgage bonds based on this have been the most popular type of financial derivatives market in recent years.

It is not difficult to understand why the subprime mortgage crisis broke out. It will directly destroy the financial system of the United States, and even spread to the world.

Because in addition to the subprime mortgage bonds in the United States are not only sold in the United States, but attract investors from all over the world. As a unipolar America in the world, it is no exaggeration to sneeze and the whole world will catch a cold.

As for why subprime bonds are so popular?

In fact, the subprime loan bond is not a new breed that has just appeared in recent As far back as the end of the last century, this kind of bond has already been invented.

And in the more than ten years of development, the subprime loan bond market has even experienced two crashes.

But after each crash, financial institutions, in order to make a profit, refine the design of the bond to make it more robust and secure—at least on the surface.

So two years ago, someone issued a report pointing out the dangers of the subordinated bond market, and attracted some people to short CDO bonds together, but they were jointly attacked by the capital, resulting in a huge liquidation of funds.

John Paulson\'s fund also suffered heavy losses that time.

As a result of this, almost all Americans believe that house prices will continue to rise, and that the collapse of the subprime mortgage market is impossible because the disaster is too great.

Since then, anyone who has continued to be bearish on the subprime bond market has been seen as a lunatic. Including John Paulson, who was also advised to see a psychiatrist.