Aloof CEO's; Charming Secretary

504 I will wear i

'Is this a compliment or criticize?' Sky thought to herself and smiled.

"Okay, Even brother Jai and Loran told the same. But don't you think there can be 'there must be some misunderstanding' option too? My brothers and You didn't even think about it even if it is just an example. How can you expect Andy to believe me leaving his fiance standing at the wedding ceremony surrounded by many guests?"

Arlo understood her well and hugged her without caring they were in front of a mall outside.

"So I convinced my brothers not to bother with Gills."

Seeing herself in other's shoes was her strength and her weakness too.

Sky raised her head to know why he was hugging her. Seeing her craning her neck and her forehead was next to his lips. He pecked and spoke, "Warming you up."

Sky saw one side where many were looking at them as they passed and said cheekily, "Shall I call others? You can warm them too."

He pinched her cheek and left. "Then why are you helping him?" He asked as he led her to sit on a bench.

"I don't know if he was true to me or not. But I genuinely treated him as a friend. So I respected me and my time with him so offered a job. So he is just an assistant who is doing his job. I helped him with the house too that wasn't because I was his friend. It was to improve his productivity as I had made him enroll in many classes related to personality development since he is representing me to the media. You can call me cunning for that, I will not mind."

He covered her with a jacket as he sat down. "You have to be artful in business. And you should be proud of that."

Sky nodded and looked at many people entering and exiting the mall. Realizing something, she turned to Arlo. "Dad never let me go out without Sam and others even if I go with Loran. How come today, he hadn't sent his guards too?"

There were about twenty men around them to protect including a few checking security cameras, why would a few more require?

"Must be following in some distance." What else could he say?

Sky nodded and looked ahead. Arlo pondered whether to ask or not thinking she may feel bad. "Sky! Why did you wear the bride's gown?"

Instead of a gloomy face, She laughed at herself, "Because I was dumb..."

-- Past: Andy's wedding--

Sky was talking with groomsmen who were enjoying their drinks as there was time to start the ceremony.

When she excused herself and turned to go back to the Barton parents, a groomsman's drink fell her dress.

"Sorry Sorry. I was going there and didn't see you... Let me take you to the lady's washroom." The same Groomsman offered.

"Are you Sky? Will you please come with me? Bride, Savanna got to know about your dress. Actually, it was her friend's mistake this happened so she wants to apologize to you."

When Sky heard it, he felt happy for Andy who got such a good woman. "No! It's okay. No need for an apology."

Sky said and started to go but she was stopped again, "If you leave off without meeting her, she will chide herself and her mood will ruin. I'm sure, you don't want that to happen."

Sky felt declining again would make her look petty and went with her to meet the Bride. Savanna looked beautiful in her white mermaid style bridal's gown with full makeup and Hair-do.

"Sky Barton! I'm so sorry. See your dress is all ruined. That stupid friend of mine is useless. I'm so sorry." Savanna sincerely apologized but Sky didn't notice evilness in her eyes or evil smirks on bridesmaids.

"It's okay! This is just a dress. It doesn't matter. You should focus on your wedding and stop caring about these trivial matters." Sky replied amiably as she was the bride and she didn't want to ruin her mood.

"How can I rest easy? You are Andy's best friend. How can you go in this dress? I have an extra gown. Please wear that dress. Then I can focus on my wedding." Savanna almost sounded pleading.

Bridesmaid chimed in, "Yes! Yes! Savanna is very sensitive, if you reject, she will start crying and her makeup will ruin."

"Huh?" Sky heard and looked at Savanna who looked downcast. Sky didn't want to ruin anything since it's just a dress, she agreed. "Okay, don't be sad. I will change."

She had just replied, a bridesmaid stuffed her a cream-colored dress. It was an A-line dress that would look like a princess dress if it had a cancan skirt underneath.

She saw the work on it and passed back, "This must be your expensive dress... How about I buy one from the mall next to the hall and change. That will be okay."

They all thought Sky was poor.

It wasn't that Sky never wore expensive dresses. But it was somebody's dress and she didn't want to ruin it as it's length would sweep the floor.

Sky had finished saying, she saw a tear falling down from Savanna's eyes. "I know you don't want to accept my apology."

"See I told you she is sensitive."

"Oh Savanna, don't cry."

"Savanna, we don't have time to reapply makeup."

"This girl is so heartless. Savanna, Calm down."



Having no choice, Sky irritatingly gave in, "Okay! I will wear it."

Sky soon changed to the cream-colored gown. Savanna gave her a friendly hug with a smile. "Thank you so much. It means a lot."

Sky couldn't understand why she was exaggerating. She gave a faint smile.

"Sky Barton! You should go inside. If this dressed matched bridesmaid dress, I would have asked you to be my bridesmaid. Anyway, you go in. There are fifteen minutes more to start the ceremony."

Sky didn't feel anything fishy and left as there were many bridesmaids who were chattering very much enough to give her headache.

Sky nodded and left. Hall had only one entrance and the door was opened when she went near. She entered and went towards her chair near Barton parents.

She felt numerous gazes on her and looked around.