Almighty Little Secretary, She is Flirtatious and Arrogant

Chapter 202: Unexpected Reversal (4)

Chapter 202 Unexpected Reversal (4)

Feng Wanlu had a long dream.

In my dream, there are flowers and grass, lakes and mountains, and bridges and rainbows.

is a world she has never seen or had the chance to see. It is clean and pure, without the slightest blemish or contamination.

Here are all the good things.

So beautiful that she has successfully convinced herself that this is the most "real" world, not just a dream.

And once she opened her eyes, she was instantly engulfed by darkness.

There was endless torture and pain waiting for her.

The sea of ​​flames is endless, and it can\'t see the edge, enough to burn her already fragile soul.

So she refused, resisting the invisible rope, pulling her away from "reality" little by little.

It wasn\'t until the broken voice appeared in her ears that Feng Wanlu finally breathed a sigh of relief and returned to the "beautiful".

And this side, reality

"She\'s resisting waking up."

At that time, after Feng Wanlu was in a coma, You Shiqing directly picked him up.

Fortunately, Xia Wan also came with him this time.

So he immediately took measures to stabilize her mind.


"Miss Xia, what do you mean? Why is she resisting herself?"

At this moment, You Shiqing was sitting beside Feng Wanlu\'s bed, looking at the woman with her eyes tightly closed and her brows slightly frowned, her heart seemed to be slowly bound and fastened by sharp threads, and she could not break free.

He couldn\'t believe it, how could a good girl become like this?

And Xia Wan just sighed and said helplessly,

"Lulu is due to a long-term backlog due to internal reasons.

In fact, human beings are like a scale. The weights on both sides must be the same. Whether it is pain or happiness, it must be balanced as much as possible, otherwise it will be like the present. "

"You mean, the balance in her heart is out of balance?"

"Do not,"

At this time, Jiang Mingyu, who had never spoken, suddenly spoke up, and then Xia Wan continued to say,

"Wanwan means, Lulu\'s balance. Now it\'s all pain."

You Shiqing, "."


The other side

A City International Airport

Sheng Hao immediately set off and rushed to the airport after receiving the news from Master Si.

As soon as he entered the special internal passage behind the airport, he saw the person who had been waiting here for a long time. Qiu Xiao.

At that time,

"Mr. Sheng, thank you for your cooperation."

"Captain Qiu, nice to meet you."

This is the first time that Shadow has joined forces with the Sheng family, and it is also the first time that the Shengmu family has joined forces in a real sense.

These two equal royal families have each occupied one side for hundreds of years.

Like two dormant dragons, looking at each other from a distance and not disturbing each other.

And this time, because of a group of "prohibited drug dealers" imported from abroad, they finally broke the defense and stood side by side again.

When he was young, after a quick communication of the action plan, Sheng Hao handed over his subordinates to Qiu Xiao to cooperate with Shadow\'s actions.

And this time the target of arrest is Chen Ke, the pearl of the Chen family.

With the accidental death of the Doctor Xu who came from the county seat, too many deeply buried clues have been dug up one by one.

Judging from all the clues, it unexpectedly pointed to the eldest lady of the Chen family who had been "poisoned" by Mu Shenlang and almost collapsed.

This unexpected situation caught everyone by surprise.

But what followed was because of the appearance of this eldest lady, the situation that had already been implemented.

All overturn and start over.

The original offender may only be an accessory while the original victim.

may be the hidden devil.

It was just that when Qiu Xiao was quickly passing through the airport with his crew, a petite figure was queuing up from the security check, waiting to board the plane.

But when I turned around inadvertently, I saw the man I hadn\'t seen for a long time

A figure that is heart-wrenching.

Finished the update today~~~

Thank you for liking~~Bow~~

(end of this chapter)