Almighty Little Secretary, She is Flirtatious and Arrogant

Chapter 168: Can't see the scale (2)

Chapter 168 Can\'t see the scale clearly (2)

The ward fell silent for a moment.

Jiang Mingyu looked at the scene not far away without saying a word, without any expression on his face.

Xia Wan, who was sitting next to her, let out a soft tsk, but when she was about to speak, her wrist was suddenly held down.

She turned her head around and saw Jiang Mingyu. She shook her head calmly.

In the next second, Tang Jinchuan\'s voice was heard.

unceremoniously refused,

"Who are you? I don\'t know you."

"I am the daughter of the Chen family in the county town."

However, Tang Jinchuan didn\'t even think about it, so he refused again,

"Have not heard."

After saying that, he turned and left, and walked directly back to Jiang Mingyu\'s side.

At this time, Xia Wan also followed, and there was an obvious displeasure in her naturally cold voice, and she said word by word,

"Miss Chen, if you insist on coming here to affect the relationship between my friend and her fiancé, then please come back."


Chen Ke\'s face was already very ugly at this time.

She did not expect that these people would be so straightforward and would not give her any face.

She had no idea about the hypocritical face and proportions of the rich in her previous impressions.

She also accidentally caught a glimpse of Tang Jinchuan\'s heroic appearance in the past news hotspots, and when she heard that he was actually Jiang Mingyu\'s fiancé, she was moved.

Looking forward to the opportunity to come to Tang Jinchuan\'s side in the future.

The recovered Chen Ke is undoubtedly beautiful and outstanding.

The tall and thin figure is graceful and graceful, except that the upper circumference is a little smaller, other places are perfect.

Especially that face, with beautiful curves and big watery eyes.

As long as you frown a little, it will show a childish grievance.

is also right in the arms of a man.

If it weren\'t for this, Mu Shenlang wouldn\'t have been so persistent in the first place.

Definitely, it has a lot of beauty.

At the moment, facing Xia Wan\'s rudeness, Chen Ke pondered, and did not turn his face directly, but nodded tolerantly and walked to Jiang Mingyu\'s side,

"Sister Jiang, I\'m confused."

"No, you are just a normal reaction."

Jiang Mingyu\'s face was still a little pale, and the look of his estranged eyes became a bit more cold because of the pain.

At this moment, he raised his head slightly and looked at the little girl standing in front of him with an "innocent" face, smiling gently and lightly.

seems to have nothing in mind.

However, when he opened his mouth, he slammed the door of life directly, showing no mercy,

"You are not confused, you are. You just didn\'t see the scale clearly."


The last time we met, although Chen Ke was harmed by Mu Shenlang, and both her spirit and will were devastated, she could still see that although her desire to survive was deeply hidden, it still existed.

So at that time, although Jiang Mingyu hadn\'t "recovered" yet, he still rescued this girl perfectly.

I didn\'t expect it, but in the end, it seemed that a snake was saved!

On the opposite side, facing Jiang Mingyu\'s tireless and unscrupulous ridicule, Chen Ke reacted quickly after being stunned for a second.

His face, which he could no longer control, instantly collapsed, but he clenched his fingers but did not dare to attack.

was obviously worried about Tang Jinchuan who didn\'t even raise his head.

After a long while, I couldn\'t bear it anymore and turned around

ran out.

"Chen Ke, Chen Ke"

Just didn\'t wait for anyone to speak, the doctor Xu turned around desperately, and chased out with some unsteady footsteps.

"He is"

Jiang Mingyu, who had been feeling a little strange just now, just glanced at the back of Dr. Xu and noticed something.

Familiar taste.

(end of this chapter)