Almighty Little Secretary, She is Flirtatious and Arrogant

Chapter 157: rude temptation

Chapter 157 The rude temptation

Fortunately, after the sound at the door ended, Tang Jinchuan quickly restrained his desires.

helped Jiang Mingyu to pack her clothes and hair, and then walked out of the office one after the other.

At this time, several secretaries and assistants in charge of this contract were standing outside the office.

The secretary-general headed by    held a stack of documents, and Jiang Mingyu took it over with ease.

The group then walked towards the conference room.

On the way   , the secretary-general asked in confusion,

"We have actually tried to make an appointment with this person several times before, but we couldn\'t even make an appointment with his assistant at the beginning, but I didn\'t expect that this time he actually appeared in person."

"Have you thought about the reason?"

Jiang Mingyu frowned deeply, and while quickly flipping through the information in her hand, she asked seemingly casually.

The few people next to him also thought about it seriously, and then said in unison,

"About. Is it because of the news of the president and Miss Jiang?"

"Yes, but only half right."

Jiang Mingyu smiled noncommittally and coldly, and the moment the group walked to the door of the conference room, he closed the folder in his hand with a snap and handed it to the assistant beside him.

At the same time, she walked directly in front of Tang Jinchuan and said respectfully,

"President, I\'ll come."

After that, he pushed open the door of the conference room, opening a passage for Tang Jinchuan.

Now, not far away

The man in the dark gray suit stood with his hands behind his back, his back to the crowd at this time, looking at several ancient paintings on the display shelf on one side.

Those were still selected by Jiang Mingyu from some of Tang Jinchuan\'s auctions, and they were placed here after obtaining consent.

The man\'s back is deep and straight, standing in the half-light and half-darkness, plated with a layer of dark color, a little dark for unknown reasons.

This person did not respond to the arrival of the crowd.

Jiang Mingyu stood on one side for only two or three seconds, then walked decisively to Tang Jinchuan\'s side and said in a low voice,

"President, you sit first."

The words led Tang Jinchuan to the top position.

The man turned around at the same time and looked at Jiang Mingyu\'s calm face with interest. Even though he was low-key, there was still a hint of unhappiness at the end of his eyes.

is extremely light and difficult to detect.

That is because Tang Jinchuan was neglected.

The man saw it in his eyes and silently pinched the fingers that were still behind his back.

After Tang Jinchuan was seated, Jiang Mingyu stood beside her boss, bowed slightly and said,

"Hello Mr. Sheng, I\'ve admired your name for a long time."

Jiang Mingyu did not directly introduce Tang Jinchuan, but stretched out a hand and waited for the other party\'s response.

This kind of seemingly rude behavior is not lacking in a form of disrespect, which can not only test the other party\'s bottom line for his company, but also give a good feedback.

is already dissatisfied with Tang\'s behavior just now.

It is true that this business is very important to Tang’s annual revenue, but if you blindly accommodate the other party because of this, even if the business is negotiated, it may not be able to get due profits.

Many companies are too timid and cautious, and they are repeatedly exploited and squeezed by many large companies.

and being led by the nose blindly by the other party, in the end, you can only go to bankruptcy.

However, just when everyone was sweating for Jiang Mingyu and felt that the other party would definitely be dissatisfied with her behavior, the man opposite suddenly showed a smile of undisguised admiration.

After that, he also slowly stretched out a hand and squeezed Jiang Mingyu\'s tightly. At the same time, he said in a deep voice,

"Secretary Jiang is really extraordinary, I really came right this time."

(end of this chapter)