Almighty Little Secretary, She is Flirtatious and Arrogant

Chapter 149: I am back

Chapter 149 I\'m Back

It rained all day and night in City A.

Midnight, City A International Airport

After You Shiqing got off the plane, he rushed to Feng Wanlu\'s apartment non-stop.

Press the password to open the door and enter the house.

As he imagined, it was still pitch black and there was no light.

According to the agreement, Feng Wanlu will be sent home within two hours after he landed.

At this time, You Shiqing carefully put the still-hot contract into his backpack, and then quickly walked into Feng Wanlu\'s bedroom to tidy up the bedding for her.

After she comes back for a while, you can sleep peacefully.

restore her quiet life.

And about forty minutes later, the sudden doorbell rang short and anxiously.

caught You Shiqing by surprise, he was stunned for a moment, and then a large amount of daze filled his heart.

After the silence had recovered and the room began to become silent again, he suddenly came back to his senses.

rushed over in two steps and opened the door.


Feng Wanlu was placed on the ground, leaning against the wall, with her eyes closed and her head tilted.

The long black dress is still on her body, there is no damage, and the makeup has not changed in any way.

But still, it was enough to make You Shiqing tremble.

He really couldn\'t imagine, and never dared to imagine, such a gorgeous woman, when she lay there unconsciously

What will happen if you meet a real gangster?

The water vapor rose from the tip of the nose and entered the nasal cavity. At midnight when no one was paying attention, along with the still majestic rain outside the window, like a virus, it spread unstoppably into You Shiqing\'s entire body.

He gritted his teeth and walked over, carefully picking up the person.

Feng Wanlu\'s clothes were dry, not even a single wrinkle, not even a drop of rain.

proves that she was indeed treated well and did not suffer any accident.

But soon, it was soaked by bits and pieces of moisturizing.

You Shiqing frowned, not allowing himself to make any sound.

He carefully placed Feng Wanlu on the bed and covered it with a quilt.

Looking at the girl\'s unconsciously frowning brows, she clenched her hands, and finally closed her eyes fiercely.

Next day

It was like a splitting headache from a hangover, pulling Feng Wanlu out of her sleep.

But the next second, she sat up in a dazed and horrified manner.

Fortunately, after seeing everything in front of her, she found out that she had returned to her own home!

But she had to feel extreme consternation, why is she in her own home! !

Everything from yesterday seems to be still vivid in her mind, and the feeling that is scary enough but unable to break free still lingers in her body to this day.

At this moment, she suddenly lowered her head and glanced, the dress on her body, the makeup on her face, and even the jewelry she was wearing, did not show any abnormality.

Everything is still there.

But it is because everything is still there. So it seems more

is weird.

Ding dong ding dong—

However, at this moment, a doorbell interrupted her confused thoughts.

Feng Wanlu stumbled up and went to open the door, but she didn\'t expect that as soon as the door opened, the person standing outside

It turned out to be a sudden disappearance, and there was no explanation.

You Shiqing!

"Wanlu, I\'m back."


Without waiting for You Shiqing to say anything again, Feng Wanlu suddenly raised a hand without warning and slapped You Shiqing in the face.

That kind of force.

Instantly hit the man\'s face to one side.

And her own palm was also hot, reflecting a tingling pain.

You Shiqing was silent for a while, then raised his hand and touched the corner of his lips.

with blood

But the next second, it was Feng Wanlu\'s body, smashing into his arms with force, crying almost hoarsely,

"Why aren\'t you here, where have you been—"

You Shiqing, "."

(end of this chapter)