All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 993

The invisible gray fog always covers the surface of the dark planet. Except with the help of advanced electronic imaging technology, it is impossible to see the scenery five meters away, but the Harrison people are obviously not included.

Due to the perennial lack of light, the dark planet is always in an extremely cold state, especially the surface temperature, which is close to minus 200 degrees Celsius on average. Normally, there is absolutely no life to survive.

But interestingly, in places close to those large energy crystals, the temperature will increase significantly, and even melt the frozen water sources to form mountains, lakes and rivers.

With water, there is the source of life, and all kinds of plants and animals will reproduce and provide a good living environment and food source.

Because of this, the talent of harleyson will take the huge energy crystallization as the main body to build magnificent underground cities.

After tens of millions of years of exploration and search, they have found almost all large energy crystals in the shallow layer of the earth\'s surface, so whoever controls more cities can become the real master of the planet.


Hundreds of heavily armed young people were approaching the entrance of an underground city quietly at a very fast speed.

To be exact, this is not an underground city in the ordinary sense, but the origin of their entire ethnic group. At the same time, it is also the first gathering created with the power of energy shortcut. It is regarded as the holy land of civilization, race and religion, and the original city.

As the divisions and contradictions among the harlems became more and more serious, the fear demons finally planned a landmark attack.

These fools are naturally bewitched and incited. They believe that they can use pure violence to create chaos and destruction, and force those old people to bow to themselves and hand over their rights.

"The future of the Harrison people should be created by young people, not by a group of corrupt old people."

This is the idea that the fear demons continue to instill into young people in the dark. They even created an organization tit for tat with the Presbyterian Council to initially build and establish a basic power framework.

Skillful in calculation, they know very well that once the young people at the bottom of society taste the taste of power, they will soon lose their original innocence and gradually degenerate into an aspirant who is willing to do anything.

As the first lord of nasrezm, the new Burning Legion, bellom is now a well deserved leader of the rebel army. He hides alone in the cracks of cold rocks and carefully observes the movement ahead.

After several hours, he quietly told his deputy: "go! Let two teams disguise as dead caravans and approach the entrance to test the city\'s response."

"I see!"

Another fear demon who occupied the Harlem people nodded without thinking, raised his left hand and waved to his accomplice not far away.

The latter understood, immediately put on a ragged dress, covered the crystal wrist guard symbolizing the status and strength of the "warrior" with dirty leather, pretended to be in a panic and ran towards the entrance.

About ten minutes or so, when they approached the metal gate inlaid with black patterns, two dazzling strong lights shot down from the height to illuminate the only channel.


Two teams of twenty people were completely exposed to each other\'s line of sight.

In the blink of an eye, a man in black and brown leather appeared above the tall city gate, shouting at the top of his voice, "here is the sacred origin of the Harlem people! Report your name and origin! Otherwise I have the right to refuse you to enter!"

"We are businessmen! We have just suffered a terrible attack! A group of ugly and ferocious monsters suddenly jumped out of the darkness and killed two-thirds of the team. We are the only survivors." the leading woman said the prepared lie without thinking.

"Monsters? Are they those huge and ugly guys with green fire in their eyes?" the man on the gate asked subconsciously with a frown.

The woman quickly nodded: "yes! They seem to have no reason. They rush in and kill. Although we fight hard, we are still outnumbered."

"Damn it! This is the 30th attack in recent months! We have to find a way!" the man waved behind him as he gnashed his teeth and cursed in a low voice. "Open the gate and let these poor young people in."


With a loud noise, the gate made entirely of unknown metal was slowly pulled up, revealing a passage about two meters high.

The members of the two teams exchanged glances with each other, immediately tore off their camouflage, rushed in at a very fast speed and launched an attack on the soldiers on the city gate.

Before the other side could react to what had happened, they quickly controlled the gate and sent a signal.

Seeing two dazzling red lights rising into the sky, bellom couldn\'t help grinning, showed a ferocious smile and shouted, "go! My brothers and sisters! Rush in! Take this sacred city! Let those stupid old guys understand that we are the hope and tomorrow of the whole race."

"For justice and justice!"

"For the future of the Harrison people!"

"Overthrow the Presbyterian Church!"


When countless people broke through the door shouting exciting slogans and unscrupulously released their amazing energy impact, a dark shadow suddenly appeared next to bellom and sighed with a smile: "ha! Young people are always so easy to be hot-blooded and easy to be used by people with intentions, aren\'t they?"

"Yes, master. Limited by their experience and horizons, few young people can understand. The more seemingly just things are, the more dirty the real intention behind them is, they will unknowingly become evil accomplices. The most ridiculous thing is that they will think that they are dying for a very right thing. Noble and despicable, I like such a strong conflict and contrast between justice and evil, order and chaos. "After that, bellom touched his chest with one hand and bowed deeply.

Obviously, this shadow is no one else. It is the projection refracted by Zhang Cheng from the mothership.

Feeling the fire and loud noise coming from the distant city, he couldn\'t help nodding his head: "although it sounds full of irony, I must admit that what you said is very reasonable. How do you think you can find clues about the secret weapon from the city of origin?"

"Sorry, I don\'t know, master. But I always have a hunch that there must be some secrets in this city that you are interested in."

"Well, I\'ll wait and see. If you can really find the news or clues I\'m interested in, I\'ll reward you with a weapon, a powerful weapon that may destroy the planet..."