All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 979

Conspiracy, deception, betrayal

When one\'s life is shrouded in these things, it is doomed to a tragic end.

The only difference is how long his spirit can endure before he gives up resistance and becomes an emotionless walking corpse, or completely collapses and chooses to end himself.

Just as Warren was struggling to get rid of the chase, Zhang Cheng had crossed the Atlantic and Mediterranean and came to Egypt full of dense forests alone.

Affected by the asteroid impact, this originally dry and hot desert has now become an out and out tropical rain forest. At a glance, there are towering trees and dense rivers and lakes everywhere.

Most importantly, some monsters from different worlds have settled down in this warm and humid jungle, and the remaining human beings dare not get close easily.

Looking at the terrain and landforms that have completely changed into another look, he couldn\'t help sighing and complaining helplessly: "Damn it! What did that say? Oh, by the way, heaven\'s sins can be forgiven, and self sins can\'t live. I knew there was a seal here. When I destroyed order and human civilization, I shouldn\'t have let one of the asteroids fall near here."

But after complaining, he still kept patrolling around, trying to find a place where magic energy or divine power gathered.

no way out!

This is the only seal he can confirm the location so far.

As long as this seal is opened, the sleeping gods will wake up, and it is only a matter of time to unlock the remaining seals.

As soon as he thought that he would soon be able to end this boring trial, contact and understand the wider world and uncover the secrets behind the multi universe, Zhang Cheng had an inexplicable excitement and expectation.

Moreover, with the help of satellite positioning system, although the terrain has changed, the longitude and latitude coordinates on the earth have not changed.

By comparing with the original map hundreds of years ago, it took about two months to finally find the Osiris pyramid buried under the soft sand at the bottom of a huge canyon.

Different from the ordinary pyramid, this pyramid is particularly tall, three times larger than the legendary Khufu pyramid, and it uses not bricks and stones, but Bronze Ingots of the same size. Each surface is carved with exquisite pictures, words and symbols.

It is hard to imagine that the primitive ancient Egyptians could build such magnificent buildings thousands of years ago.

Apart from other things, if these bronzes, which were regarded as strategic materials at that time, were melted and made into weapons and armor, they would definitely be enough to arm a million powerful divisions.

Zhang Cheng stepped to the entrance of the pyramid and put the scepter of Anubis, the God of death, in the hand of a jackal statue.


With a deafening noise!

The closed door of the tomb finally opened slowly, revealing a dusty passage with a strong smell of death and decay for thousands of years.

"Interesting! Let me see what the ancient Egyptian Gods left to guard the seals." Zhang Cheng muttered to himself as he walked in.

Because the internal structure of the pyramid was not complex, he soon saw the monster lying on the ground in the hall at the end of the passage.

It has a body like a lion and a pair of yellow and white wings, but its face is no different from that of normal humans.


It is the famous Sphinx Sphinx.

Although in most myths and legends, this magical creature that can spit people\'s words likes to put forward riddles and let each other guess riddles.

But in fact, it is a special life between half god and half monster.

According to the records in the divine spectrum, almost all Sphinx were the descendants of the eagle God of ancient Egypt, and their power was far beyond the limit of human imagination at that time.

Except for the Pharaoh, the descendant of the sun god, there is no second mortal in the secular world who can control the Sphinx.

Obviously, the Sphinx felt the moist warm wind brought by the air flow, slowly opened his eyes and woke up from his deep sleep.

But instead of launching an attack in a hurry, he looked at the seemingly ordinary youth in front of him with great interest. After a full minute, he did it very humanely, smiled and greeted him: "Hello, stranger. Tell me, how many years have passed outside? Do the pharaohs, the descendants of the Sun God, still rule Egypt?"

"Sorry, time has passed so long that the indigenous people who originally lived in Egypt have almost disappeared. At least they have no similarities with the original Egyptians in terms of ideology, culture and religious beliefs." Zhang Cheng gave a straightforward answer.

In his opinion, after the war in ancient times, the gods of the earth chose to sleep, which was a bad move.

These guys suddenly disappeared collectively, which directly led to the crazy infiltration of heaven and hell forces into the human world, especially the rise of monotheism in West Asia, which can be described as a disaster.

Even today after the great disaster, there are still many stupid people who believe that there is an omnipotent creator in the world, and place everything on the God, hoping to exchange the opportunity to change their destiny through cheap prayer.

What\'s more, in the name of God and religion, they burn, kill and loot the same kind. It\'s called killing pagans. After death, they can go to heaven and enjoy a better life that can never be enjoyed in the world.

Compared with the strong, patient and creative ancients in the mythical era, the later humans were simply weak and explosive.

Even if they later created a relatively advanced scientific and technological civilization, they could not fundamentally eliminate the ignorance and ignorance of most humans in the ethnic group.

"What? The Egyptians disappeared?" Sphinx\'s eyes widened in surprise, showing a very humanized expression.

"Hehe! Why, are you surprised? Don\'t forget that religion has always been the strong side and the weak side. When you and the gods behind you decide to disappear from the sight of mortals, you should be able to expect the result today. Human beings are fickle and extremely snobbish. They only pray to those gods who can bring benefits to themselves." Zhang Cheng explained with a sneer.

Sphinx nodded thoughtfully: "you\'re right! Human beings are indeed fickle! I\'m a little curious now. What makes you risk a great risk to open the seal? Don\'t you know what terrible things are sealed here?"

"No! Of course I know. In fact, including this one, I have opened four seals, which is enough to wake the gods from their sleep. Dear Sphinx, times have changed. If you are wise, you\'d better get out of the way, otherwise I promise you will disappear from the world forever in the next second..."