All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 976

"Isn\'t this the result you want? Completely disrupt the inherent power distribution in the valley, so that the royal family can have the opportunity to intervene in its internal affairs. Moreover, with this, you can also ensure my loyalty. If one day I choose to betray, you can shake it out and directly let me and my children lose their legitimacy and inheritance."

There is no doubt that bertier berisch planned everything from the beginning, even considering the sincere heart.

In his eyes, doing so can not only maximize his own interests, but also give the other party a handle, establish a preliminary trust relationship, and slowly narrow the distance to become an ally.

As he said before, chaos is not an abyss, chaos is a ladder, a ladder to obtain power and lead to the upper society.

But now, with the increasingly stable rule of danilis, the ladder has disappeared, so he resolutely gave up his unrealistic ambitions, began to actively consolidate the advantages he has obtained, and was eager not to be kicked out.

"A handle?" Zhang Cheng raised his eyebrows with a smile.

It has to be said that the little finger\'s grasp of psychology is quite accurate. It can be seen at a glance that he is never the kind of person who takes blood lineage and noble glory as one thing.

Otherwise, if you change these words to another occasion and person, such as Queen danilis tangaryan, the only end of this guy is to be pushed out by the executioner to behead in public.

Bertier berisch nodded without thinking: "yes! A handle! When the plan is successful, the Erin family and valley will become the most loyal hounds of the royal family and bite any enemy who dares to violate the royal majesty."

"It sounds interesting! But there is a small problem. A secret is a secret because it is little known and will be gradually forgotten with the passage of time. Tell me, how can you guarantee that your offspring will still abide by this agreement after decades, one or two hundred years? After all, aristocrats like lannis who started by cheating can gradually become people\'s hearts He is a great aristocrat in the eyes. Therefore, blood lineage and surname are never a problem. The real problem is that time can dilute everything. "Zhang Cheng casually pointed out that this seemingly valuable, in fact, there is no egg handle.

As a territory and vassal, it is a kind of vassal and interest relationship.

Once the interest alliance is concluded, even if someone breaks through the ruler\'s blood, it will not cause too much damage to his reputation. At best, it will fight a water war, that\'s all.

This time limit is usually within three generations. Once three generations have passed, people born later will no longer remember their previous friendship and begin to wholeheartedly support the new Lord.

"Do you think there should be nothing more?" a haze flashed in pettil berrisi\'s eyes and took the initiative to kick the ball back.

Zhang Cheng touched his chin and looked at each other with interest. Soon he smiled and proposed: "It\'s very simple! There\'s one thing that won\'t disappear with time. It\'s called a curse. It\'s a curse that follows the blood to pass on to future generations. If you and your future generations break their vows the next day, all future generations from you will die miserably. What, are you still willing to trade with me now?"

"Curse?!" bertier berisch\'s face suddenly changed, subconsciously got into his fist, and his whole body trembled uncontrollably.

If someone else said the word curse, he would sneer at most and wouldn\'t care too much.

But who is Zhang Cheng?

He is a strong man who can turn the Magic Dragon into his pet, and a mage who can summon hail to destroy thousands of cavalry.

If he says that there is a curse that can be transmitted through blood, he must prefer to believe in its existence rather than its absence.

Time passed minute by minute!

The little finger forehead was quickly covered with sweat, and the close fitting clothes were soaked with sweat.

Obviously, cheating is meaningless at this time. Either promise to let yourself and future generations become the dog of the tangaryan family forever, or risk being destroyed and return to the valley to continue to fight to the death with those traditional nobles.

Tough choice!

In just a few minutes, bertier berrisi felt like a lifetime. Finally, he was a little relieved. He knelt on one knee and said in a very solemn tone: "I hereby solemnly swear to the seven gods to be loyal to the tangaryan family, including all future generations, and never betray."

"Very good! Now, the curse is in effect," said Zhang Cheng, raising his hand and gently snapping his fingers.

After the slap, the little finger suddenly found thousands of red marks on his arm and neck, but it subsided quickly after only a few seconds, as if nothing had happened.

But I don\'t know why, he always felt that there had been some changes in his body or soul that he couldn\'t understand.

"That\'s it?" asked pettil berisch with a strong calm voice.

Zhang Cheng nodded meaningfully: "Yes! The curse has been rooted in your blood and soul! Any act or thought of betrayal will bring bad luck and disaster. Believe me, you don\'t want to know what it\'s like. In addition, from now on, you\'ll be your own. When the noble alliance in the valley is solved, I\'ll let her majesty give you more room to show your talents. Session The whole seven kingdoms will become a hunting ground. Your task is to give full play to your strengths, constantly create chaos and conflict, weaken the strength and influence of those great nobles bit by bit, and finally dismember them one by one. "

"Really?" little finger\'s face showed an indescribable surprise.

He had thought that he might never have room to use his intelligence, but unexpectedly, the other party put forward such an exciting invitation.

What is the most painful thing for a talented schemer and ambitious?

Of course, a strong king and a relatively peaceful and stable political environment!

But now, the supreme ruler wants him to mess up the stable situation in China and provoke war, chaos and conflict again. It\'s like sharks smelling blood and dogs smelling shit.

"Hehe! Please don\'t doubt my sincerity. For those talented people, her majesty and I never mind giving full play to their strengths and striving for more interests for the royal family."

"I see!" bertier berisch touched his chest with one hand and bowed, then turned away from the room and disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Not long after he left the front foot, daenerys came out from behind the bookshelf and asked with a frown: "are you really going to use this ambitious guy?"

"Why not? In the eyes of a king, all talented people can use it, but how to use it is a problem. My suggestion is to let bertier berrisi finish all the most hated things for you, and then execute him personally when the nobles are angry, so as to calm the public anger and show the justice and kindness of the royal family. How about this plan ……”