All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 970

"Hey! Come out and see! Colin brought back a stranger!"

"My God! There are so many hams and sausages in the carriage! It\'s a blessing tonight!"

"Shut up! Idiot! Put the gold back! Stay away from the carriage! Otherwise I don\'t mind cutting off your hand!"

"Isn\'t it that those princes and nobles in King\'s landing finally think of us poor bastards and send someone to send urgently needed military expenses and supplies?"


Due to the isolation from the outside world, the night watchers have endured the loneliness and pain that normal people can\'t imagine for a long time, so they will be particularly excited every time they see strangers, especially the other party has brought much-needed meat and money.

As the commander-in-chief of the night watchman corps, Jao Mormont heard the noisy cries outside, hurried out of the tower and shouted, "quiet! What happened?"

"Sir, when I was patrolling, I met a stranger who claimed to be a curious traveler. He wanted to see our night watchman corps with his own eyes, and brought a whole carriage of ham, sausage and 5000 glittering gold coins." Colin got off his horse and whispered in front of the commander-in-chief.

"What? Five thousand gold coins!" GIO Mormont\'s eyes widened and his face was full of incredible expressions.

You know, not long ago, he sent someone to King\'s landing, hoping to ask for some military spending from the newly crowned queen, but who knows, he was driven back directly by the prime minister and the finance minister, giving only less than 1500 gold coins.

But now, someone is willing to take out five thousand gold coins at once, which is more generous than any king or duke.

In order to confirm the authenticity, the old man as strong as a bear quickly came to the carriage and personally ordered his men to count the gold coins accumulated in the wooden box. Then he bent down and bowed deeply and said, "thank you for your generous donation, stranger. On behalf of all the night watchmen, I express my highest respect like you. You have solved our urgent need."

"Please don\'t mention it, commander-in-chief. It\'s my honor to contribute to the night watchman Corps." Warren gave full play to his specialty of talking to people and ghosts, and his eyes showed a trace of sincerity.

"Ha ha ha! I didn\'t expect that in this era, there are still people who respect us night watchers. Bowen Marcy, tell the kitchen to cook a rich dinner and we should welcome our friends in the most grand way." Jao Mormon laughed and gave an order to the general secretary.

After all, with the strong purchasing power of gold coins in the north, 5000 is enough to maintain the military expenditure of the night watchman Corps for a long time.

Soon, with Warren\'s superb acting skills, the soldiers of the night watchman Corps gradually put down their guard, held up their wine glasses for a meeting, drank freely, and ate delicious ham and roast sausage that they couldn\'t eat in normal days.

The rich meat fragrance reverberated in the noisy hall, and some guys even sang at the top of their voices.

When the atmosphere of the banquet reached a climax, he finally couldn\'t help asking: "commander in chief, I heard that there are many published stories flowing north of the desperate Great Wall. Among them, there is a monster called strange ghosts. Do they really exist?"

"Strange ghost?" Joo Mormont frowned subconsciously.

Not only him, but also several senior night watchmen changed their faces slightly.

Especially Jon Snow opened his mouth several times to say something, but finally closed his mouth for some reason.

For a moment, the surrounding air became a little heavy.

After a full minute, the commander-in-chief took a deep breath and replied: "No! I have never seen any strange ghosts. They are all horror stories used to scare children. Compared with strange ghosts, those cruel savages are a real threat. For hundreds of years, they have attacked the Great Wall again and again, trying to seize our land. If you are interested, I can let someone take you outside the Great Wall."

"Really? That\'s great!" Warren pretended to be cheerful.

But in his heart, he was convinced that the ghost must be real, not a horror story to scare children.

Just don\'t know why, those who know the inside story don\'t want to tell the truth.

After confirming the real existence of the threat of ghosts, Warren joined the Ranger patrol early the next morning and began to leave the protection of the desperate great wall and head for the endless ice sheet.

For a week, he couldn\'t find even the slightest supernatural phenomenon. The biggest threat was only hungry predators and a dozen savages who didn\'t eat for days.

In this frozen land, food is so scarce that it can\'t feed many people at all.

The cruel nature has opened the law of survival, allowing life to kill each other and obtain the necessary resources for survival from each other.

Of course, Warren had seen these scenes in northern Europe a long time ago and didn\'t think it was so strange.

What is really strange is that a savage named Custer seems to be trying to hide something.

He could feel that there was a very strange magical energy around the house.

"Why, are you interested in that old guy?" Colin asked, looking at the slightly old Custer with the rest of his eyes.

Warren nodded solemnly: "I\'m really interested! But it\'s not his incest with his daughter, but his inexplicable attitude. Don\'t you think it\'s strange? According to those women, all baby boys will be sent to the woods to sacrifice to the gods after they are born. But so far, no one has seen the bodies of those babies, even the traces of blood and the bite of wild animals None of them appeared. It\'s like someone took them away quietly. "

"So you mean the God he believes in really exists?" Colin scoffed.

He may be an excellent scout and soldier, but he is by no means a clever man who is good at using his head.

"No! I mean, maybe the God he believes in is the legendary ghost, and the sacrificial baby boys died, but were taken away by the ghost." Warren said meaningfully what he had observed from the future clip.

As a person who likes to hide secrets, he never told anyone that his power to predict the future is actually subject to many restrictions, one of which is to obtain the corresponding trigger conditions in advance.

This condition may be something, or the other party\'s blood, energy, clothes, books, etc.

Obviously, before encountering real ghosts or touching what they left behind, Warren can\'t clearly see each other\'s appearance and where he was born. Will he pose a threat to the human world in the future