All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 8

The bright moon was in the sky, and the slightly cold night wind gently blew through the camp, making everyone involuntarily tighten their cloak and lean in front of the warm bonfire. Several Coachmans secretly took out the wine pot hidden in their arms and drank a sip of the specialty of Nanhai Town, a cheap but very choking low-grade liquor.

Although according to the caravan regulations, no one is allowed to touch alcoholic drinks on the way, in practice, they always turn a blind eye. However, no one will care about this regulation unless they are unconscious.

After all, business is not a safe profession. Not to mention the bandits that may be encountered along the way, it is enough to have a headache just because of the attacks of various wild animals in the wild.

As a group of people who don\'t know whether there is tomorrow after today, they naturally need something to relax, so alcohol and tobacco naturally become the inevitable choice.

While drinking hot soup, old George stroked his little daughter\'s hair and asked with a smile, "Jenny, how did it feel to spend the night in the wilderness for the first time? Were you afraid?"

"Well, a little..."

The girl called Jenny carefully glanced at a dark forest and subconsciously tightened her neck.

Perhaps because she has experienced the natural disaster of the dead, or heard too many frightening stories, she is very timid. If she moves a little, she will be trembling, as if there were a terrible monster hidden in the dark.

"Ha ha! My lovely little Jenny, don\'t be afraid. Do you see the master in the room? As long as he is there, whether it\'s a robber or a monster, he doesn\'t dare to approach easily. The powerful power of magic can\'t be compared with a mere sword." old George smiled and comforted.

But just when he wanted to say something, he suddenly felt his neck cool and saw a sharp blade with cold light. I don\'t know when it hit his jaw. As long as he used a little force, it would run through his brain and make people die on the spot.

"Don\'t move! Don\'t make any noise! Or I\'ll kill you!" a low voice warned.

"I didn\'t move! Don\'t touch my daughter! Do you know who the goods you are robbing belong to?" old George obviously experienced a similar situation. He quickly raised his hand to show that he meant no resistance, and tried to scare each other with words.

Because he noticed that in just a few seconds, a dozen masked people left the dark shelter and took all the Coachmans, and the two guards they hired were missing.

Calm down a little and think for a few seconds. In fact, the caravan has been watched from the moment it left Nanhai town.

The only thing he doesn\'t understand is why these people in black have to wait until now. Aren\'t they afraid of the power of magic?

"Hum! I advise you not to be smart! Of course we know what these goods are, and the mage of Dalaran needs them better. But what can we do? Do you think we will be afraid of a group of bereaved dogs hiding in the magic shield?" the masked man sneered and walked to one of the carriages, Accurately found the exquisite small wooden box hidden in the interlayer.

With little effort, he easily knocked the lock open. The moment the cover was opened, the dazzling brilliance immediately hurt everyone\'s eyes.

The crystals the size of a baby\'s fist exude colorful magic charm, as if they can suck a person\'s soul in.

"My God! Arcane... Arcane crystal! There is really arcane crystal! We are rich!" another masked man clenched his fist excitedly.

If there is any mineral that is the most valuable in Azeroth, it must be arcane crystal. Compared with it, all gold, silver and secret silver mines do not flow.

This kind of lens, which is completely condensed by mysterious arcane energy, can not only be used to create powerful magic equipment, but also a necessity for mages to build arcane towers. Only a few rich Cerro silver veins have a very low probability of being associated, and its value can not be measured by money.

Obviously, Dalaran under reconstruction needs a lot of arcane crystals, so anyone who can bring arcane crystals can take this opportunity to establish friendly relations with the kenrito conference, so that he can get the priority purchase right of various alchemy potions and magic items in the future.

No merchant would be foolish enough to doubt the ability and speed of mages to create wealth. Even in their eyes, mages can directly equate with lovely gold and silver coins.

Seeing the most valuable goods turned out, old George immediately turned ugly and struggled to stand up and protect his property.

But before his knees straightened, he immediately felt a heavy blow to the back of his brain. The whole man immediately fell to the ground with a plop. The dark red blood soon dyed his hair red and slipped down his neck.

"Ah!!!!! Dad! What\'s the matter with you! Go away! Stay away from my father!" Jenny saw her father hurt and rushed over and tried to push the attacker away.

Unfortunately, with her slender arms, she is obviously not the opponent of a strong adult man.

The masked man grabbed the girl\'s wrist effortlessly, held the little face mixed with fear and anger in his other hand, and joked recklessly: "ha ha ha! Look! There\'s a sign chick here! Maybe we can have fun together when we finish this ticket."

"No! Get off your dirty hands! Don\'t touch my daughter! Otherwise... Otherwise..."

In a hurry, old George threw himself at his bleeding head and robbed his daughter from the other party.

"Otherwise what? Old man! Be honest with me! Otherwise I don\'t mind getting rid of you first." the masked man kicked him contemptuously.

Old George bowed his head and made no resistance.

Because he understood that in the current situation, the best way to protect his daughter was not to argue, but to honestly try not to stimulate each other, and then patiently wait for the mage in the wooden house to notice what was happening outside.

He saw the powerful fire, frost and arcane magic released by the mages when fighting. He firmly believed that the power of magic was far better than swords. A group of greedy robbers would die without a place to bury in a short time.

The masked man who led the group undoubtedly understood that the mage was not easy to deal with. After controlling the situation, he immediately made a gesture, took three men, climbed from the side to the second floor platform with the help of claws and ropes, and approached the doors and windows with light hands and feet.

When one of them tried to look inside through the gap in the board, suddenly a hot fireball broke the board and hit him in the face.


After a deafening noise, the unlucky man didn\'t even have time to scream, so he fell directly from the second floor platform and turned into a charred body.

Of course, it\'s not that fireball is too powerful, but that he is too unlucky to be pierced into his eyes by a wooden thorn produced by an explosion