All-Heavens Spellcaster

Chapter 71

There has never been love without reason, nor hatred without reason, nor the so-called "free lunch".

From the beginning, Zhang Cheng made up his mind to use Gracie, so he provided free accommodation, food and even money.

Otherwise, with his character, he won\'t let any strangers approach him, let alone some idiots on the brain of sperm insects. When they see a little beautiful women, they start to get into heat.

His way of thinking about problems is very simple. He does what is good for himself and avoids what is bad for him.

As for whether it will cause damage to others, he doesn\'t care at all

As a sophisticated middle-aged man, Polman felt a chilling madness and indifference from his words. He subconsciously stimulated his spirit, quickly lowered his head to avoid eye contact and followed without saying a word.

In this way, they quickly came to the outermost room of the basement.

Zhang Cheng casually picked up a bottle of prepared primary treatment Potion on the shelf and handed it to the lawyer. The latter shook it gently in his hand and immediately asked in an uncertain tone, "is this... Magic medicine?"

"That\'s right! No matter how serious the trauma is, as long as one bottle goes down, it will stop bleeding immediately and accelerate wound healing. This bottle is for you. You can try it yourself." Zhang Cheng said casually.

"Oh? Really!" Polman was obviously surprised.

But the hesitation didn\'t last long. Just a few seconds later, he picked up a knife used to cut herbs and cut his left arm.


Scarlet blood gushed from a deep bone visible wound.

The severe pain made the lawyer\'s face look a little twisted. Then he pulled out the plug, raised his head and poured all the liquid medicine.

In the blink of an eye, abundant vitality flowed down the digestive system to the whole body. The wound that was still bleeding began to stop bleeding and scar quickly, and finally there was only a red mark left.

Obviously, the wound just now does not exceed the upper limit of the primary healing medicine. Otherwise, although it will stop bleeding, the wound will never heal so quickly.

Bolman stared at his arm, which was still stained with a lot of blood, and immediately exclaimed, "incredible! Incredible! Did you make this medicine? Can you make alchemy?"

Zhang Cheng smiled and nodded: "yes, I made it. How about it? Do you think the price is more appropriate if it is sold?"

"Sell?! my God! Don\'t you know? Potions have always been the most popular thing in the underground world! None! Now congressman miles, who controls the whole Brooklyn, won over most lords with his excellent alchemy, and finally succeeded. My suggestion is that you can use Alchemy to seek a territory for yourself first, Instead of using it to make money, "Polman waved his arm excitedly.

"Territory? What\'s the use?" Zhang Cheng asked with a puzzled face.

Although he probably knew that the "Lord" could enjoy some privileges in his territory, the specific number was not very clear.

"Of course it works! As a lord, you can collect 11 taxes in the territory, that is, you must pay 10% to the Lord for all transactions in the underground world. Secondly, the Lord has the right to participate in the annual auction. At that time, countless rare treasures and even rare slaves will appear in the auction. Finally, the most important thing is to become a Lord You are qualified to participate in the war game and launch an impact on the position of parliamentarians. Don\'t you desire great rights? "

In saying this, Polman has been carefully observing Zhang Cheng\'s reaction.

In his eyes, this is an opportunity, an opportunity to get rid of his embarrassing identity and climb up. Once missed, I\'m afraid there will never be a second time in his life.

As a little man who is called by the Lords, he dreams of gaining power and status in the underground world.

Zhang Cheng touched his chin for a moment and shook his head with a smile. "Ha ha, it sounds interesting. But the problem is, there are already 22 lords in Brooklyn. I\'m afraid there is no spare territory for me. Besides, I don\'t have time and energy to deal with the mess."

"No, my dear sir. You don\'t know yet. Senator Miles\'s life will soon come to an end. The Lords of Brooklyn will soon go to war. Some of them will die, some will be exiled, and a few will ascend the seat of Senator. At that time, many territories will be empty. You don\'t have to worry about management at all Heart, just find a good helper. "After saying that, Polman suddenly raised his head and revealed his undisguised desire and ambition in his eyes.

"Do you understand what you are doing?" Zhang Cheng raised his mouth and showed a playful expression.

Through a short conversation just now, he suddenly realized that there must be very few people in the world who can make magic potions, so he may be able to achieve some special purposes with the help of alchemy skills.

In addition, there is a very important message that the underground world in Brooklyn is about to usher in a power reshuffle. The recent abnormality is probably related to the struggle between the Lords.

Polman vowed: "yes! I know what I\'m doing! Sir! Please give me a chance! I\'ll prove myself with practical actions!"

"Well, let\'s try. If we fail, we won\'t lose much. But the ugly story goes ahead. What you do is personal behavior and has nothing to do with me. If you are in danger, I won\'t go back to save you. Tell me, how are you going to operate?" Zhang Cheng asked in front of the other party, Throw the root grass and silver leaf grass just collected yesterday into a beaker and stir gently.

After the solution inside turned yellow and green, quickly lit the alcohol lamp and began to heat. About ten seconds or so, the solution began to emit a faint pungent taste. After another three or four minutes, the solution gradually became viscous.

At the moment when he was about to solidify, he accurately injected arcane energy into it.


The yellow green jelly is evaporated into gas!

Without saying a word, Zhang Cheng picked up the funnel placed on the alchemy platform, fastened the beaker, and bit by bit filled the yellow and green gas into the test tube through the small mouth at the top to seal it.

After the gas in the test tube cools, it condenses into a clear and transparent potion, which is Azeroth\'s famous lion power potion.

Although in the game, it can only provide players with poor four points of strength, according to Zhang Cheng\'s test, the strength of Azeroth, an ordinary human farmer, is about 10 o\'clock, and the earth people who lack exercise are even worse, that is, 8 to 9 o\'clock.

A bottle of Lion King\'s power potion can give drinkers half the strength of adults. It can often play an unexpected role, especially in close combat.